Source code for aiida_fleur.workflows.corehole

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
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#                               #
This is the workflow 'corehole' using the Fleur code, which calculates binding
energies and corelevel shifts with different methods.
'divide and conquer'

# TODO maybe also calculate the reference structure to check on the supercell calculation
# TODO creation of wf_para nodes for scf fleurinp_changes for corelevel has to be right
# TODO maybe always rewrite hole econfig tag in inp.xml otherwise it might lead to errors,
# be careful with LOs.
# TODO corelevel workflow, rename species of 0,0,0 position in inp.xml

#import os.path
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import six
import re
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.orm import Code, load_node, CalcJobNode
from aiida.orm import Int, StructureData, Dict, RemoteData
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, if_, ToContext
from aiida.engine import submit
#from import ProcessRegistry
from aiida.engine.processes.functions import calcfunction as cf
from aiida_fleur.calculation.fleur import FleurCalculation
from aiida_fleur.workflows.scf import FleurScfWorkChain
from import supercell
from import create_corehole_para  #, create_corehole_fleurinp
from import extract_corelevels
from import break_symmetry
from import find_equi_atoms
from import get_econfig, get_coreconfig
from import econfigstr_hole, states_spin
from import get_state_occ, highest_unocc_valence
from import dict_merger, extract_elementpara
from import FleurinpData

[docs]class fleur_corehole_wc(WorkChain): """ Turn key solution for a corehole calculation with the FLEUR code. Has different protocols for different core-hole types (valence, charge). Calculates supercells. Extracts binding energies for certain corelevels from the total energy differences a the calculation with corehole and without. Documentation: See help for details. Two paths are possible: (1) Start from a structure -> workchains run inpgen first (recommended) (2) Start from a Fleurinp data object Also it is recommended to provide a calc parameter node for the structure :param wf_parameters: Dict node, specify, resources and what should be calculated :param structure: structureData node, crystal structure :param calc_parameters: Dict node, inpgen parameters for the crystal structure :param fleurinp: fleurinpData node, :param inpgen: Code node, :param fleur: Code node, :return: output_corehole_wc_para Dict node, successful=True if no error :uses workchains: fleur_scf_wc, fleur_relax_wc :uses calcfunctions: supercell, create_corehole_result_node, prepare_struc_corehole_wf """ # This block of commented code was removed from the docstring and should be put # to the other place in the documentation. # minimum input example: # 1. Code1, Code2, Structure, (Parameters), (wf_parameters) # 2. Code2, FleurinpData, (wf_parameters) # maximum input example: # 1. Code1, Code2, Structure, Parameters, # wf_parameters: { # 'method' : 'valence', # what method to use, default for valence to highest open shell # 'hole_charge' : 1.0, # what is the charge of the corehole? 0<1.0 # 'atoms' : ['all'], # coreholes on what atoms, positions or index for list, or element ['Be', (0.0, 0.5, 0.334), 3] # 'corelevel': ['all'], # coreholes on which corelevels [ 'Be1s', 'W4f', 'Oall'...] # 'supercell_size' : [2,1,1], # size of the supercell [nx,ny,nz] # 'para_group' : None, # use parameter nodes from a parameter group # #'references' : 'calculate',# at some point aiida will have fast forwarding # 'relax' : False, # relax the unit cell first? # 'relax_mode': 'Fleur', # what releaxation do you want # 'relax_para' : 'default', # parameter dict for the relaxation # 'scf_para' : 'default', # wf parameter dict for the scfs # 'same_para' : True, # enforce the same atom parameter/cutoffs on the corehole calc and ref # 'resources' : {"num_machines": 1},# resources per job # 'max_wallclock_seconds' : 6*60*60, # walltime per job # 'queue_name' : '', # what queue to submit to # 'serial' : True, # run fleur in serial, or parallel? # #'job_limit' : 100 # enforce the workflow not to spawn more scfs wcs then this number(which is roughly the number of fleur jobs) # 'magnetic' : True # jspins=2, makes a difference for coreholes # } # 2. Code2, FleurinpData, (remote-data), wf_parameters as in 1. # Hints: # 1. This workflow does not work with local codes! _workflowversion = '0.4.0' _default_options = { 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1, }, 'max_wallclock_seconds': 6 * 60 * 60, 'queue_name': '', #'custom_scheduler_commands': '', #'import_sys_environment': False, #'environment_variables': {} } @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(fleur_corehole_wc, cls).define(spec) spec.input( 'wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False, #default=Dict( # dict={ # 'method': # 'valence', # what method to use, default for valence to highest open shell # 'hole_charge': 1.0, # what is the charge of the corehole? 