Source code for aiida_fleur.parsers.fleur

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
# For further information please visit or                 #
#                               #
This module contains the parser for a FLEUR calculation and methods for parsing
different files produced by FLEUR.

Please implement file parsing routines that they can be executed from outside
the parser. Makes testing and portability easier.
# TODO: move methods to utils, xml or other
# TODO: warnings
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import re
import json
from datetime import date
from lxml import etree

from aiida.parsers import Parser
from aiida.orm import Dict, BandsData
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent

[docs]class FleurParser(Parser): """ This class is the implementation of the Parser class for FLEUR. It parses the FLEUR output if the calculation was successful, i.e checks if all files are there that should be and their condition. Then it parses the out.xml file and returns a (simple) parameterData node with the results of the last iteration. Other files (DOS.x, bands.x, relax.xml, ...) are also parsed if they are retrieved. """ _setting_key = 'parser_options'
[docs] def get_linkname_outparams_complex(self): """ Returns the name of the link to the output_complex Node contains the Fleur output in a rather complex dictionary. """ return 'output_complex'
[docs] def get_linkname_outparams(self): """ Returns the name of the link to the output_complex Node contains the Fleur output in a rather complex dictionary. """ return 'output_parameters'
[docs] def parse(self, **kwargs): """ Receives in input a dictionary of retrieved nodes. Does all the logic here. Checks presents of files. Calls routines to parse them and returns parameter nodes and success. :return successful: Bool, if overall parsing was successful or not :return new_nodes_list: list of tuples of two (linkname, Dataobject), nodes to be stored by AiiDA """ ####### init some variables ###### # these files should be at least present after success of a Fleur run calc = self.node FleurCalculation = calc.process_class # this files should be retrieved should_retrieve = calc.get_attribute('retrieve_list') has_xml_outfile = False has_dos_file = False has_bands_file = False has_relax_file = False invalid_mmpmat = False dos_file = None band_file = None ######### Check presence of files ###### # select the folder object # Check that the retrieved folder is there try: output_folder = self.retrieved except NotExistent: self.logger.error('No retrieved folder found') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_RETRIEVED_FOLDER # check what is inside the folder list_of_files = output_folder.list_object_names()'file list {}'.format(list_of_files)) # has output xml file, otherwise error if FleurCalculation._OUTXML_FILE_NAME not in list_of_files: self.logger.error("XML out not found '{}'".format(FleurCalculation._OUTXML_FILE_NAME)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_OUTXML else: has_xml_outfile = True # check if all files expected are there for the calculation for file in should_retrieve: if file not in list_of_files: self.logger.warning("'{}' file not found in retrived folder, it" ' was probably not created by fleur'.format(file)) # check if something was written to the error file if FleurCalculation._ERROR_FILE_NAME in list_of_files: errorfile = FleurCalculation._ERROR_FILE_NAME # read try: with, 'r') as efile: error_file_lines = # Note: read(), not readlines() except IOError: self.logger.error('Failed to open error file: {}.'.format(errorfile)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_OPENING_OUTPUTS if error_file_lines: if isinstance(error_file_lines, type(b'')): error_file_lines = error_file_lines.replace(b'\x00', b' ') else: error_file_lines = error_file_lines.replace('\x00', ' ') if 'Run finished successfully' not in error_file_lines: self.logger.warning('The following was written into std error and piped to {}' ' : \n {}'.format(errorfile, error_file_lines)) self.logger.error('FLEUR calculation did not finish' ' successfully.') # here we estimate how much memory was available and consumed mpiprocs = self.node.get_attribute('resources').get('num_mpiprocs_per_machine', 1) kb_used = 0.0 with'out.xml', 'r') as out_file: # lazy out.xml parsing outlines = try: line_avail = re.findall(r'<mem memoryPerNode="\d+', outlines)[0] mem_kb_avail = int(re.findall(r'\d+', line_avail)[0]) except IndexError: mem_kb_avail = 1.0'Did not manage to find memory available info.') else: usage_json = FleurCalculation._USAGE_FILE_NAME if usage_json in list_of_files: with, 'r') as us_file: usage = json.load(us_file) kb_used = usage['data']['VmPeak'] else: try: line_used = re.findall(r'used.