Source code for

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
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Collection of utility routines dealing with StructureData objects
# TODO move imports to workfuncitons namespace?

# from ase import *
# from ase.lattice.surface import *
# from import *

from pymatgen.core.surface import generate_all_slabs  #, get_symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices
from pymatgen.core.surface import SlabGenerator

import numpy as np

from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.orm import load_node
from import Site, Kind
from aiida.engine.processes.functions import calcfunction as cf

[docs]def is_structure(structure): """ Test if the given input is a StructureData node, by object, id, or pk :param structure: AiiDA StructureData :return: if yes returns a StructureData node in all cases, if no returns None """ from aiida.common import NotExistent StructureData = DataFactory('structure') # Test if StructureData if isinstance(structure, StructureData): return structure try: structure = load_node(structure) if isinstance(structure, StructureData): return structure else: return None except NotExistent: return None
[docs]def is_primitive(structure): """ Checks if a structure is primitive or not, :param structure: AiiDA StructureData :return: True if the structure can not be anymore refined. prints False if the structure can be futher refined. """ refined_cell = find_primitive_cell(structure) prim = False if all(x in structure.cell for x in refined_cell.cell): prim = True return prim
[docs]@cf def rescale(inp_structure, scale): """ Rescales a crystal structures Volume, atoms stay at their same relative postions, therefore the absolute postions change. Keeps the provenance in the database. :param inp_structure: a StructureData node (pk, or uuid) :param scale: float scaling factor for the cell :return: New StructureData node with rescalled structure, which is linked to input Structure and None if inp_structure was not a StructureData """ return rescale_nowf(inp_structure, scale)
[docs]def rescale_nowf(inp_structure, scale): """ Rescales a crystal structures Volume, atoms stay at their same relative postions, therefore the absolute postions change. DOES NOT keep the provenance in the database. :param inp_structure: a StructureData node (pk, or uuid) :param scale: float scaling factor for the cell :return: New StructureData node with rescalled structure, which is linked to input Structure and None if inp_structure was not a StructureData """ # test if structure: structure = is_structure(inp_structure) if not structure: # TODO: log something return None the_ase = structure.get_ase() new_ase = the_ase.copy() new_ase.set_cell(the_ase.get_cell() * np.power(float(scale), 1.0 / 3), scale_atoms=True) rescaled_structure = DataFactory('structure')(ase=new_ase) rescaled_structure.label = '{} rescaled'.format(scale) #, structure.uuid) #uuids in node labels are bad for caching rescaled_structure.pbc = structure.pbc return rescaled_structure
[docs]@cf def supercell(inp_structure, n_a1, n_a2, n_a3): """ Creates a super cell from a StructureData node. Keeps the provenance in the database. :param StructureData: a StructureData node (pk, or uuid) :param scale: tuple of 3 AiiDA integers, number of cells in a1, a2, a3, or if cart =True in x,y,z :return: StructureData Node with supercell """ superc = supercell_ncf(inp_structure, n_a1, n_a2, n_a3) formula = inp_structure.get_formula() return superc
[docs]def supercell_ncf(inp_structure, n_a1, n_a2, n_a3): """ Creates a super cell from a StructureData node. Does NOT keeps the provenance in the database. :param StructureData: a StructureData node (pk, or uuid) :param scale: tuple of 3 AiiDA integers, number of cells in a1, a2, a3, or if cart=True in x,y,z :return: StructureData Node with supercell """ # print('in create supercell') # test if structure: structure = is_structure(inp_structure) if not structure: # TODO: log something return None old_cell = structure.cell old_a1 = old_cell[0] old_a2 = old_cell[1] old_a3 = old_cell[2] old_sites = structure.sites old_pbc = structure.pbc na1 = int(n_a1) na2 = int(n_a2) na3 = int(n_a3) # new cell new_a1 = [i * na1 for i in old_a1] new_a2 = [i * na2 for i in old_a2] new_a3 = [i * na3 for i in old_a3] new_cell = [new_a1, new_a2, new_a3] new_structure = DataFactory('structure')(cell=new_cell, pbc=old_pbc) # insert atoms # first create all kinds old_kinds = structure.kinds for kind in old_kinds: new_structure.append_kind(kind) # scale n_a1 for site in old_sites: # get atom position kn = site.kind_name pos_o = site.position for j in range(na1): pos = [pos_o[i] + j * old_a1[i] for i in range(0, len(old_a1))] new_structure.append_site(Site(kind_name=kn, position=pos)) # scale n_a2 o_sites = new_structure.sites for site in o_sites: # get atom position kn = site.kind_name pos_o = site.position for j in range(1, na2): # j=0 these sites/atoms are already added pos = [pos_o[i] + j * old_a2[i] for i in range(0, len(old_a2))] new_structure.append_site(Site(kind_name=kn, position=pos)) # scale n_a3 o_sites = new_structure.sites for site in o_sites: # get atom position kn = site.kind_name pos_o = site.position for j in range(1, na3): # these sites/atoms are already added pos = [pos_o[i] + j * old_a3[i] for i in range(0, len(old_a3))] new_structure.append_site(Site(kind_name=kn, position=pos)) formula = inp_structure.get_formula() new_structure.label = 'supercell of {}'.format(formula) new_structure.description = '{}x{}x{} supercell of {}'.format(n_a1, n_a2, n_a3, formula) return new_structure