0<1.0 # 'atoms': [ # 'all' # ], # coreholes on what atoms, positions or index for list, or element ['Be', (0.0, 0.5, 0.334), 3] # 'corelevel': ['all' # ], # coreholes on which corelevels [ 'Be1s', 'W4f', 'Oall'...] # 'supercell_size': [2, 1, 1], # size of the supercell [nx,ny,nz] # 'para_group': None, # use parameter nodes from a parameter group # #'references' : 'calculate',# at some point aiida will have fast forwarding # #'relax' : False, # relax the unit cell first? # #'relax_mode': 'Fleur', # what releaxation do you want # #'relax_para' : 'default', # parameter dict for the relaxation # 'scf_para': 'default', # wf parameter dict for the scfs # 'same_para': # True, # enforce the same atom parameter/cutoffs on the corehole calc and ref # 'serial': True, # run fleur in serial, or parallel? # #'job_limit' : 100 # enforce the workflow not to spawn more scfs wcs then this number(which is roughly the number of fleur jobs) # 'magnetic': True # } #) ) spec.input('fleurinp', valid_type=FleurinpData, required=False) spec.input('fleur', valid_type=Code, required=True) spec.input('inpgen', valid_type=Code, required=True) spec.input('structure', valid_type=StructureData, required=False) spec.input('calc_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input( 'options', valid_type=Dict, required=False #, #default=Dict( # dict={ # 'resources': { # "num_machines": 1, "num_mpiprocs_per_machine": 1, # }, # 'max_wallclock_seconds': 60 * 60, # 'queue_name': '', # 'custom_scheduler_commands': '', # 'import_sys_environment': False, # 'environment_variables': {} # } #) ) spec.outline( cls.check_input, # first check if input is consistent if_(cls.relaxation_needed)( # ggf relax the given cell cls.relax), if_(cls.supercell_needed)( # create a supercell from the given/relaxed cell cls.create_supercell), cls.create_coreholes, cls.run_ref_scf, # calculate the reference supercell first cls.check_scf, cls.run_scfs, # calculate all other corehole calculations cls.check_scf, cls.return_results) spec.output('output_corehole_wc_para', valid_type=Dict) spec.exit_code(1, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES', message='The input resources are invalid.') spec.exit_code(2, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES_UNDERSPECIFIED', message='Input resources are missing.') spec.exit_code(3, 'ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PROVIDED', message='The code provided is invalid, or not of the right kind.') spec.exit_code(4, 'ERROR_INPGEN_CALCULATION_FAILED', message='Inpgen calculation FAILED, check output') spec.exit_code(5, 'ERROR_CHANGING_FLEURINPUT_FAILED', message='Changing of the FLEURINP data went wrong, check log.') spec.exit_code(6, 'ERROR_CALCULATION_INVALID_INPUT_FILE', message='The FLEUR input file for the calculation did not validate.') spec.exit_code(7, 'ERROR_FLEUR_CALCULATION_FAiLED', message='At least one FLEUR calculation FAILED, check the output and log.') spec.exit_code(8, 'ERROR_CONVERGENCE_NOT_ARCHIVED', message=('At least one FLEUR calculation did not/could not reach the' 'desired convergece Criteria, with the current parameters.')) spec.exit_code(9, 'ERROR_IN_REFERENCE_CREATION', message=('Something went wrong in the determiation what coreholes to ' 'calculate, probably the input format was not correct. Check log.'))
[docs] def check_input(self): """ init all context parameters, variables. Do some input checks. Further input checks are done in further workflow steps """ # TODO: document parameters'started fleur_corehole_wc version {} ' 'Workchain node identifiers: ' #{}" ''.format(self._workflowversion)) #, ProcessRegistry().current_calc_node)) ### init ctx ### # internal variables self.ctx.calcs_torun = [] self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun = [] self.ctx.labels = [] self.ctx.calcs_res = [] # input variables inputs = self.inputs if 'calc_parameters' in inputs: self.ctx.ref_para = inputs.get('calc_parameters') else: self.ctx.ref_para = None wf_dict = inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() self.ctx.method = wf_dict.get('method', 'valence') self.ctx.joblimit = wf_dict.get('joblimit') self.ctx.serial = wf_dict.get('serial') self.ctx.same_para = wf_dict.get('same_para') self.ctx.scf_para = wf_dict.get('scf_para', {}) self.ctx.be_to_calc = wf_dict.get('corelevel') self.ctx.atoms_to_calc = wf_dict.get('atoms') self.ctx.base_structure = inputs.get('structure') # ggf get from fleurinp self.ctx.relax = False self.ctx.supercell_size = wf_dict.get('supercell_size', [2, 1, 1]) # 2x2x2 or smaller? self.ctx.hole_charge = wf_dict.get('hole_charge', 1.0) self.ctx.magnetic = wf_dict.get('magnetic', True) defaultoptions = self._default_options options = wf_dict.get('options', defaultoptions) if 'options' in self.inputs: options = self.inputs.options.get_dict() else: options = defaultoptions for key, val in six.iteritems(defaultoptions): options[key] = options.get(key, val) self.ctx.options = options #self.ctx.relax = wf_dict.get('relax', default.get('relax')) #self.ctx.relax_mode = wf_dict.get('relax_mode', default.get('relax_mode')) #self.ctx.relax_para = wf_dict.get('relax_para', default.get('dos_para')) self.ctx.base_structure_relax = self.ctx.base_structure # return variables initalized here, that at any time an output node can be written. self.ctx.successful = True self.ctx.bindingenergies = [] self.ctx.warnings = [] self.ctx.errors = [] self.ctx.hints = [] self.ctx.cl_energies = [] self.ctx.all_CLS = [] self.ctx.ref_cl_energies = [] self.ctx.fermi_energies = [] self.ctx.bandgaps = [] self.ctx.ref_fermi_energies = [] self.ctx.ref_bandgaps = [] self.ctx.atomtypes = [] self.ctx.ref_atomtypes = [] self.ctx.total_energies = [] self.ctx.ref_total_energies = [] self.ctx.wbindingenergies = [] ### input check ### """ #ususal fleur stuff check if fleurinp.get structure self.ctx.inputs.base_structure wf_para = self.inputs.wf_parameters corelevel_to_calc = wf_para.get('corelevel', None) if not corelevel_to_calc: errormsg = 'You need to specify unter 'corelevel' in the wf_para node on what corelevel you want to have a corehole calculated. (Default is 'all')' self.abort_nowait(errormsg) """