+', error_file_lines)[0] kb_used = int(re.findall(r'\d+', line_used)[2]) except IndexError:'Did not manage to find memory usage info.') # here we estimate how much walltime was available and consumed try: time_avail_sec = self.node.attributes['last_job_info']['requested_wallclock_time_seconds'] time_calculated = self.node.attributes['last_job_info']['wallclock_time_seconds'] if time_avail_sec < 1.01 * time_calculated: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_TIME_LIMIT except KeyError: pass if (kb_used * mpiprocs / mem_kb_avail > 0.93 or 'cgroup out-of-memory handler' in error_file_lines or 'Out Of Memory' in error_file_lines): return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY elif 'Atom spills out into vacuum during relaxation' in error_file_lines: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_VACUUM_SPILL_RELAX elif 'Error checking M.T. radii' in error_file_lines: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_MT_RADII elif 'Overlapping MT-spheres during relaxation: ' in error_file_lines: overlap_line = re.findall(r'\S+ +\S+ olap: +\S+', error_file_lines)[0].split() with'relax.xml', 'r') as rlx: relax_dict = parse_relax_file(rlx) it_number = len(relax_dict['energies']) + 1 # relax.xml was not updated error_params = { 'error_name': 'MT_OVERLAP_RELAX', 'description': ('This output node contains information' 'about FLEUR error'), 'overlapped_indices': overlap_line[:2], 'overlaping_value': overlap_line[3], 'iteration_number': it_number } link_name = self.get_linkname_outparams() error_params = Dict(dict=error_params) self.out('error_params', error_params) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_MT_RADII_RELAX elif 'Invalid elements in mmpmat' in error_file_lines: invalid_mmpmat = True elif 'parent_folder' in calc.inputs: if 'fleurinpdata' in calc.inputs: if 'relax.xml' in calc.inputs.fleurinpdata.files: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_DROP_CDN else: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_FLEUR_CALC_FAILED if FleurCalculation._DOS_FILE_NAME in list_of_files: has_dos = True if FleurCalculation._BAND_FILE_NAME in list_of_files: has_bands = True # if a relax.xml was retrieved if FleurCalculation._RELAX_FILE_NAME in list_of_files:'relax.xml file found in retrieved folder') has_relax_file = True ####### Parse the files ######## if has_xml_outfile: # open output file with, 'r') as outxmlfile_opened: simpledata, complexdata, parser_info, success = parse_xmlout_file(outxmlfile_opened) # Call routines for output node creation if not success: self.logger.error('Parsing of XML output file was not successfull.') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_XMLOUT_PARSING_FAILED elif simpledata: outputdata = dict(list(simpledata.items()) + list(parser_info.items())) #outputdata['CalcJob_uuid'] = self.node.uuid outxml_params = Dict(dict=outputdata) link_name = self.get_linkname_outparams() self.out(link_name, outxml_params) elif complexdata: parameter_data = dict(list(complexdata.items()) + list(parser_info.items())) #parameter_data['CalcJob_uuid'] = self.node.uuid outxml_params_complex = Dict(dict=parameter_data) link_name = self.get_linkname_outparams_complex() self.out(link_name, outxml_params_complex) else: self.logger.error('Something went wrong, neither simpledata nor complexdata found') parameter_data = dict(list(parser_info.items())) outxml_params = Dict(dict=parameter_data) link_name = self.get_linkname_outparams() self.out(link_name, outxml_params) # optional parse other files # DOS if has_dos_file: dos_file = FleurCalculation._DOS_FILE_NAME # if dos_file is not None: try: with, 'r') as dosf: dos_lines = # Note: read() and not readlines() except IOError: self.logger.error('Failed to open DOS file: {}.'.format(dos_file)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_OPENING_OUTPUTS dos_data = parse_dos_file(dos_lines) # , number_of_atom_types) # Bands if has_bands_file: # TODO: be carefull there might be two files. band_file = FleurCalculation._BAND_FILE_NAME # if band_file is not None: try: with, 'r') as bandf: bands_lines = # Note: read() and not readlines() except IOError: self.logger.error('Failed to open bandstructure file: {}.' ''.format(band_file)) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_OPENING_OUTPUTS bands_data = parse_bands_file(bands_lines) if has_relax_file: relax_name = FleurCalculation._RELAX_FILE_NAME try: fleurinp = calc.inputs.fleurinpdata except NotExistent: old_relax_text = '' else: if relax_name in fleurinp.list_object_names(): with, 'r') as rlx: old_relax_text = else: old_relax_text = '' # dummy comparison between old and new relax with, 'r') as rlx: new_relax_text = if new_relax_text != old_relax_text: try: relax_dict = parse_relax_file(rlx) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_RELAX_PARSING_FAILED self.out('relax_parameters', relax_dict) if invalid_mmpmat: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_ELEMENTS_MMPMAT
[docs]def parse_xmlout_file(outxmlfile): """ Parses the out.xml file of a FLEUR calculation Receives as input the absolute path to the xml output file :param outxmlfile: path to out.xml file :returns xml_data_dict: a simple dictionary (QE output like) with parsed data """ #from lxml import etree #global parser_info_out # FIXME: This is global, look for a different way to do this, python logging? parser_info_out = {'parser_warnings': [], 'unparsed': []} parser_version = '0.3.0' parser_info_out['parser_info'] = 'AiiDA Fleur Parser v{}'.format(parser_version) #parsed_data = {} successful = True outfile_broken = False parse_xml = True parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=False) try: tree = etree.parse(outxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: outfile_broken = True parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('The out.xml file is broken I try to repair it.') if outfile_broken: # repair xmlfile and try to parse what is possible. parser = etree.XMLParser(recover=True) try: tree = etree.parse(outxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Skipping the parsing of the xml file. ' 'Repairing was not possible.') parse_xml = False successful = False def parse_simplexmlout_file(root, outfile_broken): """ Parses the xml.out file of a Fleur calculation Receives in input the root of an xmltree of the xml output file :param root: root node of etree of out.xml file :param outfile_broken: a boolen that indicates if an out.xml has a broken last iteration output :returns xml_data_dict: a simple dictionary (QE output like) with parsed data """ ### all xpath used. (maintain this) ### iteration_xpath = '/fleurOutput/scfLoop/iteration' magnetism_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/calculationSetup/magnetism' relPos_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup/relPos' absPos_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup/absPos' filmPos_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup/filmPos' atomstypes_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup' symmetries_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/cell/symmetryOperations/symOp' kpoints_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/calculationSetup/bzIntegration/kPointList/kPoint' species_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomSpecies' # input parameters creator_name_xpath = 'programVersion/@version' output_version_xpath = '/fleurOutput/@fleurOutputVersion' creator_target_architecture_xpath = 'programVersion/targetComputerArchitectures/text()' creator_target_structure_xpath = 'programVersion/targetStructureClass/text()' precision_xpath = 'programVersion/precision/@type' title_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/comment/text()' kmax_xpath = 'calculationSetup/cutoffs' gmax_xpath = 'calculationSetup/cutoffs' mixing_xpath = 'calculationSetup/scfLoop' number_of_bands_xpath = 'calculationSetup/cutoffs' spin_orbit_calculation = 'calculationSetup/soc' smearing_energy_xpath = 'calculationSetup/bzIntegration/@fermiSmearingEnergy' jspin_name = 'jspins' l_f_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/calculationSetup/geometryOptimization/@l_f' ldau_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomSpecies/species/ldaU' # timing start_time_xpath = '/fleurOutput/startDateAndTime/@time' end_time_xpath = '/fleurOutput/endDateAndTime/@time' start_date_xpath = '/fleurOutput/startDateAndTime/@date' end_date_xpath = '/fleurOutput/endDateAndTime/@date' ########### # get all iterations in out.xml file iteration_nodes = eval_xpath2(root, iteration_xpath) n_iters = len(iteration_nodes) data_exists = True # parse only last stable interation # (if modes (dos and co) maybe parse anyway if broken?) if outfile_broken and (n_iters >= 2): iteration_to_parse = iteration_nodes[-2] parser_info_out['last_iteration_parsed'] = n_iters - 2 elif outfile_broken and (n_iters == 1): iteration_to_parse = iteration_nodes[0] parser_info_out['last_iteration_parsed'] = n_iters elif not outfile_broken and (n_iters >= 1): iteration_to_parse = iteration_nodes[-1] else: # there was no iteration found. # only the starting charge density could be generated parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('There was no iteration found in the outfile, either just a ' 'starting density was generated or something went wrong.') data_exists = False iteration_to_parse = None # for getting the fleur modes use fleurinp methods spin = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(root, magnetism_xpath), jspin_name) if spin: fleurmode = {'jspin': int(spin)} else: fleurmode = {'jspin': 1} relax = eval_xpath(root, l_f_xpath) fleurmode['relax'] = relax == 'T' fleurmode['ldau'] = len(eval_xpath2(root, ldau_xpath)) != 0 if data_exists: simple_data = parse_simple_outnode(iteration_to_parse, fleurmode) else: simple_data = {} # TODO: in the future add here the warnings returned from parse_simple_outnode # Currently Fleur warnings an errors are not written to the out.xml # should they be lists or dicts? warnings = {'info': {}, 'debug': {}, 'warning': {}, 'error': {}} simple_data['number_of_atoms'] = (len(eval_xpath2(root, relPos_xpath)) + len(eval_xpath2(root, absPos_xpath)) + len(eval_xpath2(root, filmPos_xpath))) simple_data['number_of_atom_types'] = len(eval_xpath2(root, atomstypes_xpath)) simple_data['number_of_iterations'] = n_iters simple_data['number_of_symmetries'] = len(eval_xpath2(root, symmetries_xpath)) simple_data['number_of_species'] = len(eval_xpath2(root, species_xpath)) simple_data['number_of_kpoints'] = len(eval_xpath2(root, kpoints_xpath)) simple_data['number_of_spin_components'] = fleurmode['jspin'] if fleurmode['ldau']: ldaU_definitions = eval_xpath2(root, ldau_xpath) for ldaU in ldaU_definitions: parent = ldaU.getparent() element_name = get_xml_attribute(parent, 'element') species_name = get_xml_attribute(parent, 'name') ldauKey = f'{element_name}/{species_name}' if ldauKey not in simple_data['ldau_info']: simple_data['ldau_info'][ldauKey] = {} ldau_l = get_xml_attribute(ldaU, 'l') ldau_l, suc = convert_to_int(ldau_l) ldau_l = 'spdf'[ldau_l] simple_data['ldau_info'][ldauKey][ldau_l] = {} ldau_u = get_xml_attribute(ldaU, 'U') simple_data['ldau_info'][ldauKey][ldau_l]['u'], suc = convert_to_float(ldau_u) ldau_j = get_xml_attribute(ldaU, 'J') simple_data['ldau_info'][ldauKey][ldau_l]['j'], suc = convert_to_float(ldau_j) simple_data['ldau_info'][ldauKey][ldau_l]['unit'] = 'eV' ldau_amf = get_xml_attribute(ldaU, 'l_amf') == 'T' if ldau_amf: ldau_dc = 'AMF' else: ldau_dc = 'FLL' simple_data['ldau_info'][ldauKey][ldau_l]['double_counting'] = ldau_dc title = eval_xpath(root, title_xpath) if