# Structure util # after ths is in plugin code import these in fleurinp.
[docs]def abs_to_rel(vector, cell): """ Converts a position vector in absolute coordinates to relative coordinates. :param vector: list or np.array of length 3, vector to be converted :param cell: Bravais matrix of a crystal 3x3 Array, List of list or np.array :return: list of legth 3 of scaled vector, or False if vector was not length 3 """ if len(vector) == 3: cell_np = np.array(cell) inv_cell_np = np.linalg.inv(cell_np) postionR = np.array(vector) # np.matmul(inv_cell_np, postionR)# new_rel_post = np.matmul(postionR, inv_cell_np) new_rel_pos = list(new_rel_post) return new_rel_pos else: return False
[docs]def abs_to_rel_f(vector, cell, pbc): """ Converts a position vector in absolute coordinates to relative coordinates for a film system. :param vector: list or np.array of length 3, vector to be converted :param cell: Bravais matrix of a crystal 3x3 Array, List of list or np.array :param pbc: Boundary conditions, List or Tuple of 3 Boolean :return: list of legth 3 of scaled vector, or False if vector was not length 3 """ # TODO this currently only works if the z-coordinate is the one with no pbc # Therefore if a structure with x non pbc is given this should also work. # maybe write a 'tranform film to fleur_film routine'? if len(vector) == 3: if not pbc[2]: # leave z coordinate absolute # convert only x and y. postionR = np.array(vector) postionR_f = np.array(postionR[:2]) cell_np = np.array(cell) cell_np = np.array(cell_np[0:2, 0:2]) inv_cell_np = np.linalg.inv(cell_np) # np.matmul(inv_cell_np, postionR_f)] new_xy = np.matmul(postionR_f, inv_cell_np) new_rel_pos_f = [new_xy[0], new_xy[1], postionR[2]] return new_rel_pos_f else: print('FLEUR can not handle this type of film coordinate') else: return False
[docs]def rel_to_abs(vector, cell): """ Converts a position vector in internal coordinates to absolute coordinates in Angstrom. :param vector: list or np.array of length 3, vector to be converted :param cell: Bravais matrix of a crystal 3x3 Array, List of list or np.array :return: list of legth 3 of scaled vector, or False if vector was not lenth 3 """ if len(vector) == 3: cell_np = np.array(cell) postionR = np.array(vector) new_abs_post = np.matmul(postionR, cell_np) new_abs_pos = list(new_abs_post) return new_abs_pos else: return False
[docs]def rel_to_abs_f(vector, cell): """ Converts a position vector in internal coordinates to absolute coordinates in Angstrom for a film structure (2D). """ # TODO this currently only works if the z-coordinate is the one with no pbc # Therefore if a structure with x non pbc is given this should also work. # maybe write a 'tranform film to fleur_film routine'? if len(vector) == 3: postionR = np.array(vector) postionR_f = np.array(postionR[:2]) cell_np = np.array(cell) cell_np = np.array(cell_np[0:2, 0:2]) new_xy = np.matmul(postionR_f, cell_np) new_abs_pos_f = [new_xy[0], new_xy[1], postionR[2]] return new_abs_pos_f else: return False
[docs]@cf def break_symmetry_wf(structure, wf_para, parameterdata=None): """ This is the calcfunction of the routine break_symmetry, which introduces different 'kind objects' in a structure and names them that inpgen will make different species/atomgroups out of them. If nothing specified breaks ALL symmetry (i.e. every atom gets their own kind) :param structure: StructureData :param wf_para: ParameterData which contains the keys atoms, sites, pos (see below) 'atoms': python list of symbols, exp: ['W', 'Be']. This would make for all Be and W atoms their own kinds. 'site': python list of integers, exp: [1, 4, 8]. This would create for atom 1, 4 and 8 their own kinds. 'pos': python list of tuples of 3, exp [(0.0, 0.0, -1.837927), ...]. This will create a new kind for the atom at that position. Be carefull the number given has to match EXACTLY the position in the structure. :param parameterdata: AiiDa ParameterData :return: StructureData, a AiiDA crystal structure with new kind specification. """ Dict = DataFactory('dict') if parameterdata is None: parameterdata = Dict(dict={}) wf_dict = wf_para.get_dict() atoms = wf_dict.get('atoms', ['all']) sites = wf_dict.get('site', []) pos = wf_dict.get('pos', []) new_kinds_names = wf_dict.get('new_kinds_names', {}) new_structure, para_new = break_symmetry(structure, atoms=atoms, site=sites, pos=pos, new_kinds_names=new_kinds_names, parameterdata=parameterdata) return {'new_structure': new_structure, 'new_parameters': para_new}
[docs]def break_symmetry(structure, atoms=None, site=None, pos=None, new_kinds_names=None, add_atom_base_lists=True, parameterdata=None): """ This routine introduces different 'kind objects' in a structure and names them that inpgen will make different species/atomgroups out of them. If nothing specified breaks ALL symmetry (i.e. every atom gets their own kind) :param structure: StructureData :param atoms: python list of symbols, exp: ['W', 'Be']. This would make for all Be and W atoms their own kinds. :param site: python list of integers, exp: [1, 4, 8]. This would create for atom 1, 4 and 8 their own kinds. :param pos: python list of tuples of 3, exp [(0.0, 0.0, -1.837927), ...]. This will create a new kind for the atom at that position. Be carefull the number given has to match EXACTLY the position in the structure. :param parameterdata: Dict node, containing calculation_parameters, however, this only works well if you prepare already a node for containing the atom lists from the symmetry breaking, or lists without ids. :param add_atom_base_lists: Bool (default True), if the atom base lists should be added or not :return: StructureData, a AiiDA crystal structure with new kind specification. :return: DictData, a AiiDA dict with new parameters for inpgen. """ if atoms is None: atoms = ['all'] if site is None: site = [] if pos is None: pos = [] if new_kinds_names is None: new_kinds_names = {} write_new_kind_names = False else: write_new_kind_names = True from aiida.common.constants import elements as PeriodicTableElements from aiida.orm import Dict _atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PeriodicTableElements.items()} # get all atoms, get the symbol of the atom # if wanted make individual kind for that atom # kind names will be atomsymbol+number # create new structure with new kinds and atoms symbol_count = {} # Counts the atom symbol occurrence to set id's and kind names right replace = [] # all atoms symbols ('W') to be replaced replace_siteN = [] # all site integers to be replaced replace_pos = [] # all the atom positions to be replaced para_new = None kind_name_id_mapping = {} struc = is_structure(structure) if not struc: print('Error, no structure