[docs] def supercell_needed(self): """ check if a supercell is needed and what size it should be """ #think about a rule here to apply 2x2x2 should be enough for nearly everything. # but for larger unit cells smaller onces might be ok. # So far we just go with what the user has given # Is there a way to tell if a supercell was already given as base? # Do we want to detect it with some spglib methods? self.ctx.supercell_boal = True needed = self.ctx.supercell_boal # TODO, otherwise in the new system if something else is returned this might fail...? return needed
[docs] def create_supercell(self): """ create the needed supercell """ supercell_base = self.ctx.supercell_size description = (u'WF, Creates a supercell of a crystal structure x({},{},{}).' ''.format(supercell_base[0], supercell_base[0], supercell_base[2])) supercell_s = supercell(self.ctx.base_structure_relax, Int(supercell_base[0]), Int(supercell_base[1]), Int(supercell_base[2]), metadata={ 'label': u'supercell_wf', 'description': description }) # overwrite label and description of new structure supercell_s.label = '{}x{}x{} of {}'.format(supercell_base[0], supercell_base[1], supercell_base[2], self.ctx.base_structure_relax.uuid) supercell_s.description = supercell_s.description + ' created in a fleur_corehole_wc' self.ctx.ref_supercell = supercell_s calc_para = self.ctx.ref_para if calc_para is None: new_calc = supercell_s else: new_calc = [supercell_s, calc_para] self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun.append(new_calc)
[docs] def create_coreholes(self): """ Check the input for the corelevel specification, create structure and parameter nodes with all the need coreholes. create the wf_parameter nodes for the scfs. Add all calculations to scfs_to_run. Layout: # Check what coreholes should be created. # said in the input, look in the original cell # These positions are the same for the supercell. # break the symmetry for the supercells. (make the corehole atoms its own atom type) # create a new species and a corehole for this atom group. # move all the atoms in the cell that impurity is in the origin (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # use the fleurinp_change feature of scf to create the corehole after inpgen gen in the scf # start the scf with the last charge density of the ref calc? so far no, might not make sense # TODO if this becomes to long split """'INFO: In create_coreholes of fleur_corehole_wc. ' 'Preparing everything for calculation launches.') ########### init variables ############## base_struc = self.ctx.base_structure_relax # one unit cell (given cell) base_atoms_sites = base_struc.sites # list of AiiDA Site types of cell base_kinds = base_struc.kinds # list of AiiDA Kind types of cell valid_elements = list(base_struc.get_composition().keys()) # elements in structure base_supercell = self.ctx.ref_supercell # supercell of base cell base_k_symbols = {} #map kind names to elements for kind in base_kinds: base_k_symbols[] = kind.symbol # we have to find the atoms we want a corelevel on and make them a new kind, # also we have to figure out what electron config to set atoms_toc = self.ctx.atoms_to_calc #['Be', (0.0, 0.5, 0.334)/ 3(index)/ 'all'] if self.ctx.be_to_calc[0] == 'all': corelevels_toc_new = [] for element in valid_elements: corelevels_toc_new.append('{}-all'.format(element)) else: corelevels_toc_new = self.ctx.be_to_calc corelevels_toc = corelevels_toc_new # [ 'Be 1s', 'W_4f', 'O all', 'W-3d'...] coreholes_atoms = [] # list of aiida sites corehole_to_create = [] # prepare list of dicts for final loop, for calculation creation #[{'site' : sites[8], 'kindname' : 'W1', 'econfig': "[Kr] 5s2 4d10 4f13 | 5p6 5d5 6s2", 'fleurinp_change' : []}] # get the symmetry equivivalent atoms by ase # equi_info_symbol = [['W', 1,2,3,8], ['Be', 4,5,6,7,9] ...] #n_equi_info_symbol= {'Be' : count, ...} equi_info_symbol, n_equi_info_symbol = find_equi_atoms(base_struc) #print(n_equi_info_symbol) method = self.ctx.method if method == 'valence': hole_charge = self.ctx.hole_charge correct_val_charge = False # the routines add the electron per default to the valence htype = 'valence' elif method == 'charge': hole_charge = self.ctx.hole_charge correct_val_charge = True htype = 'charge' else: htype = 'valence' # default so far, otherwise not defined. # TODO probally better, to throw error hole_charge = self.ctx.hole_charge correct_val_charge = False # the routines add the electron per default to the valence ########## # 1. Find out what atoms to put coreholes on'Atoms to calculate : {}'.format(atoms_toc)) for atom_info in atoms_toc: if isinstance(atom_info, (str, six.text_type)): #basestring): if atom_info == 'all': # add all symmetry equivivalent atoms of structure to create coreholes #coreholes_atoms = base_atoms_sites coreholes_atoms = [] for equi_group in equi_info_symbol: # only calculate first element of group, 0 