title: title = str(title).strip() simple_data['title'] = title simple_data['creator_name'] = eval_xpath(root, creator_name_xpath) simple_data['creator_target_architecture'] = eval_xpath(root, creator_target_architecture_xpath) simple_data['creator_target_structure'] = eval_xpath(root, creator_target_structure_xpath) simple_data['output_file_version'] = eval_xpath(root, output_version_xpath) # time # Maybe change the behavior if things could not be parsed... # Especially if file was broken, ie endtime it not there. starttime = eval_xpath(root, start_time_xpath) if starttime: starttimes = starttime.split(':') else: starttimes = [0, 0, 0] msg = 'Startime was unparsed, inp.xml prob not complete, do not believe the walltime!' if data_exists: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append(msg) endtime = eval_xpath(root, end_time_xpath) if endtime: endtimes = endtime.split(':') else: endtimes = [0, 0, 0] msg = 'Endtime was unparsed, inp.xml prob not complete, do not believe the walltime!' if data_exists: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append(msg) start_date = eval_xpath(root, start_date_xpath) end_date = eval_xpath(root, end_date_xpath) offset = 0 if start_date != end_date: # date="2018/01/15", Can this fail? what happens if not there if start_date and end_date: date_sl = [int(ent) for ent in start_date.split('/')] date_el = [int(ent) for ent in end_date.split('/')] date_s = date(*date_sl) date_e = date(*date_el) diff = date_e - date_s offset = diff.days * 86400 # ncores = 12 #TODO parse parallelization_Parameters time = offset + (int(endtimes[0]) - int(starttimes[0])) * 60 * 60 + ( int(endtimes[1]) - int(starttimes[1])) * 60 + int(endtimes[2]) - int(starttimes[2]) simple_data['walltime'] = time simple_data['walltime_units'] = 'seconds' #simple_data['core_hours'] = time*ncores*1.0/3600 #simple_data['parallelization_Parameters'] = {'mpiPEs' : ncores} simple_data['start_date'] = {'date': start_date, 'time': starttime} simple_data['end_date'] = {'date': end_date, 'time': endtime} warnings['info'] = {} # TODO warnings['debug'] = {} # TODO warnings['warning'] = {} # TODO warnings['error'] = {} # TODO simple_data['warnings'] = warnings return simple_data # TODO find a way to import these from xml_util, but make the parser logger work... def eval_xpath(node, xpath): """ Tries to evaluate an xpath expression. If it fails it logs it. :param node: root node of an etree :param xpath: xpath expression (relative, or absolute) :returns: text, attribute or a node list """ try: return_value = node.xpath(xpath) except etree.XPathEvalError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('There was a XpathEvalError on the xpath: {} \n Either it does ' 'not exist, or something is wrong with the expression.' ''.format(xpath)) return [] # or rather None? if len(return_value) == 1: return return_value[0] else: return return_value def eval_xpath2(node, xpath): """ Tries to evaluate an xpath expression. If it fails it logs it. It always return a list even if a single element was evaluated. :param node: root node of an etree :param xpath: xpath expression (relative, or absolute) :returns: a node list """ try: return_value = node.xpath(xpath) except etree.XPathEvalError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('There was a XpathEvalError on the xpath: {} \n Either it does ' 'not exist, or something is wrong with the expression.' ''.format(xpath)) return [] return return_value def get_xml_attribute(node, attributename): """ Get an attribute value from a node. :param node: a node from etree :param attributename: a string with the attribute name. :returns: attributevalue or None """ if etree.iselement(node): attrib_value = node.get(attributename) if attrib_value: return attrib_value else: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Tried to get attribute: "{}" from element {}.\n ' 'I received "{}", maybe the attribute does not exist' ''.format(attributename, node, attrib_value)) return None else: # something doesn't work here, some nodes get through here parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Can not get attributename: "{}" from node "{}", ' 'because node is not an element of etree.' ''.format(attributename, node)) return None def convert_to_float(value_string): """ Tries to make a float out of a string. If it can't it logs a warning and returns True or False if convertion worked or not. :param value_string: a string :returns value: the new float or value_string: the string given :returns: True if convertation was successfull, False otherwise """ try: value = float(value_string) except TypeError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Could not convert: "{}" to float, TypeError' ''.format(value_string)) return value_string, False except ValueError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Could not convert: "{}" to float, ValueError' ''.format(value_string)) return value_string, False return value, True def convert_to_int(value_string): """ Tries to make a int out of a string. If it can't it logs a warning and returns True or False if convertion worked or not. :param value_string: a string :returns value: the new int or value_string: the string given :returns: True or False """ try: value = int(value_string) except TypeError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Could not convert: "{}" to int, TypeError' ''.format(value_string)) return value_string, False except