given') # throw error? return None, None cell = struc.cell pbc = struc.pbc sites = struc.sites new_structure = DataFactory('structure')(cell=cell, pbc=pbc) for sym in atoms: replace.append(sym) for position in pos: replace_pos.append(position) for atom in site: replace_siteN.append(atom) for i, site_c in enumerate(sites): # get site info kind_name = site_c.kind_name pos = site_c.position kind = struc.get_kind(kind_name) symbol = kind.symbol replace_kind = False # check if kind to replace is in inputs if symbol in replace or 'all' in replace: replace_kind = True if pos in replace_pos: replace_kind = True if i in replace_siteN: replace_kind = True if replace_kind: symbol_count[symbol] = symbol_count.get(symbol, 0) + 1 symbol_new_kinds_names = new_kinds_names.get(symbol, []) if symbol_new_kinds_names and ((len(symbol_new_kinds_names)) == symbol_count[symbol]): newkindname = symbol_new_kinds_names[symbol_count[symbol] - 1] kind_name_id_mapping[newkindname] = symbol_count[symbol] - 1 else: newkindname = '{}{}'.format(symbol, symbol_count[symbol]) kind_name_id_mapping[newkindname] = symbol_count[symbol] new_kind = Kind(name=newkindname, symbols=symbol) new_structure.append_kind(new_kind) else: newkindname = kind_name if not kind_name in new_structure.get_kind_names(): new_structure.append_kind(kind) new_structure.append_site(Site(kind_name=newkindname, position=pos)) # update parameter data if parameterdata is not None: # TODO This may not enough, since for magnetic systems one need a kind mapping # i.e if the parameters are for a partly 'pre symmetry broken system' # and we want to keep track from which 'old' kind which new kind spawn para_new = adjust_calc_para_to_structure(parameterdata, new_structure, add_atom_base_lists=add_atom_base_lists, write_new_kind_names=write_new_kind_names) new_structure.label = structure.label new_structure.description = structure.description + 'more kinds, less sym' return new_structure, para_new
[docs]def adjust_calc_para_to_structure(parameter, structure, add_atom_base_lists=True, write_new_kind_names=False): """ Adjust calculation parameters for inpgen to a given structure with several kinds Rules: 1. Only atom lists are changed in the parameter node 2. If at least one atomlist of a certain element is in parameter all kinds with this elements will have atomlists in the end 3. For a certain kind which has no atom list yet and at least one list with such an element exists it gets the parameters from the atom list with the lowest number (while atom<atom0<atom1) 4. Atom lists with ids are preserved :param parameter: aiida.orm.Dict node containing calc parameters :param structure: aiida.orm.StructureData node containing a crystal structure :param add_atom_base_lists: Bool (default True), if the atom base lists should be added or not :return: new aiida.orm.Dict with new calc_parameters """ from aiida.common.constants import elements as PeriodicTableElements from aiida import orm atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PeriodicTableElements.items()} param_new_dict = {} para_dict = parameter.get_dict() atom_lists = [] j = 1 for key in sorted(para_dict): val = para_dict[key] if 'atom' in key: atom_lists.append(val) if add_atom_base_lists: if not 'id' in val: atomlistname = 'atom{}'.format(j) param_new_dict[atomlistname] = val j = j + 1 else: param_new_dict[key] = val for i, kind in enumerate(structure.kinds): symbol = kind.symbol atomic_number = atomic_numbers.get(symbol) kind_name = try: # Kind names can be more then numbers now, this might need to be reworked # Every string without a number excepts and will be ignored/assumed covered by base lists head = kind_name.rstrip('0123456789') kind_namet = int(kind_name[len(head):]) except ValueError: # base lists are already added kind_namet = None should_id = None continue should_id = '{}.{}'.format(atomic_number, kind_namet) # check if atom list with id was given if yes use that one found_kind = False for atomlst in atom_lists: if atomlst.get('id', None) == should_id: #if atomlst.get('element', None) != symbol or atomlst.get('z', None) != atomic_number: # continue # None id, but wrong element atomlistname = 'atom{}'.format(j) param_new_dict[atomlistname] = atomlst j = j + 1 found_kind = True if found_kind: continue # we have to create a new list with right id # get first list which has element or charge in given list for atomlst in atom_lists: if atomlst.get('element', None) == symbol or atomlst.get('z', None) == atomic_number: new_alst = atomlst.copy() new_alst['id'] = should_id if write_new_kind_names: new_alst[u'name'] = kind_name atomlistname = 'atom{}'.format(j) param_new_dict[atomlistname] = new_alst j = j + 1 return orm.Dict(dict=param_new_dict)
[docs]def check_structure_para_consistent(parameter, structure, verbose=True): """ Check if the given calculation parameters for inpgen match to a given structure If parameter contains atom lists which do not fit to any kind in the structure, false is returned This knows how the FleurinputgenCalculation prepares structures. :param parameter: aiida.orm.Dict node containing calc parameters :param structure: aiida.orm.StructureData node containing a crystal structure :return: Boolean, True if parameter is consistent to structure """ from aiida.common.constants import elements as PeriodicTableElements atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PeriodicTableElements.items()} consistent = True para_dict = parameter.get_dict() kinds = structure.kinds kind_symbols = [kind.symbol for kind in kinds] kind_charges = [atomic_numbers[kind.symbol] for kind in kinds] kind_names = [ for kind in kinds] possible_ids = [] for i, kind_name in enumerate(kind_names): try: # Kind names can be more then numbers now, this might need to be reworked head = kind_name.rstrip('0123456789') kind_namet = int(kind_name[len(head):]) except ValueError: pass #print('Warning: Kind name {} will be ignored by a FleurinputgenCalculation and not set a charge number. id'. # format(kind_name)) else: atomic_number_name = '{}.{}'.format(kind_charges[i], kind_namet) possible_ids.append(atomic_number_name) # Id can also be integer number only? # Now perform the consitency check for key, val in para_dict.items(): if 'atom' in key: if 'z' in val: if val['z'] not in kind_charges: consistent = False if not verbose: print('Charge z in atomlist {} is not consistent with structure.'.format(key)) if 'element' in val: if val['element'] not in kind_symbols: consistent = False if not verbose: print('Element in atomlist {} is not consistent with structure.'.format(key)) if 'id' in val: if str(val['id']) not in possible_ids: consistent = False if not verbose: print('Id in atomlist {} is not consistent with kinds in structure.'.format(key)) return consistent