entry is an element string # and there is always a first atom element site_index = equi_group[1][0] coreholes_atoms.append(base_atoms_sites[site_index]) elif 'all' in atom_info: elem = atom_info.split('all')[0] # check what element we are taking about if elem in valid_elements: for equi_group in equi_info_symbol: # only calculate first element of group, 0 entry is an element string # and there is always a first atom element if equi_group[0] == elem: site_index = equi_group[1][0] coreholes_atoms.append(base_atoms_sites[site_index]) else: # check if a valid element or some garbage pass elif isinstance(atom_info, tuple): # coordinates if len(atom_info) == 3: for site in base_atoms_sites: if site.position == atom_info: #ggf give a threshold... coreholes_atoms.append(site) else: # wrong tuple length this is not a position'WARNING: strange position/coordinates given: {}'.format(atom_info)) # elif isinstance(atom_info, int): # index for sites to_append = None try: to_append = base_atoms_sites[atom_info] except IndexError: error = ("ERROR: The index/integer: {} specified in 'atoms' key is not valid." 'There are only {} atom sites in your provided structure.' ''.format(atom_info, len(base_atoms_sites))) to_append = None if to_append: coreholes_atoms.append(to_append) else:"WARNING: input: {} of 'atoms' not recongized".format(atom_info)) # TODO: remove doubles in coreholes_atoms? #print(coreholes_atoms) #print(corelevels_toc) dict_corelevel = {} # dict_corelevel['W' : {corelevel: ['1s 1/2','4f 7/2', '4f 3/2'], econfig: [config], fleur_changes : []}] ######### # 2. now check what type of corelevel shall we create on those atoms'Corelevels to calculate : {}'.format(corelevels_toc)) for corel in corelevels_toc: if isinstance(corel, (str, six.text_type)): #basestring): # split string (Be1s) s.replace(';',' ')... could get rid of re elm_cl = re.split('[, ;:-]', corel) #print(elm_cl) if len(elm_cl) != 2: # something went wrong, wrong input # TODO log, error and hint error = ('ERROR: corelevel was given in the wrong format: {},' 'should have len 2. Hint hast to be the format ' "['Element,corelevel',...] i.e ['Be,1s', 'W,all]".format(elm_cl)) self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_IN_REFERENCE_CREATION else: # we assume for now ['Element', 'corelevel'] i.e ['Be', '1s'] econfigs = [] all_corestates = [] all_changed_valence = [] elm_cl = [str(elm_cl[0]), str(elm_cl[1])] #otherwise stuff fails because of basestrings if elm_cl[0] in valid_elements: # get corelevel econfig of element dict_corelevel_elm = {} # if econfig given in calc parameter use this econfig... para = self.ctx.ref_para if para is not None: para_dict = para.get_dict()'INFO para is here: {}'.format(para_dict)) element_para = extract_elementpara(para_dict, elm_cl[0]) valid_coreconfig = element_para.get('econfig', get_coreconfig(elm_cl[0], full=True)) else: valid_coreconfig = get_coreconfig(elm_cl[0], full=True) oriegconfig = get_econfig(elm_cl[0], full=True) highest_unocc = highest_unocc_valence(oriegconfig) if elm_cl[1] == 'all': # add all corelevels to calculate corestates = valid_coreconfig.split() for state in corestates: holeconfig = econfigstr_hole(oriegconfig, state, highest_unocc, htype=htype) rel_states = states_spin.get(state[1], []) for rel in rel_states: econfigs.append(holeconfig) all_corestates.append(state + ' ' + rel) all_changed_valence.append(highest_unocc[:2]) elif elm_cl[1] in valid_coreconfig: # check if corelevel in valid coreconfig #add corelevel to calculate. state_index = oriegconfig.find(elm_cl[1]) state = oriegconfig[state_index:state_index + 4].rstrip(' ') # +4: icii, or ici holeconfig = econfigstr_hole(oriegconfig, state, highest_unocc, htype=htype) rel_states = states_spin.get(state[1], []) # get rel core level (for 4f 5/2, 7/2) for rel in rel_states: econfigs.append(holeconfig) all_corestates.append(state + ' ' + rel) all_changed_valence.append(highest_unocc[:2]) # the methods below need them without occ elif '/' in elm_cl[1]: pass # TODO FUll state information given...[4f 7/2] else: # corelevel provided wrong, not understood, warning continue # TODO several corelevels of one element... update lists instead of override... dict_corelevel_elm['corelevel'] = all_corestates dict_corelevel_elm['valence'] = all_changed_valence dict_corelevel_elm['econfig'] = econfigs tempd = dict_corelevel.get(elm_cl[0], {}) # dict_merger also addes numbers! together = dict_merger(dict_corelevel_elm, tempd) #pprint(together) dict_corelevel[elm_cl[0]] = together else: pass #element or string provieded not in structure, # what about upper and lower caps #print(dict_corelevel) #output of above #list of sites [site_bla, ..] #dict_corelevel = {'Be' : {'corelevel' : ['1s1/2'], 'valence' : [], 'econfig' : ['1s2 | 2s2']}} # now put atom and corehole information together for site in coreholes_atoms: selem = base_k_symbols[site.kind_name] cl_dict = dict_corelevel.get(selem, None) if cl_dict: # what coreholes need to be created for that element for i, econfig in enumerate(cl_dict.get('econfig', [])): fleurinp_change = [] change_kind = site.kind_name + '_corehole1' # the number at the end # is important otherwise inpgen does not make this a new species # through the hard coded one might lead to conflicts.. kind = site.kind_name # + '1'# this will be the kind name in the broke sym structure, #its name will be changed later to