ValueError: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append('Could not convert: "{}" to int, ValueError' ''.format(value_string)) return value_string, False return value, True def convert_htr_to_ev(value): """ Multiplies the value given with the Hartree factor (converts htr to eV) """ htr = 27.21138602 suc = False value_to_save, suc = convert_to_float(value) if suc: return value_to_save * htr else: return value def parse_simple_outnode(iteration_node, fleurmode): """ Parses the data from the iteration given (usually last iteration) and some other data for the 'simple' output node. :param iteration_node: etree node of an interation :param Fleurmode: python dictionary, with all the modes, which influence the parsing :returns simple_data: a python dictionary with all results """ ################################################### ########## all xpaths (maintain this) ############ # (specifies where to find things in the out.xml) # # density densityconvergence_xpath = 'densityConvergence' chargedensity_xpath = 'densityConvergence/chargeDensity' overallchargedensity_xpath = 'densityConvergence/overallChargeDensity' spindensity_xpath = 'densityConvergence/spinDensity' bandgap_xpath = 'bandgap' fermi_energy_xpath = 'FermiEnergy' # magnetic moments magnetic_moments_in_mtpheres_xpath = 'magneticMomentsInMTSpheres' magneticmoment_xpath = 'magneticMomentsInMTSpheres/magneticMoment' magneticmoments_xpath = 'magneticMomentsInMTSpheres/magneticMoment/@moment' magneticmoments_spinupcharge_xpath = 'magneticMomentsInMTSpheres/magneticMoment/@spinUpCharge' magneticmoments_spindowncharge_xpath = 'magneticMomentsInMTSpheres/magneticMoment/@spinDownCharge' orbmagnetic_moments_in_mtpheres_xpath = 'orbitalMagneticMomentsInMTSpheres' orbmagneticmoment_xpath = 'orbitalMagneticMomentsInMTSpheres/orbMagMoment' orbmagneticmoments_xpath = 'orbitalMagneticMomentsInMTSpheres/orbMagMoment/@moment' orbmagneticmoments_spinupcharge_xpath = 'orbitalMagneticMomentsInMTSpheres/orbMagMoment/@spinUpCharge' orbmagneticmoments_spindowncharge_xpath = 'orbitalMagneticMomentsInMTSpheres/orbMagMoment/@spinDownCharge' mae_force_theta_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_MAE/Angle/@theta' mae_force_phi_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_MAE/Angle/@phi' mae_force_evsum_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_MAE/Angle/@ev-sum' mae_force_energ_units_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_Loop_MAE/sumValenceSingleParticleEnergies/@units' spst_force_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_SSDISP/@qvectors' spst_force_q_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_SSDISP/Entry/@q' spst_force_evsum_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_SSDISP/Entry/@ev-sum' spst_force_energ_units_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_Loop_SSDISP/sumValenceSingleParticleEnergies/@units' dmi_force_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI' dmi_force_q_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI/Entry/@q' dmi_force_theta_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI/Entry/@theta' dmi_force_phi_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI/Entry/@phi' dmi_force_evsum_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI/Entry/@ev-sum' dmi_force_angles_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI/@Angles' dmi_force_qs_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_DMI/@qPoints' dmi_force_energ_units_xpath = 'Forcetheorem_Loop_DMI/sumValenceSingleParticleEnergies/@units' spinupcharge_name = 'spinUpCharge' spindowncharge_name = 'spinDownCharge' moment_name = 'moment' # all electron charges allelectronchages_xpath = '' a = 'total' b = 'interstitial' c = 'value' # energy totalenergy_xpath = 'totalEnergy' sumofeigenvalues_xpath = 'totalEnergy/sumOfEigenvalues' core_electrons_xpath = 'totalEnergy/sumOfEigenvalues/coreElectrons' valence_electrons_xpath = 'totalEnergy/sumOfEigenvalues/valenceElectrons' chargeden_xc_den_integral_xpath = 'totalEnergy/chargeDenXCDenIntegral' #free_energy_xpath = 'totalEnergy/freeEnergy' # forces forces_units_xpath = 'totalForcesOnRepresentativeAtoms' forces_total_xpath = 'totalForcesOnRepresentativeAtoms/forceTotal' #ldau eldau_xpath = 'totalEnergy/dftUCorrection/@value' ldaudistances_xpath = 'ldaUdensityMatrixConvergence/distance/' # iteration_xpath = '.' units_name = 'units' value_name = 'value' distance_name = 'distance' overall_number_name = 'overallNumber' atomtype_name = 'atomType' # forces f_x_name = 'F_x' f_y_name = 'F_y' f_z_name = 'F_z' new_x_name = 'x' new_y_name = 'y' new_z_name = 'z' relPos_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup/relPos' absPos_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup/absPos' filmPos_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup/filmPos' atomstypes_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/atomGroups/atomGroup' film_lat_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/cell/filmLattice/bravaisMatrix/' bulk_lat_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/cell/bulkLattice/bravaisMatrix/' kmax_xpath = '/fleurOutput/inputData/calculationSetup/cutoffs/@Kmax' ################################################### jspin = fleurmode['jspin'] relax = fleurmode['relax'] ldaU = fleurmode['ldau'] simple_data = {} def write_simple_outnode(value, value_type, value_name, dict_out): """ Writes a value (int or float) in the simple data dict. if path does not exit