Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
# For further information please visit or                 #
#                               #
In this module you find methods to parse/extract corelevel shifts from an
out.xml file of FLEUR.
# TODO clean up
# TODO together with xml_util, parser info handling, has to be also a return value of everything
# or rather throw exception on lowest level and catch at higher levels?

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import six
from lxml import etree  #, objectify

from import get_xml_attribute, eval_xpath, eval_xpath2

#import time
#start_time = time.time()

#calculation to extract from:
# either from list given here or system argument

#calcs_pks = []
#calcs_pks = [1464, 1462, 1399, 1403]#, 1059]#, 1414
#if not calcs_pks:
#    try:
#        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
#            calc_t = arg
#            calcs_pks.append(int(calc_t))
#    except:
#        pass
# check if calculation pks belong to successful fleur calculations
for pk in calcs_pks:
    calc = load_node(pk)
    if (not isinstance(calc, FleurCalc)):
        raise ValueError("Calculation with pk {} must be a FleurCalculation".format(pk))
    if calc.get_state() != 'FINISHED':
        raise ValueError("Calculation with pk {} must be in state FINISHED".format(pk))

def extract_lo_energies(outxmlfile, options=None):
    #TODO: how? out of DOS?

[docs]def extract_corelevels(outxmlfile, options=None): """ Extracts corelevels out of out.xml files :params outxmlfile: path to out.xml file :param options: A dict: 'iteration' : X/'all' :returns corelevels: A list of the form: .. code-block:: python [atomtypes][spin][dict={atomtype : '', corestates : list_of_corestates}] [atomtypeNumber][spin]['corestates'][corestate number][attribute] get corelevel energy of first atomtype, spin1, corelevels[0][0]['corestates'][i]['energy'] :example of output: .. code-block:: python [[{'atomtype': ' 1', 'corestates': [{'energy': -3.6489930627, 'j': ' 0.5', 'l': ' 0', 'n': ' 1', 'weight': 2.0}], 'eigenvalue_sum': ' -7.2979861254', 'kin_energy': ' 13.4757066163', 'spin': '1'}], [{'atomtype': ' 2', 'corestates': [{'energy': -3.6489930627, 'j': ' 0.5', 'l': ' 0', 'n': ' 1', 'weight': 2.0}], 'eigenvalue_sum': ' -7.2979861254', 'kin_energy': ' 13.4757066163', 'spin': '1'}]] """ ########################################## #1. read out.xml in etree #2. get all species #3. get number of atom types and their species #4 get corelevel dimension from atoms types. #5 init saving arrays: #list length number of atom types, which contains dictionaries: # in the form { 'species' : species, 'coresetup' : '', 'atom' : W , 'corelevels' : []} lists of corelevels from last iteration (Do i want all iterations, optional?) Or do I even want a dictionaries of corelevels? (but coresetup is in atom type info #6 parse corelevels: # get last iteration # fill corelevel list ####################################### ######################## #XPATHS to maintain species_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomSpecies' iteration_xpath = '/fleurOutput/scfLoop/iteration' atomgroup_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups' coreconfig_xpath = 'electronConfig/coreConfig/text()' valenceconfig_xpath = 'electronConfig/valenceConfig/text()' state_occ_xpath = 'electronConfig/stateOccupation' relcoreStates_xpath = 'coreStates' relpos_xpath = 'relPos' abspos_xpath = 'absPos' filmpos_xpath = 'filmPos' #TODO all the attribute names... ###################### #1. read out.xml in etree # TODO this should be common, moved somewhere else and importet parsed_data = {} outfile_broken = False parse_xml = True parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=False) #, remove_blank_text=True) parser_info = {'parser_warnings': [], 'unparsed': []} try: tree = etree.parse(outxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: outfile_broken = True #print 'broken xml' parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('The out.xml file is broken I try to repair it.') if outfile_broken: #repair xmlfile and try to parse what is possible. parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) #, remove_blank_text=True) try: tree = etree.parse(outxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Skipping the parsing of the xml file. Repairing was not possible.') parse_xml = False #if parse_xml: root = tree.getroot() # 2. get all species from input # get element, name, coreStates # TODO why can this not be eval_xpath2? species_nodes = eval_xpath(root, species_xpath, parser_info) species_atts = {} species_names = [] for species in species_nodes: species_name = species.get('name') species_corestates = species.get('coreStates') species_element = species.get('element') species_atomicnumber = species.get('atomicNumber') species_magMom = species.get('magMom') #TODO sometimes not in inp.xml... what if it is not there coreconfig = eval_xpath(species, coreconfig_xpath, parser_info) valenceconfig = eval_xpath(species, valenceconfig_xpath, parser_info) state_occ = eval_xpath2(species, state_occ_xpath, parser_info) #parse state occ state_results = [] for tag in state_occ: #always a list? state = tag.get('state') spinUp = tag.get('spinUp') spinDown = tag.get('spinDown') state_results.append({state: [spinUp, spinDown]}) species_atts[species_name] = { 'name': species_name, 'corestates': species_corestates, 'element': species_element, 'atomgroups': [], 'mag_mom': species_magMom, 'atomic_number': species_atomicnumber, 'coreconfig': coreconfig, 'valenceconfig': valenceconfig, 'stateOccupation': state_results } species_names.append(species_name) #3. get number of atom types and their species from input atomtypes = [] atomgroup_nodes = eval_xpath(root, atomgroup_xpath, parser_info) #/fleurinp/ # always a list? for atomgroup in atomgroup_nodes: types_dict = {} group_species = atomgroup.get('species') if group_species in species_names: species_atts[group_species]['atomgroups'].append(atomgroup) element = species_atts[group_species]['element'] atomicnumber = int(species_atts[group_species]['atomic_number']) coreconf = species_atts[group_species]['coreconfig'] valenceconf = species_atts[group_species]['valenceconfig'] stateocc = species_atts[group_species]['stateOccupation'] a = eval_xpath2(atomgroup, relpos_xpath, parser_info) + eval_xpath2(atomgroup, abspos_xpath, parser_info) + eval_xpath2( atomgroup, filmpos_xpath, parser_info) # always list natoms = len(a) types_dict = { 'species': group_species, 'element': element, 'atomic_number': atomicnumber, 'coreconfig': coreconf, 'valenceconfig': valenceconf, 'stateOccupation': stateocc, 'natoms': natoms } atomtypes.append(types_dict) #natomgroup = len(atomgroup_nodes) #print(natomgroup) corelevels = [] #4 get corelevel dimension from atoms types. #5 init saving arrays: #6 parse corelevels: iteration_nodes = eval_xpath2(root, iteration_xpath, parser_info) nIteration = len(iteration_nodes) if nIteration >= 1: iteration_to_parse = iteration_nodes[-1] #TODO:Optional all or other #print iteration_to_parse corestatescards = eval_xpath2(iteration_to_parse, relcoreStates_xpath, parser_info) # maybe does not return a list... for atype in atomtypes: # spin=2 is already in there corelevels.append([]) for corestatescard in corestatescards: corelv = parse_state_card(corestatescard, iteration_to_parse, parser_info) corelevels[int(corelv['atomtype']) - 1].append(corelv) # is corelv['atomtype'] always an integer? #print parser_info #pprint(corelevels[0][1]['corestates'][2]['energy']) #corelevels[atomtypeNumber][spin]['corestates'][corestate number][attribute] return corelevels, atomtypes
[docs]def parse_state_card(corestateNode, iteration_node, parser_info=None): """ Parses the ONE core state card :params corestateNode: an etree element (node), of a fleur output corestate card :params iteration_node: an etree element, iteration node :params jspin: integer 1 or 2 :returns: a pythondict of type: .. code-block:: python {'eigenvalue_sum' : eigenvalueSum, 'corestates': states, 'spin' : spin, 'kin_energy' : kinEnergy, 'atomtype' : atomtype} """ ##### all xpath of density convergence card (maintain) ######## coreStates_xpath = 'coreStates' state_xpath = 'state' units_name = 'units' value_name = 'value' distance_name = 'distance' n_name = 'n' j_name = 'j' l_name = 'l' energy_name = 'energy' weight_name = 'weight' spin_name = 'spin' kinEnergy_name = 'kinEnergy' eigenvalueSum_name = 'eigValSum' lostElectrons_name = 'lostElectrons' atomtype_name = 'atomType' ####### if parser_info is None: parser_info = {'parser_warnings': []} atomtype = get_xml_attribute(corestateNode, atomtype_name, parser_info) kinEnergy = get_xml_attribute(corestateNode, kinEnergy_name, parser_info) vE2, suc = convert_to_float(kinEnergy, parser_info) eigenvalueSum = get_xml_attribute(corestateNode, eigenvalueSum_name, parser_info) vE2, suc = convert_to_float(eigenvalueSum, parser_info) spin = get_xml_attribute(corestateNode, spin_name, parser_info) #print('spin {}'.format(spin)) #states = corestateNode.xpath( #for state in states: # get all corestate tags, (atomtypes * spin) #corestateNodes = eval_xpath(iteration_node, coreStates_xpath, parser_info) # for every corestate tag parse the attributes # some only the first interation, then get all state tags of the corestate tag (atom depended) # parse each core state #Attention to spin states = [] corestates = eval_xpath2(corestateNode, state_xpath) #, parser_info) for corestate in corestates: # be careful that corestates is a list state_dict = {} n_state = get_xml_attribute(corestate, n_name, parser_info) l_state = get_xml_attribute(corestate, l_name, parser_info) j_state = get_xml_attribute(corestate, j_name, parser_info) energy, suc = convert_to_float(get_xml_attribute(corestate, energy_name, parser_info), parser_info) weight, suc = convert_to_float(get_xml_attribute(corestate, weight_name, parser_info), parser_info) state_dict = {'n': n_state, 'l': l_state, 'j': j_state, 'energy': energy, 'weight': weight} states.append(state_dict) core_states = { 'eigenvalue_sum': eigenvalueSum, 'corestates': states, 'spin': spin, 'kin_energy': kinEnergy, 'atomtype': atomtype } return core_states
# TODO should be used from somewhere else, probably double
[docs]def convert_to_float(value_string, parser_info=None): """ Tries to make a float out of a string. If it can't it logs a warning and returns True or False if convertion worked or not. :param value_string: a string :returns value: the new float or value_string: the string given :retruns: True or False """ if parser_info is None: parser_info = {'parser_warnings': []} try: value = float(value_string) except TypeError: parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Could not convert: "{}" to float, TypeError'.format(value_string)) return value_string, False except ValueError: parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Could not convert: "{}" to float, ValueError'.format(value_string)) return value_string, False return value, True
''' ### call test_outxmlfiles = ['./out.xml', './test_outxml/outCuF.xml', './test_outxml/outFe.xml', './test_outxml/outHg.xml', './test_outxml/outO.xml'] outxmlfile = test_outxmlfiles[2] corelevels = extract_corelevels(outxmlfile) for i in range(0,len(corelevels[0][1]['corestates'])): print corelevels[0][1]['corestates'][i]['energy'] for calc in calcs_pks: pass # get out.xml file of calculation outxml = load_node(pk).out.retrieved.folder.get_abs_path('out.xml') extract_corelevels(outxml) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) ''' # TODO this is prob doubled is also in init_cls wc
[docs]def clshifts_to_be(coreleveldict, reference_dict, warn=False): """ This methods converts corelevel shifts to binding energies, if a reference is given. These can than be used for plotting. :params reference_dict: An example: .. code-block:: python reference_dict = {'W' : {'4f7/2' : [124], '4f5/2' : [102]}, 'Be' : {'1s': [117]}} :params coreleveldict: An example: .. code-block:: python coreleveldict = {'W' : {'4f7/2' : [0.4, 0.3, 0.4 ,0.1], '4f5/2' : [0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1]}, 'Be' : {'1s': [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.1, 0.3]} """ # this block of comments was extracted from the docstring # I did not understand where it belongs # {'Be': {'1s': [117, 117.2, 117.4, 117.1, 117.3]}, # 'W': {'4f5/2': [102, 102.3, 102.4, 102.1], # '4f7/2': [124.4, 124.3, 124.4, 124.1]}} return_corelevel_dict = {} for elem, corelevel_dict in six.iteritems(coreleveldict): ref_el = reference_dict.get(elem, {}) if not ref_el: # no refernce for that element given if warn: print(("WARNING: Reference for element: '{}' not given. " 'I ignore these.'.format(elem))) continue return_corelevel_dict[elem] = {} for corelevel_name, corelevel_list in six.iteritems(corelevel_dict): ref_cl = ref_el.get(corelevel_name, []) if not ref_cl: # no reference corelevel given for that element if warn: print(("WARNING: Reference corelevel '{}' for element: '{}' " 'not given. I ignore these.'.format(corelevel_name, elem))) continue be_all = [] nref = len(ref_cl) ncl = len(corelevel_list) if nref == ncl: for i, corelevel in enumerate(corelevel_list): be = corelevel + ref_cl[i] be_all.append(be) else: for corelevel in corelevel_list: be = corelevel + ref_cl[0] be_all.append(be) return_corelevel_dict[elem][corelevel_name] = be_all return return_corelevel_dict