change_kind # maybe the kind name cann also not be known at this point'{}, {}, {}, {}'.format(econfig, cl_dict.get('corelevel')[i], cl_dict.get('valence')[i], hole_charge)) #print(cl_dict.get('corelevel')[i]) #print(cl_dict.get('valence')[i]) #print(econfig) state_tag_list = get_state_occ(econfig, corehole=cl_dict.get('corelevel')[i], valence=cl_dict.get('valence')[i], ch_occ=hole_charge) attributedict = {'electronConfig': {'stateOccupation': state_tag_list}} #pprint(state_tag_list) change = ('set_species', { 'species_name': change_kind, 'attributedict': attributedict, 'create': False }) fleurinp_change.append(change) if correct_val_charge: # only needed in certain methods charge_change = ( 'add_num_to_att', { 'xpathn': '/fleurInput/calculationSetup/bzIntegration', 'attributename': 'valenceElectrons', 'set_val': -1.0000, #-hole_charge, #one electron was added by ingen, we remove it 'mode': 'abs', 'occ': [0], }) fleurinp_change.append(charge_change) elif hole_charge != 1.0: # fractional valence hole charge_change = ( 'add_num_to_att', { 'xpathn': '/fleurInput/calculationSetup/bzIntegration', 'attributename': 'valenceElectrons', 'set_val': -1.0000 + hole_charge, # one electron was already added by inpgen 'mode': 'abs', 'occ': [0], }) fleurinp_change.append(charge_change) if self.ctx.magnetic: # Do a collinear magentic calculation charge_change = ('set_inpchanges', {'change_dict': {'jspins': 2}}) fleurinp_change.append(charge_change)'{}'.format(fleurinp_change)) # because there might be already some kinds and another number is right... # repacking of sites, because input to a calcfunction, otherwise not storeable... corehole = { 'site': { 'kind_name': kind, #site.kind_name, 'position': site.position }, 'econfig': econfig, 'kindname': change_kind, 'inpxml_changes': fleurinp_change } corehole_to_create.append(corehole) #state_tag_list = get_state_occ(econfigstr, corehole = '', valence = '', ch_occ = 1.0): # lesson go over site position to get atom in supercell # set econfig for this atom in the supercell # (default kind name = element + id) use this for paramter settings # fill calcs_torun with (sturcutre, parameter, wf_para) #corehole_to_create = [{'site' : sites[8], 'kindname' : 'W1', 'econfig': "[Kr] 5s2 4d10 4f13 | 5p6 5d5 6s2", 'fleurinp_change' : []}] calcs = [] for corehole in corehole_to_create: para = self.ctx.ref_para wf_para = Dict(dict=corehole) #print(corehole) #print(base_supercell) #print(para) # all these steps can be calcfunctions, we have grouped them all in one ret_dict = prepare_struc_corehole_wf(base_supercell, wf_para, para) moved_struc = ret_dict['moved_struc'] calc_para = ret_dict['hole_para'] #print('calc_para:') #pprint(calc_para.get_dict()) #pprint('inpxml_changes {}'.format(corehole['inpxml_changes'])) # create_wf para or write in last line what should be in 'fleur_change' # for scf, which with the changes in the inp.xml needed para = self.ctx.scf_para.copy() # Otherwise inline edit... What about Provenance? TODO check if para == 'default': wf_parameter = {} else: wf_parameter = para #print(wf_parameter) wf_parameter['serial'] = self.ctx.serial wf_parameter['inpxml_changes'] = corehole['inpxml_changes'] wf_parameters = Dict(dict=wf_parameter) calcs.append([moved_struc, calc_para, wf_parameters]) self.ctx.calcs_torun = calcs
#print('ctx.calcs_torun {}'.format(self.ctx.calcs_torun))'INFO: end of create coreholes') ''' def run_scf2(self): """ Run scf """ calcs = {} i = 0 for scf_input in self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun: try: res = submit(fleur_scf_wc, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, inpgen = self.inputs.inpgen, **scf_input) except: # TODO only if input is wrong'WARNING: something in run_ref_scf which I do not reconise: {}'.format(scf_input)) continue label = str('calc_ref{}'.format(i)) self.ctx.labels.append(label) calcs[label] = res self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun = [] return ToContext(**calcs)# this is a blocking return '''
[docs] def run_ref_scf(self): """ Run a scf for the reference super cell """ # TODO: idea instead of a list, just use a dictionary...'INFO: In run_ref_scf fleur_corehole_wc') print('INFO: In run_ref_scf fleur_corehole_wc') para = self.ctx.scf_para if para == 'default': wf_parameter = {} else: wf_parameter = para wf_parameter['serial'] = self.ctx.serial wf_parameters = Dict(dict=wf_parameter) options = Dict(dict=self.ctx.options) ''' #res_all = [] calcs = {} i = 0 for node in self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun: # usually just 1, but we leave the default. #print(node) i = i+1 if isinstance(node, StructureData): res =, structure=node, inpgen = self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur)# elif isinstance(node, FleurinpData): res =, structure=node, inpgen = self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur)# elif isinstance(node, tuple): if isinstance(node[0], StructureData) and isinstance(node[1], Dict): #print(node[1].get_dict()) res =, calc_parameters=node[1], structure=node[0], inpgen = self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur)# else:' WARNING: a tuple in run_ref_scf which I do not reconise: {}'.format(node)) else:'WARNING: something in run_ref_scf which I do not reconise: {}'.format(node)) continue #calc_node = res['output_scf_wc_para'].get_inputs()[0] # if run is used, otherwise use labels