''' # TODO: Bug: parameter data production not many atoms list if break sym of everything def break_symmetry(structure, atoms=None, site=None, pos=None, new_kinds_names=None, add_atom_base_lists=False, parameterdata=None): """ This routine introduces different 'kind objects' in a structure and names them that inpgen will make different species/atomgroups out of them. If nothing specified breaks ALL symmetry (i.e. every atom gets their own kind) :param structure: StructureData :param atoms: python list of symbols, exp: ['W', 'Be']. This would make for all Be and W atoms their own kinds. :param site: python list of integers, exp: [1, 4, 8]. This would create for atom 1, 4 and 8 their own kinds. :param pos: python list of tuples of 3, exp [(0.0, 0.0, -1.837927), ...]. This will create a new kind for the atom at that position. Be carefull the number given has to match EXACTLY the position in the structure. :param parameterdata: Dict node, containing calculation_parameters, however, this only works well if you prepare already a node for containing the atom lists from the symmetry breaking, or lists without ids. :return: StructureData, a AiiDA crystal structure with new kind specification. :return: DictData, a AiiDA dict with new parameters for inpgen. """ if atoms is None: atoms = ['all'] if site is None: site = [] if pos is None: pos = [] if new_kinds_names is None: new_kinds_names = {} from aiida.common.constants import elements as PeriodicTableElements from aiida.orm import Dict _atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PeriodicTableElements.items()} # get all atoms, get the symbol of the atom # if wanted make individual kind for that atom # kind names will be atomsymbol+number # create new structure with new kinds and atoms # Param = DataFactory('dict') symbol_count = {} # Counts the atom symbol occurrence to set id's and kind names right replace = [] # all atoms symbols ('W') to be replaced replace_siteN = [] # all site integers to be replaced replace_pos = [] # all the atom positions to be replaced new_parameterd = None kind_name_id_mapping = {} struc = is_structure(structure) if not struc: print('Error, no structure given') # throw error? cell = struc.cell pbc = struc.pbc sites = struc.sites # natoms = len(sites) new_structure = DataFactory('structure')(cell=cell, pbc=pbc) for sym in atoms: replace.append(sym) for position in pos: replace_pos.append(position) for atom in site: replace_siteN.append(atom) for i, site_c in enumerate(sites): # get site info kind_name = site_c.kind_name pos = site_c.position kind = struc.get_kind(kind_name) symbol = kind.symbol replace_kind = False # check if kind to replace is in inputs if symbol in replace or 'all' in replace: replace_kind = True if pos in replace_pos: replace_kind = True if i in replace_siteN: replace_kind = True if replace_kind: symbol_count[symbol] = symbol_count.get(symbol, 0) + 1 symbol_new_kinds_names = new_kinds_names.get(symbol, []) if symbol_new_kinds_names and ((len(symbol_new_kinds_names)) == symbol_count[symbol]): newkindname = symbol_new_kinds_names[symbol_count[symbol] - 1] kind_name_id_mapping[newkindname] = symbol_count[symbol]-1 else: newkindname = '{}{}'.format(symbol, symbol_count[symbol]) kind_name_id_mapping[newkindname] = symbol_count[symbol] new_kind = Kind(name=newkindname, symbols=symbol) new_structure.append_kind(new_kind) else: newkindname = kind_name if not kind_name in new_structure.get_kind_names(): new_structure.append_kind(kind) new_structure.append_site(Site(kind_name=newkindname, position=pos)) # now we have to add an atom list to parameterdata with the corresponding id. # generate possible IDs #symbol_count_added = {symbol: 0 for symbol in symbol_count.keys()} symbol_possible_ids = {} for key, val in symbol_count.items(): symbol_possible_ids[key] = [i+1 for i in range(val)] new_parameterd = {} if parameterdata: para = parameterdata.get_dict() ''' ''' for i, kind in enumerate(new_structure.kinds): # for each kind in structure add an individual atom list to parameterdata with id # as long as there was some predefined atom list for such an element # use the first one you find as base for all new # if there is an atom list with such an id use that one atomlistname = 'atom{}'.format(i) symbol = kind.symbol kind_found = False for key in sorted(para): val = para[key] if 'atom' in key: # ignore atom lists elements not to break sym for. # we also only use the first one we find. # therefore best to give only one atom list per element if val.get('element', None) != symbol: if val.get('z', None) != _atomic_numbers.get(symbol): continue # we have a list of a kind we did something for el_id = str(val.get('id', '0.0')) # 0.0 because if case where id is no specified # cast str since sometimes people might give as float # id has the form Int.Int el_id = int(el_id.split('.')[1]) ids = symbol_possible_ids.get(symbol) if el_id in ids: #id_a == el_id and el_id > 0: new_parameterd[atomlistname] = val ids.remove(el_id) symbol_possible_ids[symbol] = ids kind_found = True break # we assume the user is smart and provides a para node, # which incorporates the symmetry breaking already # but we need to see all atom lists to know if it is there... if kind_found: continue for key in sorted(para): val = para[key] if 'atom' in key: if val.get('element', None) != symbol: if val.get('z', None) != _atomic_numbers.get(symbol): continue el_id = str(val.get('id', '0.0')) el_id = int(el_id.split('.')[1]) ids = symbol_possible_ids.get(symbol) # copy parameter of symbol and add id # this would be the lowest predefined atom list of an element val_new = {} val_new.update(val) charge = _atomic_numbers.get((val.get('element', None))) if charge is None: charge = val.get('z', None) idp = '{}.{}'.format(charge, ids[0]) ids.remove(el_id) idp = float('{0:.2f}'.format(float(idp))) # dot cannot be stored in AiiDA dict... val_new.update({u'id': idp}) atomlistname = 'atom{}'.format(i)#id_a) # Since there are other atoms list also find the next # free atom key. #j = 0 #while new_parameterd.get(atomlistname, {}): # j = j + 1 # atomlistname = 'atom{}'.format(id_a + i) #symbol_new_kinds_names = new_kinds_names.get(symbol, []) # print(symbol_new_kinds_names) #if symbol_new_kinds_names and ((len(symbol_new_kinds_names)) == symbol_count[symbol]): # species_name = symbol_new_kinds_names[symbol_count[symbol] - 1] # val_new.update({u'name': species_name}) new_parameterd[atomlistname] = val_new break # max one new atom list per kind ''' ''' # add other non atom keys from original parameterdata for key, val in para.items(): if 'atom' not in key: new_parameterd[key] = val elif add_atom_base_lists: if not 'id' in val: new_parameterd[key] = val para_new = Dict(dict=new_parameterd) else: para_new = None print(new_parameterd) new_structure.label = structure.label new_structure.description = structure.description + 'more kinds, less sym' return new_structure, para_new '''
