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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
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In here we put all things (methods) that are common to workflows AND DO NOT
depend on AiiDA classes, therefore can be used without loading the dbenv.
Util that does depend on AiiDA classes should go somewhere else.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from math import gcd
import six

from sympy import Symbol

[docs]def convert_formula_to_formula_unit(formula): """ Converts a formula to the smallest chemical formula unit 'Be4W2' -> 'Be2W' """ # get formula dict # find greatest common divider of values # form formula unit string element_count_dict = get_natoms_element(formula) nelements = list(element_count_dict.values()) g = int(nelements[0]) for a2 in nelements: a2 = int(a2) g = gcd(g, a2) formula_unit_string = '' for key, val in six.iteritems(element_count_dict): new_val = int(val / g) if new_val == 1: new_val = '' formula_unit_string = formula_unit_string + '{}{}'.format(key, new_val) return formula_unit_string
[docs]def get_natoms_element(formula): """ Converts 'Be24W2' to {'Be': 24, 'W' : 2}, also BeW to {'Be' : 1, 'W' : 1} """ import re elem_count_dict = {} elements = re.findall('[A-Z][^A-Z]*', formula) #re.split('(\D+)', formula) for i, elm in enumerate(elements): elem_count = re.findall(r'\D+|\d+\.\d+|\d+', elm) #print(elem_count) if len(elem_count) == 1: elem_count_dict[elem_count[0]] = 1 else: elem_count_dict[elem_count[0]] = float(elem_count[1]) return elem_count_dict
# test #get_natoms_element('BeW') #get_natoms_element('Be2W')
[docs]def convert_frac_formula(formula, max_digits=3): """ Converts a formula with fractions to a formula with integer factors only Be0.5W0.5 -> BeW :param formula: str, crystal formula i.e. Be2W, Be0.2W0.7 :param max_digits: int default=3, number of digits after which fractions will be cut off :returns: string """ form_dict = get_natoms_element(formula) formula_int = '' for key, val in form_dict.items(): formula_int = formula_int + key + str(int(val * 10**max_digits)) return convert_formula_to_formula_unit(formula_int)
#test #convert_frac_formula('Be0.3W0.7') -> Be3W7 #convert_frac_formula('Be0.5W0.5') -> BeW #convert_frac_formula('Be3W7') -> Be3W7
[docs]def ucell_to_atompr(ratio, formulas, element, error_ratio=None): """ Converts unit cell ratios into atom ratios. len(ratio) == len(formulas) (== len(error_ratio)) ucell_to_atompr([10, 1, 7], ['Be12Ti', 'Be17Ti2', 'Be2'], element='Be', [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) """ import numpy as np if error_ratio is None: error_ratio = [] atompro = [] atompro_err = [] if len(ratio) != len(formulas): return n_atoms_formula = [] for formula in formulas: res = get_natoms_element(formula) n_atoms_formula.append(res.get(element, 0)) atompro = np.array(ratio) * np.array(n_atoms_formula) total = sum(atompro) atompro = atompro / total if len(error_ratio): atompro_err_t = np.array(error_ratio) * np.array(n_atoms_formula) e_sum = np.sqrt(sum(atompro_err_t**2)) atompro_err = 1 / total * (np.sqrt(atompro_err_t**2 + (atompro * e_sum)**2)) return atompro, atompro_err
[docs]def calc_stoi(unitcellratios, formulas, error_ratio=None): """ Calculate the Stoichiometry with errors from a given unit cell ratio, formulas. Example: calc_stoi([10, 1, 7], ['Be12Ti', 'Be17Ti2', 'Be2'], [0.1, 0.01, 0.1]) ({'Be': 12.583333333333334, 'Ti': 1.0}, {'Be': 0.12621369924887876, 'Ti': 0.0012256517540566825}) calc_stoi([10, 1, 7], ['Be12Ti', 'Be17Ti2', 'Be2']) ({'Be': 12.583333333333334, 'Ti': 1.0}, {}) """ import numpy as np if error_ratio is None: error_ratio = [] stoi = {} if len(unitcellratios) != len(formulas): return errors_stoi = {} for i, formula in enumerate(formulas): res = get_natoms_element(formula) for element, val in six.iteritems(res): stoi_elm = stoi.get(element, 0) stoi[element] = stoi_elm + val * unitcellratios[i] if len(error_ratio): errors = errors_stoi.get(element, 0) errors_stoi[element] = errors + val * val * error_ratio[i] * error_ratio[i] # make smallest number always one. vals = list(stoi.values()) minv = min(vals) keymin = list(stoi.keys())[vals.index(minv)] norm_stoi = {} for key, val in six.iteritems(stoi): norm_stoi[key] = stoi[key] / minv if len(error_ratio): errors_stoi[key] = 1 / stoi[keymin] * np.sqrt( (errors_stoi[key]**2 + (stoi[key] / stoi[keymin] * errors_stoi[keymin])**2)) return norm_stoi, errors_stoi