label = str('calc_ref{}'.format(i)) self.ctx.labels.append(label) calcs[label] = res #res_all.append(res) #self.ctx.calcs_res.append(res) ''' #res_all = [] calcs = {} scf_label = 'corehole_wc ref cell' scf_desc = '|corehole_wc|' i = 0 for node in self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun: # usually just 1, but we leave the default. #print node i = i + 1 if isinstance(node, StructureData): res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, wf_parameters=wf_parameters, structure=node, inpgen=self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, options=options, metadata={ 'label': scf_label, 'description': scf_desc }) # elif isinstance(node, FleurinpData): res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, wf_parameters=wf_parameters, structure=node, inpgen=self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, options=options, metadata={ 'label': scf_label, 'description': scf_desc }) # elif isinstance(node, list): if isinstance(node[0], StructureData) and isinstance(node[1], Dict): res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, wf_parameters=wf_parameters, options=options, calc_parameters=node[1], structure=node[0], inpgen=self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, metadata={ 'label': scf_label, 'description': scf_desc }) # else:'WARNING: a tuple in run_ref_scf which I do not reconise: {}'.format(node)) else:'WARNING: something in run_ref_scf which I do not reconise: {}'.format(node)) continue #calc_node = res['output_scf_wc_para'].get_inputs()[0] # if run is used, otherwise use labels label = str('calc_ref{}'.format(i)) self.ctx.labels.append(label) calcs[label] = res #res_all.append(res) #self.ctx.calcs_res.append(res) self.ctx.calcs_ref_torun = [] return ToContext(**calcs) # this is a blocking return
[docs] def check_scf(self): """ Check if ref scf was successful, or something needs to be dealt with. If unsuccesful abort, because makes no sense to continue. """ #so far not implemented for i, label in enumerate(self.ctx.labels): calc = self.ctx[label] print('collect results ...') print(calc) if not calc.is_finished_ok:'SCF workchain {} failed'.format(calc)) print('SCF workchain {} failed'.format(calc))
[docs] def relaxation_needed(self): """ If the structures should be relaxed, check if their Forces are below a certain threshold, otherwise throw them in the relaxation wf. """'In relaxation fleur_corehole_wc') if self.ctx.relax: # TODO check all forces of calculations forces_fine = True return bool(forces_fine) else: return False
[docs] def relax(self): """ Do structural relaxation for certain structures. """'In relax fleur_corehole_wc workflow') self.ctx.base_structure_relax = self.ctx.base_structure
#for calc in self.ctx.dos_to_calc: # pass # # TODO run relax workflow
[docs] def run_scfs(self): """ Run a scf for the all corehole calculations in parallel super cell """'INFO: In run_scfs fleur_corehole_wc') print('INFO: In run_scfs fleur_corehole_wc') para = self.ctx.scf_para if para == 'default': wf_parameter = {} else: wf_parameter = para wf_parameter['serial'] = self.ctx.serial #wf_parameter['queue_name'] = self.ctx.queue #wf_parameter['custom_scheduler_commands'] = self.ctx.custom_scheduler_commands wf_parameters = Dict(dict=wf_parameter) options = Dict(dict=self.ctx.options) #res_all = [] calcs = {} scf_label = 'corehole_wc cell' scf_desc = '|corehole_wc|' # now in parallel #print self.ctx.ref_calcs_torun i = 0 #'Calculations to launch : {}'.format(self.ctx.calcs_torun)) for node in self.ctx.calcs_torun: #print node i = i + 1 if isinstance(node, StructureData): res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, wf_parameters=wf_parameters, structure=node, inpgen=self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, options=options, metadata={ 'label': scf_label, 'description': scf_desc }) # elif isinstance(node, FleurinpData): res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, wf_parameters=wf_parameters, structure=node, inpgen=self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, options=options, metadata={ 'label': scf_label, 'description': scf_desc }) # elif isinstance(node, list): if isinstance(node[0], StructureData) and isinstance(node[1], Dict): if isinstance(node[2], Dict): res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, wf_parameters=node[2], calc_parameters=node[1], structure=node[0], options=options, inpgen=self.inputs.inpgen, fleur=self.inputs.fleur, metadata={ 'label': scf_label, 'description': scf_desc }) # else:'ERROR: Something in run_scfs which I do not recognize: {}'.format(node)) continue label = str('calc{}'.format(i)) #print(label) #calc_node = res['output_scf_wc_para'].get_inputs()[0] # if run is used, otherwise use labels self.ctx.labels.append(label) calcs[label] = res #res_all.append(res) #print res #self.ctx.calcs_res.append(res) #self.ctx.calcs_torun.remove(node) #print res self.to_context(**{label: res}) self.ctx.calcs_torun = []
#return ToContext(**calcs)