[docs]def find_equi_atoms(structure): # , sitenumber=0, position=None): """ This routine uses spglib and ASE to provide informations of all equivivalent atoms in the cell. :param structure: AiiDA StructureData :return: equi_info_symbol, list of lists ['element': site_indexlist, ...] len(equi_info_symbol) = number of symmetryatomtypes and n_equi_info_symbol, dict {'element': numberequiatomstypes} """ import spglib equi_info = [] equi_info_symbol = [] n_equi_info_symbol = {} k_symbols = {} s_ase = structure.get_ase() sym = spglib.get_symmetry(s_ase, symprec=1e-5) equi = sym['equivalent_atoms'] unique = np.unique(equi) for uni in unique: equi_info.append(np.where(equi == uni)[0]) sites = structure.sites kinds = structure.kinds for kind in kinds: k_symbols[] = kind.symbol for equi in equi_info: kind = sites[equi[0]].kind_name element = k_symbols[kind] n_equi_info_symbol[element] = n_equi_info_symbol.get(element, 0) + 1 equi_info_symbol.append([element, equi]) return equi_info_symbol, n_equi_info_symbol
[docs]def get_spacegroup(structure): """ :param structure: AiiDA StructureData :return: the spacegroup (spglib class) of a given AiiDA structure """ import spglib s_ase = structure.get_ase() spacegroup = spglib.get_spacegroup(s_ase, symprec=1e-5) return spacegroup
[docs]@cf # , _label='move_atoms_in_unitcell_wf', _description='WF, that moves all atoms in a unit cell by a given vector'):#Float1, Float2, Float3, test=None): def move_atoms_incell_wf(structure, wf_para): """ moves all atoms in a unit cell by a given vector :param structure: AiiDA structure :param wf_para: AiiDA Dict node with vector: tuple of 3, or array (currently 3 AiiDA Floats to make it a wf, In the future maybe a list or vector if AiiDa basetype exists) :return: AiiDA stucture """ wf_para_dict = wf_para.get_dict() vector = wf_para_dict.get('vector', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # [Float1, Float2, Float3]) new_structure = move_atoms_incell(structure, vector) return {'moved_struc': new_structure}
[docs]def move_atoms_incell(structure, vector): """ moves all atoms in a unit cell by a given vector :param structure: AiiDA structure :param vector: tuple of 3, or array :return: AiiDA structure """ StructureData = DataFactory('structure') new_structure = StructureData(cell=structure.cell) new_structure.pbc = structure.pbc sites = structure.sites for kind in structure.kinds: new_structure.append_kind(kind) for site in sites: pos = site.position new_pos = np.around(np.array(pos) + np.array(vector), decimals=10) new_site = Site(kind_name=site.kind_name, position=new_pos) new_structure.append_site(new_site) new_structure.label = structure.label new_structure.label = structure.label new_structure.description = structure.description + 'moved' return new_structure
[docs]def find_primitive_cell(structure): """ uses spglib find_primitive to find the primitive cell :param sructure: AiiDA structure data :return: list of new AiiDA structure data """ # TODO: if refinced structure is the same as given structure # return the given structure (Is this good practise for prov?) from spglib import find_primitive from ase.atoms import Atoms StructureData = DataFactory('structure') symprec = 1e-7 # print('old {}'.format(len(structure.sites))) ase_structure = structure.get_ase() lattice, scaled_positions, numbers = find_primitive(ase_structure, symprec=symprec) new_structure_ase = Atoms(numbers, scaled_positions=scaled_positions, cell=lattice, pbc=True) new_structure = StructureData(ase=new_structure_ase) # print('new {}'.format(len(new_structure.sites))) new_structure.label = structure.label + ' primitive' new_structure.description = structure.description + ' primitive cell' return new_structure
[docs]@cf def find_primitive_cell_wf(structure): """ uses spglib find_primitive to find the primitive cell :param structure: AiiDa structure data :return: list of new AiiDa structure data """ return {'primitive_cell': find_primitive_cell(structure)}
[docs]def find_primitive_cells(uuid_list): """ uses spglib find_primitive to find the primitive cell :param uuid_list: list of structureData uuids, or pks :return: list of new AiiDa structure datas """ new_structures = [] for uuid in uuid_list: structure = load_node(uuid) new_structure = find_primitive_cell(structure) new_structures.append(new_structure) return new_structures
[docs]def get_all_miller_indices(structure, highestindex): """ wraps the pymatgen function get_symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices for an AiiDa structure """ from pymatgen.core.surface import get_symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices return get_symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices(structure.get_pymatgen_structure(), highestindex)
''' def create_all_slabs_buggy(initial_structure, miller_index, min_slab_size_ang, min_vacuum_size=0, bonds=None, tol=1e-3, max_broken_bonds=0, lll_reduce=False, center_slab=False, primitive=False, max_normal_search=None, symmetrize=False): # , reorient_lattice=True): """ wraps the pymatgen function generate_all_slabs with some useful extras :return: a dictionary of structures """ StructureData = DataFactory('structure') aiida_strucs = {} pymat_struc = initial_structure.get_pymatgen_structure() # currently the pymatgen method is buggy... no coordinates in x,y.... all_slabs = generate_all_slabs(pymat_struc, miller_index, min_slab_size_ang, min_vacuum_size, bonds=bonds, tol=tol, max_broken_bonds=max_broken_bonds, lll_reduce=lll_reduce, center_slab=center_slab, primitive=primitive, max_normal_search=max_normal_search, symmetrize=symmetrize) # , reorient_lattice=reorient_lattice) for slab in all_slabs: # print(slab) # slab2 = #slab.get_orthogonal_c_slab() film_struc = StructureData(pymatgen_structure=slab) film_struc.pbc = (True, True, False) aiida_strucs[slab.miller_index] = film_struc return aiida_strucs '''
[docs]def create_all_slabs(initial_structure, miller_index, min_slab_size_ang, min_vacuum_size=0, bonds=None, tol=1e-3, max_broken_bonds=0, lll_reduce=False, center_slab=False, primitive=False, max_normal_search=1, symmetrize=False): # , reorient_lattice=True): """ :return: a dictionary of structures """ StructureData = DataFactory('structure') aiida_strucs = {} # pymat_struc = initial_structure.get_pymatgen_structure() indices = get_all_miller_indices(initial_structure, miller_index) for index in indices: slab = create_slap(initial_structure, index, min_slab_size_ang, min_vacuum_size, min_slab_size_ang) #film_struc = StructureData(pymatgen_structure=slab) #film_struc.pbc = (True, True, False) aiida_strucs[index] = slab return aiida_strucs