[docs]def get_atomprocent(formula): """ This converts a formula to a dictionary with element : atomprocent example converts 'Be24W2' to {'Be': 24/26, 'W' : 2/26}, also BeW to {'Be' : 0.5, 'W' : 0.5} :params: formula: string :returns: a dict, element : atomprocent # Todo alternative with structuredata """ form_dict_new = {} form_dict = get_natoms_element(formula) ntotal = sum(form_dict.values()) for key, val in six.iteritems(form_dict): val_new = float(val) / ntotal form_dict_new[key] = val_new return form_dict_new
# test ''' def get_weight_procent(formula): """ This converts a formula to a dictionary with element : weightprocent example converts 'Be24W2' to {'Be': , 'W' : }, also BeW to {'Be' : , 'W' : } :params: formula: string :returns: a dict, element : weightprocent # Todo alternative with structuredata """ pass ''' #def norm_total_energy_peratom(totalenergy, formula) #def norm_total_energy_perunitcell(totalenergy, )
[docs]def determine_formation_energy(struc_te_dict, ref_struc_te_dict): """ This method determines the formation energy. E_form = E(A_xB_y) - x*E(A) - y*E(B) :params struc_te_dict: python dictionary in the form of {'formula' : total_energy} for the compound(s) :params ref_struc_te_dict: python dictionary in the form of {'formula' : total_energy per atom, or per unit cell} for the elements (if the formula of the elements contains a number the total energy is divided by that number) :returns: list of floats, dict {formula : eform, ..} units energy/per atom, energies have some unit as energies given """ #eform_list = [] eform_dict = {} #ref_el = ref_struc_te_dict.keys() ref_struc_te_dict_norm = ref_struc_te_dict #{} # assume reference to be normalized # normalize reference #for key, val in ref_struc_te_dict.iteritems(): ## elem_n = get_natoms_element(key) # ref_struc_te_dict_norm[elem_n.keys()[0]] = val / elem_n.values()[0] ref_el_norm = list(ref_struc_te_dict_norm.keys()) for formula, tE in six.iteritems(struc_te_dict): elements_count = get_natoms_element(formula) ntotal = float(sum(elements_count.values())) print(ntotal) eform = tE #abs(tE) for elem, count in six.iteritems(elements_count): if elem in ref_el_norm: eform = eform - count * ref_struc_te_dict_norm.get(elem) #abs(ref_struc_te_dict.get(elem)) else: print(('Reference energy missing for element {}. ' 'You need to provide reference energies for all elements in you compound.' ''.format(elem))) eform_dict[formula] = eform / ntotal #eform_list.append(eform/ntotal) return list(eform_dict.values()), eform_dict
# test #determine_formation_energy({'BeW' : 2, 'Be2W' : 2.5}, {'Be' : 1, 'W' : 1})
[docs]def determine_convex_hull(formation_en_grid): """ Wraps the pyhull packge implementing the qhull algo for our purposes. For now only for 2D phase diagrams Adds the points [1.0, 0.0] and [0.0, 1.0], because in material science these are always there. :params: formation_en_grid: list of points in phase space [[x, formation_energy]] :returns: a hul datatype """ import numpy as np #from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull # Buggy in python 3... some ugly segfault from pyhull.convex_hull import ConvexHull # TODO multi d # check if endpoints are in if [1.0, 0.0] not in formation_en_grid: formation_en_grid.append([1.0, 0.0]) if [0.0, 0.0] not in formation_en_grid: formation_en_grid.append([0.0, 0.0]) points = np.array(formation_en_grid) hull = ConvexHull(points) return hull
[docs]def inpgen_dict_set_mesh(inpgendict, mesh): """ params: python dict, used for inpgen parameterdata node params: mesh either as returned by kpointsdata or tuple of 3 integers returns: python dict, used for inpgen parameterdata node """ if len(mesh) == 2: kmesh = mesh[0] elif len(mesh) == 3: kmesh = mesh kpt_dict = inpgendict.get('kpt', {}) kpt_dict['div1'] = kmesh[0] kpt_dict['div2'] = kmesh[1] kpt_dict['div3'] = kmesh[2] inpgendict_new = inpgendict inpgendict_new['kpt'] = kpt_dict return inpgendict_new