it initializes it! If the value has not the type given, it will be logged in parser info instead of writing. :param value: value ti write :param value_type: a type of a value: 'float', 'int', 'str', 'list', 'list_floats', 'list_ints', list_list_floats :param value_name: a name of a value to be used in the dictionary """ iteration_current_number_name = 'numberForCurrentRun' suc = False if value_type == 'float': value_to_save, suc = convert_to_float(value) elif value_type == 'int': value_to_save, suc = convert_to_int(value) elif value_type == 'str': suc = True value_to_save = value #value_to_save, suc = convert_to_str(value) elif value_type == 'list': suc = True value_to_save = value elif value_type == 'list_floats': value_to_save = [] for val in value: value_to_savet, suct = convert_to_float(val) value_to_save.append(value_to_savet) suc = True # TODO individual or common error message? elif value_type == 'list_ints': value_to_save = [] for val in value: value_to_savet, suct = convert_to_int(val) value_to_save.append(value_to_savet) suc = True elif value_type == 'list_list_floats': value_to_save = [] for val in value: value_to_savet = [] for val1 in val: value_to_savet1, suct = convert_to_float(val1) value_to_savet.append(value_to_savet1) value_to_save.append(value_to_savet) suc = True # TODO individual or common error message? else: #self.logger.error('I dont know the type you gave me {}'.format(type)) pass # TODO log error, self is not known here... if suc: dict_out[value_name] = value_to_save else: parser_info_out['unparsed'].append({ value_name: value, 'iteration': get_xml_attribute(iteration_node, iteration_current_number_name) }) if eval_xpath(iteration_node, mae_force_theta_xpath) != []: # extract MAE force theorem parameters mae_force_theta = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, mae_force_theta_xpath) write_simple_outnode(mae_force_theta, 'list_floats', 'mae_force_theta', simple_data) mae_force_evsum = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, mae_force_evsum_xpath) write_simple_outnode(mae_force_evsum, 'list_floats', 'mae_force_evSum', simple_data) mae_force_phi = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, mae_force_phi_xpath) write_simple_outnode(mae_force_phi, 'list_floats', 'mae_force_phi', simple_data) units_e = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, mae_force_energ_units_xpath) write_simple_outnode(units_e[0], 'str', 'energy_units', simple_data) elif eval_xpath(iteration_node, spst_force_xpath) != []: # extract Spin spiral dispersion force theorem parameters spst_force_q = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, spst_force_q_xpath) write_simple_outnode(spst_force_q, 'list_floats', 'spst_force_q', simple_data) spst_force_evsum = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, spst_force_evsum_xpath) write_simple_outnode(spst_force_evsum, 'list_floats', 'spst_force_evSum', simple_data) units_e = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, spst_force_energ_units_xpath) write_simple_outnode(units_e[0], 'str', 'energy_units', simple_data) elif eval_xpath(iteration_node, dmi_force_xpath) != []: # extract DMI force theorem parameters dmi_force_q = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, dmi_force_q_xpath) write_simple_outnode(dmi_force_q, 'list_ints', 'dmi_force_q', simple_data) dmi_force_evsum = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, dmi_force_evsum_xpath) write_simple_outnode(dmi_force_evsum, 'list_floats', 'dmi_force_evSum', simple_data) dmi_force_theta = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, dmi_force_theta_xpath) write_simple_outnode(dmi_force_theta, 'list_floats', 'dmi_force_theta', simple_data) dmi_force_phi = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, dmi_force_phi_xpath) write_simple_outnode(dmi_force_phi, 'list_floats', 'dmi_force_phi', simple_data) dmi_force_angles = eval_xpath(iteration_node, dmi_force_angles_xpath) write_simple_outnode(dmi_force_angles, 'int', 'dmi_force_angles', simple_data) dmi_force_qs = eval_xpath(iteration_node, dmi_force_qs_xpath) write_simple_outnode(dmi_force_qs, 'int', 'dmi_force_qs', simple_data) units_e = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, dmi_force_energ_units_xpath) write_simple_outnode(units_e[0], 'str', 'energy_units', simple_data) else: # total energy kmax_used = eval_xpath2(root, kmax_xpath)[0] write_simple_outnode(kmax_used, 'float', 'kmax', simple_data) units_e = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, totalenergy_xpath), units_name) write_simple_outnode(units_e, 'str', 'energy_hartree_units', simple_data) tE_htr = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, totalenergy_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(tE_htr, 'float', 'energy_hartree', simple_data) write_simple_outnode(convert_htr_to_ev(tE_htr), 'float', 'energy', simple_data) write_simple_outnode('eV', 'str', 'energy_units', simple_data) sumofeigenvalues = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, sumofeigenvalues_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(sumofeigenvalues, 'float', 'sum_of_eigenvalues', simple_data) coreElectrons = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, core_electrons_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(coreElectrons, 'float', 'energy_core_electrons', simple_data) valenceElectrons = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, valence_electrons_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(valenceElectrons, 