[docs]def create_slap(initial_structure, miller_index, min_slab_size, min_vacuum_size=0, lll_reduce=False, center_slab=False, primitive=False, max_normal_search=1, reorient_lattice=True): """ wraps the pymatgen slab generator """ # minimum slab size is in Angstrom!!! StructureData = DataFactory('structure') pymat_struc = initial_structure.get_pymatgen_structure() slabg = SlabGenerator(pymat_struc, miller_index, min_slab_size, min_vacuum_size, lll_reduce=lll_reduce, center_slab=center_slab, primitive=primitive, max_normal_search=max_normal_search) slab = slabg.get_slab() # slab2 = slab.get_orthogonal_c_slab() film_struc = StructureData(pymatgen_structure=slab) film_struc.pbc = (True, True, False) # TODO: sort atoms after z-coordinate value, # TODO: Move all atoms that the middle atom is at [x,y,0] # film_struc2 = move_atoms_incell(film_struc, [0,0, z_of_middle atom]) return film_struc
[docs]@cf def center_film_wf(structure): """ Centers a film at z=0, keeps the provenance in the database :param structure: AiiDA structure :return: AiiDA structure """ return center_film(structure)
[docs]def center_film(structure): """ Centers a film at z=0 :param structure: AiiDA structure :return: AiiDA structure """ if structure.pbc != (True, True, False): raise TypeError('Only film structures having surface normal to z are supported') sorted_struc = sort_atoms_z_value(structure) sites = sorted_struc.sites shift = [0, 0, -(sites[0].position[2] + sites[-1].position[2]) / 2.0] return move_atoms_incell(sorted_struc, shift)
[docs]def sort_atoms_z_value(structure): """ Resorts the atoms in a structure by there Z-value :param structure: AiiDA structure :return: AiiDA structure """ StructureData = DataFactory('structure') new_structure = StructureData(cell=structure.cell) new_structure.pbc = structure.pbc for kind in structure.kinds: new_structure.append_kind(kind) sites = structure.sites new_site_list = [] for site in sites: new_site_list.append([site, site.position[2]]) sorted_sites = sorted(new_site_list, key=lambda position: position[1]) for site in sorted_sites: new_structure.append_site(site[0]) return new_structure
[docs]def create_manual_slab_ase(lattice='fcc', miller=None, host_symbol='Fe', latticeconstant=4.0, size=(1, 1, 5), replacements=None, decimals=10, pop_last_layers=0, inverse=False): """ Wraps ase.lattice lattices generators to create a slab having given lattice vectors directions. :param lattice: 'fcc' and 'bcc' are supported. Set the host lattice of a slab. :param miller: a list of directions of lattice vectors :param symbol: a string specifying the atom type :param latticeconstant: the lattice constant of a structure :param size: a 3-element tuple that sets supercell size. For instance, use (1,1,5) to set 5 layers of a slab. :param decimals: sets the rounding of atom positions. See numpy.around. :param pop_last_layers: specifies how many bottom layers to remove. Sometimes one does not want to use the integer number of unit cells along z, extra layers can be removed. :return structure: an ase-lattice representing a slab with replaced atoms """ if miller is None: miller = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] if lattice == 'fcc': from ase.lattice.cubic import FaceCenteredCubic structure_factory = FaceCenteredCubic elif lattice == 'bcc': from ase.lattice.cubic import BodyCenteredCubic structure_factory = BodyCenteredCubic else: raise ValueError('The given lattice {} is not supported'.format(lattice)) structure = structure_factory(miller=miller, symbol=host_symbol, pbc=(1, 1, 0), latticeconstant=latticeconstant, size=size) *_, layer_occupancies = get_layers(structure) if replacements is not None: keys = list(replacements.keys()) if max((abs(int(x)) for x in keys)) >= len(layer_occupancies): raise ValueError('"replacements" has to contain numbers less than number of layers:' ' {}'.format(len(layer_occupancies))) else: replacements = {} layer_occupancies.append(0) # technical append atoms_to_pop = np.cumsum(np.array(layer_occupancies[-1::-1])) for i in range(atoms_to_pop[pop_last_layers]): structure.pop() current_symbols = structure.get_chemical_symbols() positions = structure.positions zipped = zip(positions, current_symbols) zipped = sorted(zipped, key=lambda x: x[0][2]) positions = [x for x, _ in zipped] current_symbols = [x for _, x in zipped] structure.set_chemical_symbols(current_symbols) structure.set_positions(positions) *_, layer_occupancies = get_layers(structure) layer_occupancies.insert(0, 0) for i, at_type in replacements.items(): if isinstance(i, str): i = int(i) if i < 0: i = i - 1 atoms_to_skip = np.cumsum(np.array(layer_occupancies))[i] for k in range(layer_occupancies[i + 1]): current_symbols[k + atoms_to_skip] = at_type structure.set_chemical_symbols(current_symbols) if inverse: structure.positions[:, 2] = -structure.positions[:, 2] structure.positions = np.around(structure.positions, decimals=decimals) else: structure.positions = np.around(structure.positions, decimals=decimals) return structure
[docs]def magnetic_slab_from_relaxed(relaxed_structure, orig_structure, total_number_layers, num_relaxed_layers, tolerance_decimals=10): """ Transforms a structure that was used for interlayer distance relaxation to a structure that can be further used for magnetic calculations. Usually one uses a slab having z-reflection symmetry e.g. A-B1-B2-B3-B2-B1-A where A is a magnetic element (Fe, Ni, Co, Cr) and B is a substrate. However, further magnetic calculations are done using assymetric slab A-B1-B2-B3-B4-B5-B6-B7-B8. The function uses A-B1, B1-B2 etc. iterlayer distances for constraction of assymetric relaxed film. The function works as follows: it constructs a new StructureData object taking x and y positions from the orig_structure and z positions from relax_structure for first num_relaxed_interlayers. Then it appends orig_structure slab to the bottom it a way the total number of layers is total_number_layers. :param relaxed_structure: Structure which is the output of Relax WorkChain. In thin function it is assumed to have inversion or at least z-reflection symmetry. :param orig_structure: The host structure slab having the lattice perioud corresponding to the bulk structure of the substrate. :param total_number_layers: the total number of layers to produce :param num_relaxed_layers: the number of top layers to adjust according to **relaxed_struct** :param tolerance_decimals: sets the rounding of atom positions. See numpy.around. :return magn_structure: Resulting assymetric structure with adjusted interlayer distances for several top layers. """ from aiida.orm import StructureData if relaxed_structure.pbc != (True, True, False): raise ValueError('Input structure has to be a film') sorted_struc = sort_atoms_z_value(relaxed_structure) sites = sorted_struc.sites layers = {np.around(atom.position[2], decimals=tolerance_decimals) for atom in sites} num_layers = len(layers) max_layers_to_extract = num_layers // 2 + num_layers % 2 if isinstance(orig_structure, StructureData): positions = orig_structure.get_ase().positions else: positions = orig_structure.positions num_layers_org = len({np.around(x[2], decimals=tolerance_decimals) for x in positions}) if num_layers_org > num_layers: raise ValueError('Your original structure contains more layers than given in relaxed ' 'structure.