# test #inpgen_dict_set_mesh(Be_para.get_dict(), mesh)
[docs]def powerset(L): """ Constructs the power set, 'potenz Menge' of a given list. return list: of all possible subsets """ import itertools pset = [] for n in range(len(L) + 1): for sset in itertools.combinations(L, n): pset.append(sset) return pset
#a = powerset([1, 2, 3, 4]) #a = powerset(['Be', 'Be2W', 'Be12W', 'Be22W', 'W']) #print(a) #print(len(a))
[docs]def determine_reactions(formula, available_data): """ Determines and balances theoretical possible reaction. Stoichiometry 'Be12W', [Be12W, Be2W, Be, W, Be22W] -> [[Be22W+Be2W], [Be12W], [Be12+W],...] :params formula: string, given educts (left side of equation) :params available_data: list of strings of compounds (products), from which all possibilities will be constructed """ # 1. for each compound try to balance equation # 2. for each compound with any other compound in list, try to balance equation # 3. for each compound with each two other compounds ... till other compounds reactions = [] constructed_products = [] pset_available_data = powerset(available_data) # if len available_data to large cut off? for i, dataset in enumerate(pset_available_data): productstring = '' if len(dataset) < 1: continue for entry in dataset: productstring = productstring + '{}+'.format(entry) productstring = productstring[:-1] constructed_products.append(productstring) pos_reaction = '{}->{}'.format(formula, productstring) bal_reaction = balance_equation(pos_reaction, allow_negativ=False, allow_zero=False, eval_linear=True) # We do not allow zero coefficients of products, because the resulting equation should already be in our list. if bal_reaction: # TODO post process (i.e are remove 0 compounds) reactions.append(bal_reaction) else: continue return reactions
# test # reac = determine_reactions('Be12W', ['Be12W', 'Be2W', 'Be', 'W', 'Be22W']) #print(reac ['1*Be12W->1*Be12W', '1*Be12W->1*Be2W+10*Be', '2*Be12W->1*Be2W+1*Be22W', # '1*Be12W->12*Be+1*W', '11*Be12W->5*W+6*Be22W']) #reac = determine_reactions('Be12Ti', ['Be12Ti', 'Be17Ti2', 'BeTi', 'Ti', 'Be', 'Be2Ti', 'Be8Ti4']) #print(reac ['1*Be12Ti->1*Be12Ti', '2*Be12Ti->1*Be17Ti2+7*Be', '1*Be12Ti->1*BeTi+11*Be', # '1*Be12Ti->1*Ti+12*Be', '1*Be12Ti->10*Be+1*Be2Ti', '4*Be12Ti->40*Be+1*Be8Ti4'])
[docs]def convert_eq_to_dict(equationstring): """ Converts an equation string to a dictionary convert_eq_to_dict('1*Be12Ti->10*Be+1*Be2Ti+5*Be') -> {'products': {'Be': 15, 'Be2Ti': 1}, 'educts': {'Be12Ti': 1}} """ eq_dict = {'products': {}, 'educts': {}} product_dict = {} educt_dict = {} eq_split = equationstring.split('->') products = eq_split[1].split('+') educts = eq_split[0].split('+') for product in products: p_list = product.split('*') product_dict[p_list[-1]] = int(p_list[0]) + product_dict.get(p_list[-1], 0) for educt in educts: e_list = educt.split('*') educt_dict[e_list[-1]] = int(e_list[0]) + educt_dict.get(e_list[-1], 0) eq_dict['products'] = product_dict eq_dict['educts'] = educt_dict return eq_dict
# test convert_eq_to_dict('1*Be12Ti->10*Be+1*Be2Ti+5*Be') # {'products': {'Be': 15, 'Be2Ti': 1}, 'educts': {'Be12Ti': 1}}
[docs]def get_enhalpy_of_equation(reaction, formenergydict): """ calculate the enthalpy per atom of a given reaction from the given data. param reaction: string param fromenergydict: dictionary that contains the {compound: formationenergy per atom} # TODO check if physics is right """ reac_dict = convert_eq_to_dict(reaction) educt_energy = 0 product_energy = 0 for compound, factor in six.iteritems(reac_dict.get('educts', {})): compound_e = 0 try: compound_e = formenergydict.get(compound, 0) except KeyError: print(('Formation energy of compound {} not given in {}.' 'I abort...'.format(compound, formenergydict))) compound_e = 0 # can be that educt side is not a real 'compound' but just a stoichiometry # so we give it 0 #return None educt_energy = educt_energy + factor * compound_e for compound, factor in six.iteritems(reac_dict.get('products', {})): try: compound_e = formenergydict.get(compound) except KeyError: print(('Formation energy of compound {} not given in {}.' 'I abort...'.format(compound, formenergydict))) compound_e = 0 return None product_energy = product_energy + factor * compound_e return educt_energy - product_energy