[docs] def collect_results(self): """ Collect results from certain calculation, check if everything is fine, calculate the wanted quantities. currently all energies are in hartree (as provided by Fleur) """ # TODO: what about partial collection? # if some calc failed do not abort, but collect the others. message = ('INFO: Collecting results of fleur_corehole_wc workflow') all_CLS = {} ref_calcs = [] ref_cl_energies = {} cl_energies = {} bindingenergies = [] # atomtype, binding eneergy weighted_binding_energies = [] # *(1+1- coreholecharge) calcs = [] # get results from calc/scf #calcs = self.ctx.calcs_res for i, label in enumerate(self.ctx.labels): calc = self.ctx[label] #print('collect results ...') #print(calc) #if not calc.is_finished_ok: # print('calculation failed') # continue if i == 0: ref_calcs.append(calc) else: calcs.append(calc) fermi_energies, bandgaps, atomtypes, all_corelevel, total_energies = extract_results_corehole(calcs) ref_fermi_energies, ref_bandgaps, ref_atomtypes, ref_all_corelevel, ref_total_energies = extract_results_corehole( ref_calcs) # now calculate binding energies of the coreholes. # Differences of total energies #for number, energy in total_energies:#.iteritems(): for energy in total_energies: #.iteritems(): #print ref_total_energies bde = energy - ref_total_energies[0] #.get('0', 0) bindingenergies.append(bde) hole_charge = self.ctx.hole_charge if hole_charge != 0.0: weighted_binding_energy = bde * (1.0 / hole_charge) else: weighted_binding_energy = bde weighted_binding_energies.append(weighted_binding_energy) # make a return dict self.ctx.cl_energies = cl_energies self.ctx.all_CLS = all_CLS self.ctx.ref_cl_energies = ref_cl_energies self.ctx.fermi_energies = fermi_energies self.ctx.bandgaps = bandgaps self.ctx.ref_fermi_energies = ref_fermi_energies self.ctx.ref_bandgaps = ref_bandgaps self.ctx.atomtypes = atomtypes self.ctx.ref_atomtypes = ref_atomtypes self.ctx.total_energies = total_energies self.ctx.ref_total_energies = ref_total_energies self.ctx.bindingenergies = bindingenergies self.ctx.wbindingenergies = weighted_binding_energies
#print(bindingenergies) #print(weighted_binding_energies) #return
[docs] def return_results(self): """ return the results of the calculations """ # TODO: make sure ouputnodes are always produced # get # TODO: Maybe all variables should come from the context, therefore they # they will be proper initialiezed and you can call return_results, on a controlled # abort of the wc. with all output nodes produced.... #print('coreholes were calculated bla bla') # call one routine, that will set all variables in the ctx #cl, cls, ref_cl, efermi, gap, ref_efermi, ref_gap, at, at_ref, te, te_ref = self.collect_results() # check if this should be called if self.ctx.successful: # TODO parse partially results... self.collect_results() outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['workflow_version'] = self._workflowversion outputnode_dict['warnings'] = self.ctx.warnings outputnode_dict['successful'] = self.ctx.successful outputnode_dict['total_energy_ref'] = self.ctx.ref_total_energies outputnode_dict['total_energy_ref_units'] = 'eV' outputnode_dict['total_energy_all'] = self.ctx.total_energies outputnode_dict['total_energy_all_units'] = 'eV' outputnode_dict['binding_energy'] = self.ctx.bindingenergies outputnode_dict['binding_energy_units'] = 'eV' outputnode_dict['weighted_binding_energy'] = self.ctx.wbindingenergies # BE for scaled hole charge 1.0 outputnode_dict['weighted_binding_energy_units'] = 'eV' outputnode_dict['binding_energy_convention'] = 'negativ' outputnode_dict['corehole_type'] = self.ctx.method outputnode_dict['coreholes_calculated'] = '' # on what atom what level basicly description of the other lists outputnode_dict['coreholes_calculated_details'] = '' # the dict internally used #outputnode_dict['corelevel_energies'] = cl #outputnode_dict['reference_corelevel_energies'] = ref_cl outputnode_dict['fermi_energy'] = self.ctx.fermi_energies outputnode_dict['fermi_energy_unit'] = 'eV' outputnode_dict['coresetup'] = [] #cls outputnode_dict['reference_coresetup'] = [] #cls outputnode_dict['bandgap'] = self.ctx.bandgaps outputnode_dict['bandgap_units'] = 'eV' outputnode_dict['reference_bandgaps'] = self.ctx.ref_bandgaps outputnode_dict['atomtypes'] = self.ctx.atomtypes outputnode_dict['warnings'] = self.ctx.warnings outputnode_dict['errors'] = self.ctx.errors outputnode_dict['hints'] = self.ctx.hints outputnode = Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) outdict = {} outdict['output_corehole_wc_para'] = outputnode # To have to ouput node linked to the calculation output nodes outnodedict = {} outnode = Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) outnodedict['results_node'] = outnode # TODO: bad design, make bullet proof. for i, label in enumerate(self.ctx.labels): calc = self.ctx[label] #print(calc) #print(calc.get_outgoing().all()) try: calc_dict = calc.get_outgoing().get_node_by_label( 'output_scf_wc_para') #calc.outputs.output_scf_wc_para except (KeyError, ValueError): print('continue 2') outnodedict[label] = calc_dict outdict = create_corehole_result_node(**outnodedict) #outdict = {} #outdict['output_eos_wc_para'] = ouputnode for k, v in six.iteritems(outdict): self.out(k, v) msg = ('INFO: fleur_corehole_wc workflow Done')
[docs] def control_end_wc(self, errormsg): """ Controled way to shutdown the workchain. report errors and always initalize/produce output nodes. But log successful=False """ self.ctx.successful = False self.ctx.abort = True self.ctx.errors.append(errormsg) self.return_results()