\nCould you reduce the number of layers in the' 'original structure?\nIf not, I will not be able to guess ' 'x-y displacements of some atoms') if num_relaxed_layers > max_layers_to_extract: print('You want to extract more layers than available, I am setting num_relaxed_layers to' ' {}'.format(max_layers_to_extract)) num_relaxed_layers = max_layers_to_extract # take relaxed interlayers magn_structure = StructureData(cell=sorted_struc.cell) magn_structure.pbc = (True, True, False) for kind in relaxed_structure.kinds: magn_structure.append_kind(kind) done_layers = 0 while True: if done_layers < num_relaxed_layers: layer, *_ = get_layers(sorted_struc) for atom in layer[done_layers]: a = Site(kind_name=atom[1], position=atom[0]) magn_structure.append_site(a) done_layers = done_layers + 1 elif done_layers < total_number_layers: k = done_layers % num_layers_org layer, pos_z, _ = get_layers(orig_structure) add_distance = abs(pos_z[k] - pos_z[k - 1]) prev_layer_z = magn_structure.sites[-1].position[2] for atom in layer[k]: atom[0][2] = prev_layer_z + add_distance a = Site(kind_name=atom[1], position=atom[0]) magn_structure.append_site(a) done_layers = done_layers + 1 else: break magn_structure = center_film(magn_structure) return magn_structure
[docs]def get_layers(structure, decimals=10): """ Extracts atom positions and their types belonging to the same layer :param structure: ase lattice or StructureData which represents a slab :param number: the layer number. Note, that layers will be sorted according to z-position :param decimals: sets the tolerance of atom positions determination. See more in numpy.around. :return layer, layer_z_positions: layer is a list of tuples, the first element of which is atom positions and the second one is atom type. layer_z_position is a sorted list of all layer positions """ from aiida.orm import StructureData from ase.lattice.bravais import Lattice from itertools import groupby import copy structure = copy.deepcopy(structure) if isinstance(structure, StructureData): reformat = [(list(x.position), x.kind_name) for x in sorted(structure.sites, key=lambda x: x.position[2])] elif isinstance(structure, Lattice): reformat = list(zip(structure.positions, structure.get_chemical_symbols())) else: raise ValueError('Structure has to be ase lattice or StructureData') layer_z_positions = [] layer_occupancies = [] layers = [] for val, e in groupby(reformat, key=lambda x: np.around(x[0][2], decimals=decimals)): layer_z_positions.append(val) layer_content = list(e) layers.append(layer_content) layer_occupancies.append(len(layer_content)) return layers, layer_z_positions, layer_occupancies
[docs]def adjust_film_relaxation(structure, suggestion, scale_as=None, bond_length=None, hold_layers=3): """ Tries to optimize interlayer distances. Can be used before RelaxWC to improve its behaviour. This function only works if USER_API_KEY was set. For now only binary structures are analysed to ensure the closest contact between two elements of the interest. In case of trinary systems (like ABC) I can not not guarantee that A and C will be the nearest neighbours. The same is true for interlayer distances of the same element. To ensure the nearest-neighbour condition I use unary compounds. .. warning: This should work ony for metallic bonding since bond length can drastically depend on the atom hybridisation. :param structure: ase film structure which will be adjusted :param suggestion: dictionary containing average bond length between different elements, is is basically the result of :py:func:`` :param scale_as: an element name, for which the El-El bond length will be enforced. It is can be helpful to enforce the same interlayer distance in the substrate, i.e. adjust deposited film interlayer distances only. :param bond_length: a float that sets the bond length for scale_as element :param hold_layers: this parameters sets the number of layers that will be marked via the certain label. The label is reserved for future use in the relaxation WC: all the atoms marked with the label will not be relaxed. """ from aiida.orm import StructureData from copy import deepcopy from itertools import product if scale_as and not bond_length: raise ValueError('bond_length is required when scale_as was provided') structure = sort_atoms_z_value(structure) layers, z_positions, occupancies = get_layers(structure) suggestion = deepcopy(suggestion) if scale_as: norm = suggestion[scale_as][scale_as] for sym1, sym2 in product(suggestion.keys(), suggestion.keys()): try: suggestion[sym1][sym2] = suggestion[sym1][sym2] / norm except KeyError: pass # do nothing, happens for magnetic-magnetic or substrate-substrate combinations def suggest_distance_to_previous(num_layer): z_distances = [] for atom_prev in layers[num_layer - 1]: pos_prev = np.array(atom_prev[0])[0:2] for atom_this in layers[num_layer]: pos_this = np.array(atom_this[0])[0:2] xy_dist_sq = np.linalg.norm(pos_prev - pos_this)**2 if scale_as: bond_length_sq = suggestion[atom_prev[1]][atom_this[1]]**2 * bond_length**2 else: bond_length_sq = suggestion[atom_prev[1]][atom_this[1]]**2 if xy_dist_sq > bond_length_sq: pass else: z_distances.append((bond_length_sq - xy_dist_sq)**(0.5)) # find suggestion for distance to 2nd layer back z_distances2 = [] if num_layer != 1: for atom_prev in layers[num_layer - 2]: pos_prev = np.array(atom_prev[0])[0:2] for atom_this in layers[num_layer]: pos_this = np.array(atom_this[0])[0:2] xy_dist_sq = np.linalg.norm(pos_prev - pos_this)**2 if scale_as: bond_length_sq = suggestion[atom_prev[1]][atom_this[1]]**2 * bond_length**2 else: bond_length_sq = suggestion[atom_prev[1]][atom_this[1]]**2 if xy_dist_sq > bond_length_sq: pass else: z_distances2.append((bond_length_sq - xy_dist_sq)**(0.5)) if not z_distances: z_distances = [0] if not z_distances2: z_distances2 = [0] return max(z_distances), max(z_distances2) # take