[docs]def balance_equation(equation_string, allow_negativ=False, allow_zero=False, eval_linear=True): """ Method that balances a chemical equation. param equation_string: string (with '->') param allow_negativ: bool, default False, allows for negative coefficients for the products. return string: balanced equation balance_equation("C7H16+O2 -> CO2+H2O")) balance_equation("Be12W->Be22W+Be12W") balance_equation("Be12W->Be12W") have to be intergers everywhere in the equation, factors and formulas 1*C7H16+11*O2 ->7* CO2+8*H2O None 1*Be12W->1*Be12W #TODO The solver better then what we need. Currently if system is over #"Be12W->Be2W+W+Be" solves to {a: 24, b: -d/2 + 144, c: d/2 - 120}-> FAIL-> None # The code fails in the later stage, but this solution should maybe be used. code adapted from stack exchange (the messy part): """ import sys import re from sympy.solvers import solve from sympy.core.numbers import Rational, Integer from collections import defaultdict letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' Ls = list(letters) eq = equation_string Ss, Os, Es, a, i = defaultdict(list), Ls[:], [], 1, 1 for p in eq.split('->'): for k in p.split('+'): c = [Ls.pop(0), 1] for e, m in re.findall('([A-Z][a-z]?)([0-9]*)', k): m = 1 if m == '' else int(m) a *= m d = [c[0], c[1] * m * i] Ss[e][:0], Es[:0] = [d], [[e, d]] i = -1 Ys = {} # dict((s, eval('Symbol("' + s + '")')) for s in Os if s not in Ls) for s in Os: if s not in Ls: Ys[s] = Symbol(str(s)) #a = '+'.join('%d*%s' % (c[1], c[0]) for c in Ss[s]) #print(a) Qs = [ eval( # pylint: disable=eval-used '+'.join('%d*%s' % (c[1], c[0]) for c in Ss[s]), {}, Ys) for s in Ss ] + [Ys['a'] - a] # FIXME #Qs = [] #for s in Ss: # res1 = '' # for c in s: # prod = '%d*%s' % (c[1], c[0]) # res1 = res1 + '+' + prod # Qs.append(res1) #Qs + [Ys['a'] - a] k = solve(Qs, *Ys) if k: # if a solution is found multiply by gcd # TODO? check if solution has linear dependence: and evaluate #for c in k.values(): # for char in list(letters): # if char in str(c): # pass N = [] #[k[Ys[s]]for s in sorted(Ys)] rescale_N = False denom_list = [] for s in sorted(Ys): n = k[Ys[s]] # idea: check if char in n, then linear depended, then try: # since solver gives also a linear depended solution if correct, but code fails then if n < 0 and not allow_negativ: # We allow for 0 but might be an other case to think about return None except TypeError: return None # TODO Maybe other return value... maybe list of some values for # linear dependencies, d,e,....? also choose them that the value is positive...? if n == 0 and not allow_zero: return None N.append(n) # Rationals are a problem in gcd, so we have to get rid of them if isinstance(n, Rational): rescale_N = True denom_list.append(n.as_numer_denom()[1]) if rescale_N: multiplier = 1 for denom in denom_list: multiplier = multiplier * int(denom) N = [int(n * multiplier) for n in N] g = N[0] for a1, a2 in zip(N[0::2], N[0::2]): g = gcd(g, a2) N = [int(i / g) for i in N] pM = lambda c: str(c) + '*' # if c!=1 else '' res = '->'.join('+'.join(pM(N.pop(0)) + str(t) for t in p.split('+')) for p in eq.split('->')) return res else: return None
[docs]def check_eos_energies(energylist): """ Checks if there is an abnormality in the total energies from the Equation of states. i.e. if one point has a larger energy then its two neighbors :param energylist: list of floats :returns nnormalies: integer """ # TODO: possible improvements look at all differences, and introduce a threshold # Also look at several points... abnormalityindexlist = [] abnormality = False i = 0 for x, y, z in zip(energylist, energylist[1:], energylist[2:]): i = i + 1 if x < y > z: abnormality = True abnormalityindexlist.append(i) print((x, y, z)) print('annormly detected') return abnormality, abnormalityindexlist