[docs]@cf def create_corehole_result_node(**kwargs): #*args): """ This is a pseudo wf, to create the rigth graph structure of AiiDA. This wokfunction will create the output node in the database. It also connects the output_node to all nodes the information commes from. So far it is just also parsed in as argument, because so far we are to lazy to put most of the code overworked from return_results in here. """ outdict = {} outpara = kwargs.get('results_node', {}) outdict['output_corehole_wc_para'] = outpara.clone() # copy, because we rather produce the same node twice then have a circle in the database for now... #output_para = args[0] #return {'output_eos_wc_para'} return outdict
# corehole = {'site' : {'kind_name' : change_kind,#site.kind_name, # 'position' : site.position}, # 'econfig' : econfig, 'kindname' : kind, # 'inpxml_changes' : fleurinp_change}
[docs]@cf def prepare_struc_corehole_wf( base_supercell, wf_para, para ): #, _label='prepare_struc_corehole_wf', _description='WF, used in the corehole_wc, breaks the symmetry and moves the cell, prepares the inpgen parameters for a corehole.'): """ calcfunction which does all/some the structure+calcparameter manipulations together (therefore less nodes are produced and proverance is kept) wf_para: Dict node dict: {'site' : sites[8], 'kindname' : 'W1', 'econfig': "[Kr] 5s2 4d10 4f13 | 5p6 5d5 6s2", 'fleurinp_change' : []} """ from import move_atoms_incell #from import Site wf_para_dict = wf_para.get_dict() # has to be repacked, site object is not jason serializable... site_info = wf_para_dict['site'] #site = Site(kind_name=site_info['kind_name'], position=site_info['position']) pos = site_info['position'] #site.position species_name = wf_para_dict['kindname'] broke_kn = site_info['kind_name'] new_kinds_names = {broke_kn: [species_name]} #print pos npos = -np.array(pos) # break the symmetry, make corehole atoms its own species. # pos has to be tuple, unpack problem here.. #TODO rather not so nice new_struc, new_para = break_symmetry(base_supercell, atoms=[], site=[], pos=[(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])], new_kinds_names=new_kinds_names, parameterdata=para) #kinds = new_struc.kinds #for kind in kinds: # if == broke_kn: # = species_name # print('kindset?') # move unit cell that impurity is in 0,0,0 moved_struc = move_atoms_incell(new_struc, npos) # Make sure to provide a parameter node otherwise create_corhole para won't work para = create_corehole_para( moved_struc, species_name, #wf_para_dict['kindname'], wf_para_dict['econfig'], parameterdata=new_para, species_name=species_name) # return of a wf has to be dictionary of nodes... return {'moved_struc': moved_struc, 'hole_para': para}
[docs]def extract_results_corehole(calcs): """ Collect results from certain calculation, check if everything is fine, calculate the wanted quantities. params: calcs : list of scf workchains nodes """ # TODO maybe import from somewhere move to common wf calc_uuids = [] for calc in calcs: print(calc) print(calc.exit_status, calc.exit_message) print(calc.get_outgoing().all()) try: calc_uuids.append(calc.outputs.output_scf_wc_para.get_dict()['last_calc_uuid']) except (KeyError, AttributeError): print('continue') continue #calc_uuids.append(calc['output_scf_wc_para'].get_dict()['last_calc_uuid']) #print(calc_uuids) #all_corelevels = {} #fermi_energies = {} #bandgaps = {} #all_atomtypes = {} #all_total_energies = {} all_corelevels = [] fermi_energies = [] bandgaps = [] all_atomtypes = [] all_total_energies = [] # more structures way: divide into this calc and reference calcs. # currently the order in calcs is given, but this might change if you submit # check if calculation pks belong to successful fleur calculations for i, uuid in enumerate(calc_uuids): calc = load_node(uuid) if not isinstance(calc, CalcJobNode): #raise ValueError("Calculation with pk {} must be a FleurCalculation".format(pk)) # log and continue continue if calc.is_finished_ok: # get out.xml file of calculation #outxml = calc.outputs.retrieved.folder.get_abs_path('path/out.xml') outxml ='out.xml') #print outxml try: corelevels, atomtypes = extract_corelevels(outxml) finally: outxml.close() #all_corelevels.append(core) #print('corelevels: {}'.format(corelevels)) #print('atomtypes: {}'.format(atomtypes)) #for i in range(0,len(corelevels[0][0]['corestates'])): # print corelevels[0][0]['corestates'][i]['energy'] #TODO how to store? efermi = calc.res.fermi_energy #print efermi bandgap = calc.res.bandgap total_energy = total_energy_units = calc.res.energy_units #total_energy = calc.res.total_energy #total_energy_units = calc.res.total_energy_units # TODO: maybe different, because it is prob know from before #fleurinp = calc.inp.fleurinpdata #structure = fleurinp.get_structuredata(fleurinp) #compound = structure.get_formula() #print compound #number = '{}'.format(i) #fermi_energies[number] = efermi #bandgaps[number] = bandgap #all_atomtypes[number] = atomtypes #all_corelevels[number] = corelevels #all_total_energies[number] = total_energy else: # log and continue total_energy = 2e308 #float('nan')) bandgap = 2e308 #float('nan') efermi = 2e308 #float('nan') corelevels = [2e308] #[float('nan')] atomtypes = [2e308] #[float('nan')] #continue #raise ValueError("Calculation with pk {} must be in state FINISHED".format(pk)) fermi_energies.append(efermi) bandgaps.append(bandgap) all_atomtypes.append(atomtypes) all_corelevels.append(corelevels) all_total_energies.append(total_energy) return fermi_energies, bandgaps, all_atomtypes, all_corelevels, all_total_energies