'float', 'energy_valence_electrons', simple_data) ch_d_xc_d_inte = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, chargeden_xc_den_integral_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(ch_d_xc_d_inte, 'float', 'charge_den_xc_den_integral', simple_data) # bandgap units_bandgap = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, bandgap_xpath), units_name) write_simple_outnode(units_bandgap, 'str', 'bandgap_units', simple_data) bandgap = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, bandgap_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(bandgap, 'float', 'bandgap', simple_data) # fermi fermi_energy = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, fermi_energy_xpath), value_name) write_simple_outnode(fermi_energy, 'float', 'fermi_energy', simple_data) units_fermi_energy = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, fermi_energy_xpath), units_name) write_simple_outnode(units_fermi_energy, 'str', 'fermi_energy_units', simple_data) # density convergence units = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, densityconvergence_xpath), units_name) write_simple_outnode(units, 'str', 'density_convergence_units', simple_data) if jspin == 1: if not relax: # there are no charge densities written if relax charge_density = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, chargedensity_xpath), distance_name) write_simple_outnode(charge_density, 'float', 'charge_density', simple_data) elif jspin == 2: charge_densitys = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, chargedensity_xpath) if not relax: # there are no charge densities written if relax if charge_densitys: # otherwise we get a keyerror if calculation failed. charge_density1 = get_xml_attribute(charge_densitys[0], distance_name) charge_density2 = get_xml_attribute(charge_densitys[1], distance_name) else: # Is non a problem? charge_density1 = None charge_density2 = None write_simple_outnode(charge_density1, 'float', 'charge_density1', simple_data) write_simple_outnode(charge_density2, 'float', 'charge_density2', simple_data) spin_density = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, spindensity_xpath), distance_name) write_simple_outnode(spin_density, 'float', 'spin_density', simple_data) overall_charge_density = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, overallchargedensity_xpath), distance_name) write_simple_outnode(overall_charge_density, 'float', 'overall_charge_density', simple_data) # magnetic moments #TODO orbMag Moment m_units = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, magnetic_moments_in_mtpheres_xpath), units_name) write_simple_outnode(m_units, 'str', 'magnetic_moment_units', simple_data) write_simple_outnode(m_units, 'str', 'orbital_magnetic_moment_units', simple_data) moments = eval_xpath(iteration_node, magneticmoments_xpath) write_simple_outnode(moments, 'list_floats', 'magnetic_moments', simple_data) spinup = eval_xpath(iteration_node, magneticmoments_spinupcharge_xpath) write_simple_outnode(spinup, 'list_floats', 'magnetic_spin_up_charges', simple_data) spindown = eval_xpath(iteration_node, magneticmoments_spindowncharge_xpath) write_simple_outnode(spindown, 'list_floats', 'magnetic_spin_down_charges', simple_data) # orbital magnetic moments orbmoments = eval_xpath(iteration_node, orbmagneticmoments_xpath) write_simple_outnode(orbmoments, 'list_floats', 'orbital_magnetic_moments', simple_data) orbspinup = eval_xpath(iteration_node, orbmagneticmoments_spinupcharge_xpath) write_simple_outnode(orbspinup, 'list_floats', 'orbital_magnetic_spin_up_charges', simple_data) orbspindown = eval_xpath(iteration_node, orbmagneticmoments_spindowncharge_xpath) write_simple_outnode(orbspindown, 'list_floats', 'orbital_magnetic_spin_down_charges', simple_data) # TODO: atomtype dependence # moment = get_xml_attribute( # eval_xpath(iteration_node, magneticmoment_xpath), moment_name) #write_simple_outnode(moment, 'float', 'magnetic_moment', simple_data) # spinup = get_xml_attribute( # eval_xpath(iteration_node, magneticmoment_xpath), spinupcharge_name) #write_simple_outnode(spinup, 'float', 'spin_up_charge', simple_data) # spindown = get_xml_attribute( # eval_xpath(iteration_node, magneticmoment_xpath), spindowncharge_name) #write_simple_outnode(spindown, 'float', 'spin_down_charge', simple_data) # Total charges, total magentic moment if ldaU: simple_data['ldau_info'] = {} eldau = eval_xpath(iteration_node, eldau_xpath) write_simple_outnode(eldau, 'float', 'ldau_energy_correction', simple_data['ldau_info']) write_simple_outnode(units_e, 'str', 'unit', simple_data['ldau_info']) ldau_distances = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, ldaudistances_xpath) write_simple_outnode(ldau_distances, 'list_floats', 'density_matrix_distance', simple_data['ldau_info']) if relax: # check if it is a film or a bulk structure film = eval_xpath2(root, os.path.join(film_lat_xpath, 'row-1')) if film: lat_path = film_lat_xpath pos_attr = 'filmPos' else: lat_path = bulk_lat_xpath pos_attr = 'relPos' v_1 = eval_xpath(root, os.path.join(lat_path, 'row-1')) v_1 = [float(x) for x in v_1.text.split()] v_2 = eval_xpath(root, os.path.join(lat_path, 'row-2')) v_2 = [float(x) for x in v_2.text.split()] v_3 = eval_xpath(root, os.path.join(lat_path, 'row-3')) v_3 = [float(x) for x in v_3.text.split()] relax_brav_vectors = [v_1, v_2, v_3] atom_positions = [] all_atoms = eval_xpath2(root, atomstypes_xpath) for