relaxed interlayers rebuilt_structure = StructureData(cell=structure.cell) rebuilt_structure.pbc = (True, True, False) # for kind in structure.kinds: # rebuilt_structure.append_kind(kind) for atom in layers[0]: # a = Site(kind_name=atom[1], position=atom[0]) # minus because I build from bottom (inversed structure) if hold_layers < 1: rebuilt_structure.append_atom(symbols=atom[1], position=(atom[0][0], atom[0][1], -atom[0][2]), name=atom[1]) else: rebuilt_structure.append_atom(symbols=atom[1], position=(atom[0][0], atom[0][1], -atom[0][2]), name=atom[1] + '49') prev_distance = 0 for i, layer in enumerate(layers[1:]): add_distance1, add_distance2 = suggest_distance_to_previous(i + 1) add_distance2 = add_distance2 - prev_distance if add_distance1 <= 0 and add_distance2 <= 0: raise ValueError('error not implemented') prev_distance = max(add_distance1, add_distance2) if i == len(layers) - 2: prev_distance = prev_distance * 0.85 # last layer should be closer layer_copy = deepcopy(layer) prev_layer_z = rebuilt_structure.sites[-1].position[2] for atom in layer_copy: atom[0][2] = prev_layer_z - prev_distance # minus because I build from bottom (inverse) # a = Site(kind_name=atom[1], position=atom[0]) # rebuilt_structure.append_site(a) if i < hold_layers - 1: rebuilt_structure.append_atom(position=atom[0], symbols=atom[1], name=atom[1] + '49') else: rebuilt_structure.append_atom(position=atom[0], symbols=atom[1], name=atom[1]) rebuilt_structure = center_film(rebuilt_structure) return rebuilt_structure
[docs]def request_average_bond_length_store(main_elements, sub_elements, user_api_key): """ Requests MaterialsProject to estimate thermal average bond length between given elements. Also requests information about lattice constants of fcc and bcc structures. Stores the result in the Database. Notice that this is not a calcfunction! Therefore, the inputs are not stored and the result node is unconnected. :param main_elements: element list to calculate the average bond length only combinations of AB, AA and BB are calculated, where A belongs to main_elements, B belongs to sub_elements. :param sub_elements: element list, see main_elements :return: bond_data, a dict containing obtained lattice constants. """ result = request_average_bond_length(main_elements, sub_elements, user_api_key) return result
[docs]def request_average_bond_length(main_elements, sub_elements, user_api_key): """ Requests MaterialsProject to estimate thermal average bond length between given elements. Also requests information about lattice constants of fcc and bcc structures. :param main_elements: element list to calculate the average bond length only combinations of AB, AA and BB are calculated, where A belongs to main_elements, B belongs to sub_elements. :param sub_elements: element list, see main_elements :return: bond_data, a dict containing obtained lattice constants. """ from itertools import product, combinations from math import exp from aiida.orm import Dict from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy bond_data = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)) symbols = main_elements + sub_elements for sym in symbols: distance = 0 partition_function = 0 with MPRester(user_api_key) as mat_project: mp_entries = mat_project.get_entries_in_chemsys([sym]) fcc_structure = None bcc_structure = None for entry in mp_entries: if sym != continue with MPRester(user_api_key) as mat_project: structure_analyse = mat_project.get_structure_by_material_id(entry.entry_id) en_per_atom = mat_project.query(entry.entry_id, ['energy_per_atom'])[0]['energy_per_atom'] structure_analyse.make_supercell([2, 2, 2]) factor = exp(-(en_per_atom / 0.0259)) partition_function = partition_function + factor indices1 = structure_analyse.indices_from_symbol(sym) distances = (structure_analyse.get_distance(x, y) for x, y in combinations(indices1, 2)) min_distance = min(distances) distance = distance + min_distance * factor # save distance for particular cases of fcc and bcc if structure_analyse.get_space_group_info()[1] == 225: # fcc bond_data['fcc'][sym] = min_distance elif structure_analyse.get_space_group_info()[1] == 229: # bcc bond_data['bcc'][sym] = min_distance distance = distance / partition_function bond_data[sym][sym] = distance print('Request completed for {symst} {symst} pair'.format(symst=sym)) for sym1, sym2 in product(main_elements, sub_elements): distance = 0 partition_function = 0 with MPRester(user_api_key) as mat_project: mp_entries = mat_project.get_entries_in_chemsys([sym1, sym2]) for entry in mp_entries: name = ''.join([i for i in if not i.isdigit()]) if name not in (sym1 + sym2, sym2 + sym1): continue with MPRester(user_api_key) as mat_project: structure_analyse = mat_project.get_structure_by_material_id(entry.entry_id) en_per_atom = mat_project.query(entry.entry_id, ['energy_per_atom'])[0]['energy_per_atom'] structure_analyse.make_supercell([2, 2, 2]) factor = exp(-(en_per_atom / 0.0259)) partition_function = partition_function + factor indices1 = structure_analyse.indices_from_symbol(sym1) indices2 = structure_analyse.indices_from_symbol(sym2) distances = (structure_analyse.get_distance(x, y) for x, y in product(indices1, indices2)) distance = distance + min(distances) * factor if partition_function == 0: distance = (bond_data[sym1][sym1] + bond_data[sym2][sym2]) / 2 else: distance = distance / partition_function bond_data[sym1][sym2] = distance bond_data[sym2][sym1] = distance print('Request completed for {} {} pair'.format(sym1, sym2)) return Dict(dict=bond_data)
''' def estimate_mt_radii(structure, stepsize=0.05): """ # TODO implement This method returns for every atom type (group/kind) in the structure a range of possible muffin tin radii (min, max). Or maybe just the maximal muffin tin radii (or sets of maximal muffin tin radii) example return for some Be-W compound [[{Be: 1.6, W:2.4}, {Be:1.8, W:2.2}] """ # get symmetry equivalent atoms, # for each atom estimate muffin tin # check what algo fleur uses here # Max radius easy increase all spheres until they touch. # How to get the minimal muffin tin radii? return None def common_mt(max_muffin_tins): """ # TODO implement From a list of dictionary given return smallest common set. Could be read from the econfig file within AiiDA fleur. [[{Be: 1.7, W:2.4}, {Be:1.8, W:2.3}], [{Be : 1.75}], [{W:2.5}] should return [{Be:1.7, W:2.4}] """ return None def find_common_mt(structures): """ # TODO implement (in some phd notebook of Broeder this is implement) From a given list of structures, estimate the muffin tin radii and return the smallest common set. (therefore a choice for rmt that would work for every structure given) """ return None '''