a_type in all_atoms: element = get_xml_attribute(a_type, 'species').split('-')[0] type_positions = eval_xpath2(a_type, pos_attr) for pos in type_positions: pos = [convert_frac(x) for x in pos.text.split()] atom_positions.append([element] + pos) write_simple_outnode(relax_brav_vectors, 'list', 'relax_brav_vectors', simple_data) write_simple_outnode(atom_positions, 'list', 'relax_atom_positions', simple_data) write_simple_outnode(str(bool(film)), 'str', 'film', simple_data) # total iterations number_of_iterations_total = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, iteration_xpath), overall_number_name) write_simple_outnode(number_of_iterations_total, 'int', 'number_of_iterations_total', simple_data) # forces atomtype dependend forces = eval_xpath2(iteration_node, forces_total_xpath) # length should be ntypes largest_force = -0.0 for force in forces: atomtype, _ = convert_to_int(get_xml_attribute(force, atomtype_name)) forces_unit = get_xml_attribute(eval_xpath(iteration_node, forces_units_xpath), units_name) write_simple_outnode(forces_unit, 'str', 'force_units', simple_data) force_x = get_xml_attribute(force, f_x_name) write_simple_outnode(force_x, 'float', 'force_x_type{}'.format(atomtype), simple_data) force_y = get_xml_attribute(force, f_y_name) write_simple_outnode(force_y, 'float', 'force_y_type{}'.format(atomtype), simple_data) force_z = get_xml_attribute(force, f_z_name) write_simple_outnode(force_z, 'float', 'force_z_type{}'.format(atomtype), simple_data) force_xf, suc1 = convert_to_float(force_x) force_yf, suc2 = convert_to_float(force_y) force_zf, suc3 = convert_to_float(force_z) if suc1 and suc2 and suc3: if abs(force_xf) > largest_force: largest_force = abs(force_xf) if abs(force_yf) > largest_force: largest_force = abs(force_yf) if abs(force_zf) > largest_force: largest_force = abs(force_zf) pos_x = get_xml_attribute(force, new_x_name) write_simple_outnode(pos_x, 'float', 'abspos_x_type{}'.format(atomtype), simple_data) pos_y = get_xml_attribute(force, new_y_name) write_simple_outnode(pos_y, 'float', 'abspos_y_type{}'.format(atomtype), simple_data) pos_z = get_xml_attribute(force, new_z_name) write_simple_outnode(pos_z, 'float', 'abspos_z_type{}'.format(atomtype), simple_data) write_simple_outnode(largest_force, 'float', 'force_largest', simple_data) return simple_data if parse_xml: root = tree.getroot() if root is None: parser_info_out['parser_warnings'].append( 'Somehow the root from the xmltree is None, which it should not be, I skip the parsing.') successful = False return {}, {}, parser_info_out, successful else: simple_out = parse_simplexmlout_file(root, outfile_broken) #simple_out['outputfile_path'] = outxmlfile # TODO: parse complex out complex_out = {} # parse_xmlout_file(root) return simple_out, complex_out, parser_info_out, successful else: return {}, {}, parser_info_out, successful
[docs]def parse_dos_file(dos_lines): # , number_of_atom_types): """ Parses the returned DOS.X files. Structure: (100(1x,e10.3)) e,totdos,interstitial,vac1,vac2, (at(i),i=1,ntype),((q(l,i),l=1,LMAX),i=1,ntype) where e is the energy in eV (= 1/27.2 htr) at(i) is the local DOS of a single atom of the i'th atom-type and q(l,i) is the l-resolved DOS at the i'th atom but has to be multiplied by the number of atoms of this type. :param dos_lines: string of the read in dos file :param number_of_atom_types: integer, number of atom types """ # pass return 0
[docs]def parse_bands_file(bands_lines): ''' Parses the returned bands.1 and bands.2 file and returns a complete bandsData object. bands.1 has the form: k value, energy :param bands_lines: string of the read in bands file ''' # TODO: not finished # read bands out of file: nrows = 0 # get number of rows (known form number of atom types bands_values = [] # init an array of arrays nkpoint * ... bands_labels = [] # label for each row. # fill and correct fermi energy. bands_values = [] # TODO: we need to get the cell from StructureData node # and KpointsData node from inpxml fleur_bands = BandsData() # fleur_bands.set_cell(cell) #fleur_bands.set_kpoints(kpoints, cartesian=True) fleur_bands.set_bands(bands=bands_values, units='eV', labels=bands_labels) for line in bands_lines: pass return fleur_bands
[docs]def parse_relax_file(rlx): """ This function parsers relax.xml output file and returns a Dict containing all the data given there. """ from import eval_xpath2 tree = etree.parse(rlx) xpath_disp = '/relaxation/displacements/displace' xpath_energy = '/relaxation/relaxation-history/step/@energy' xpath_steps = '/relaxation/relaxation-history/step' root = tree.getroot() displacements = eval_xpath2(root, xpath_disp) float_displ = [] for i in displacements: temp = [convert_frac(x) for x in i.text.split()] float_displ.append(temp) energies = eval_xpath2(root, xpath_energy) energies = [float(x) for x in energies] float_posforces = [] iter_all = eval_xpath2(root, xpath_steps) for posf in iter_all: posforces = eval_xpath2(posf, 'posforce') temp2 = [] for i in posforces: temp = [convert_frac(x) for x in i.text.split()] temp2.append(temp) float_posforces.append(temp2) out_dict = {} out_dict['displacements'] = float_displ out_dict['energies'] = energies out_dict['posforces'] = float_posforces return Dict(dict=out_dict)
[docs]def convert_frac(ratio): """ Converts ratio strings into float, e.g. 1.0/2.0 -> 0.5 """ try: return float(ratio) except ValueError: num, denom = ratio.split('/') return float(num) / float(denom)