Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements,protected-access,missing-docstring
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
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#                               #
In this module is the FleurinpModifier class, which is used to manipulate
FleurinpData objects in a way which keeps the provernance.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import io

from lxml import etree

from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.engine.processes.functions import calcfunction as cf
from import FleurinpData

[docs]class FleurinpModifier(object): """ A class which represents changes to the :class:`` object. """ def __init__(self, original): """ Initiation of FleurinpModifier. """ assert isinstance(original, FleurinpData), 'Wrong AiiDA data type' self._original = original self._tasks = []
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_modifications(fleurinp_tree_copy, nmmp_lines_copy, modification_tasks, schema_tree=None): """ Applies given modifications to the fleurinp lxml tree. It also checks if a new lxml tree is validated against schema. Does not rise an error if inp.xml is not validated, simple prints a message about it. :param fleurinp_tree_copy: a fleurinp lxml tree to be modified :param n_mmp_lines_copy: a n_mmp_mat file to be modified :param modification_tasks: a list of modification tuples :returns: a modified fleurinp lxml tree and a modified n_mmp_mat file """ from import xml_set_attribv_occ, xml_set_first_attribv from import xml_set_all_attribv, xml_set_text from import xml_set_text_occ, xml_set_all_text from import create_tag, replace_tag, delete_tag from import delete_att, set_species from import change_atomgr_att, add_num_to_att from import change_atomgr_att_label, set_species_label from import set_inpchanges, set_nkpts, set_kpath, shift_value from import shift_value_species_label from import clear_xml from import set_nmmpmat, validate_nmmpmat def xml_set_attribv_occ1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, attribv, occ=None, create=False): if occ is None: occ = [0] xml_set_attribv_occ(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, attribv, occ=occ, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def xml_set_first_attribv1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=False): xml_set_first_attribv(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def xml_set_all_attribv1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=False): xml_set_all_attribv(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def xml_set_text1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, text, create=False): xml_set_text(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, text, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def xml_set_text_occ1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, text, create=False, occ=0): xml_set_text_occ(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, text, create=create, occ=occ) return fleurinp_tree_copy def xml_set_all_text1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, text, create=False): xml_set_all_text(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, text, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def create_tag1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath, newelement, create=False): fleurinp_tree_copy = create_tag(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath, newelement, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def delete_att1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath, attrib): fleurinp_tree_copy = delete_att(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath, attrib) return fleurinp_tree_copy def delete_tag1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath): fleurinp_tree_copy = delete_tag(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath) return fleurinp_tree_copy def replace_tag1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath, newelement): fleurinp_tree_copy = replace_tag(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpath, newelement) return fleurinp_tree_copy def set_species1(fleurinp_tree_copy, species_name, attributedict, create=False): fleurinp_tree_copy = set_species(fleurinp_tree_copy, species_name, attributedict, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def set_species2(fleurinp_tree_copy, at_label, attributedict, create=False): fleurinp_tree_copy = set_species_label(fleurinp_tree_copy, at_label, attributedict, create=create) return fleurinp_tree_copy def change_atomgr_att1(fleurinp_tree_copy, attributedict, position=None, species=None, create=False): fleurinp_tree_copy = change_atomgr_att(fleurinp_tree_copy, attributedict, position=position, species=species) return fleurinp_tree_copy def change_atomgr_att2(fleurinp_tree_copy, attributedict, atom_label, create=False): fleurinp_tree_copy = change_atomgr_att_label(fleurinp_tree_copy, attributedict, at_label=atom_label) return fleurinp_tree_copy def add_num_to_att1(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, set_val, mode='abs', occ=None): if occ is None: occ = [0] fleurinp_tree_copy = add_num_to_att(fleurinp_tree_copy, xpathn, attributename, set_val, mode=mode, occ=occ) return fleurinp_tree_copy def set_inpchanges1(fleurinp_tree_copy, change_dict): fleurinp_tree_copy = set_inpchanges(fleurinp_tree_copy, change_dict) return fleurinp_tree_copy def shift_value1(fleurinp_tree_copy, change_dict, mode): fleurinp_tree_copy = shift_value(fleurinp_tree_copy, change_dict, mode) return fleurinp_tree_copy def shift_value_species_label1(fleurinp_tree_copy, label, att_name, value, mode): fleurinp_tree_copy = shift_value_species_label(fleurinp_tree_copy, label, att_name, value, mode) return fleurinp_tree_copy def set_nkpts1(fleurinp_tree_copy, count, gamma): fleurinp_tree_copy = set_nkpts(fleurinp_tree_copy, count, gamma) return fleurinp_tree_copy def set_kpath1(fleurinp_tree_copy, kpath, count, gamma): fleurinp_tree_copy = set_kpath(fleurinp_tree_copy, kpath, count, gamma) return fleurinp_tree_copy def set_nmmpmat1(fleurinp_tree_copy, nmmp_lines_copy, species_name, orbital,\ spin, occStates, denmat, phi, theta): nmmp_lines_copy = set_nmmpmat(fleurinp_tree_copy, nmmp_lines_copy, species_name, orbital,\ spin, occStates, denmat, phi, theta) return nmmp_lines_copy actions = { 'xml_set_attribv_occ': xml_set_attribv_occ1, 'xml_set_first_attribv': xml_set_first_attribv1, 'xml_set_all_attribv': xml_set_all_attribv1, 'xml_set_text': xml_set_text1, 'xml_set_text_occ': xml_set_text_occ1, 'xml_set_all_text': xml_set_all_text1, 'create_tag': create_tag1, 'replace_tag': replace_tag1, 'delete_tag': delete_tag1, 'delete_att': delete_att1, 'set_species': set_species1, 'set_species_label': set_species2, 'set_atomgr_att': change_atomgr_att1, 'set_atomgr_att_label': change_atomgr_att2, 'set_inpchanges': set_inpchanges1, 'shift_value': shift_value1, 'shift_value_species_label': shift_value_species_label1, 'set_nkpts': set_nkpts1, 'set_kpath': set_kpath1, 'add_num_to_att': add_num_to_att1, 'set_nmmpmat': set_nmmpmat1, } workingtree = fleurinp_tree_copy workingnmmp = nmmp_lines_copy if schema_tree: #xmlschema_doc = etree.parse(new_fleurinp._schema_file_path) xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(schema_tree) for task in modification_tasks: try: action = actions[task[0]] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown task {}'.format(task[0])) if task[0] == 'set_nmmpmat': workingnmmp = action(workingtree, workingnmmp, *task[1:]) else: workingtree = action(workingtree, *task[1:]) if schema_tree: try: xmlschema.assertValid(clear_xml(workingtree)) except etree.DocumentInvalid: print('changes were not valid: {}'.format(modification_tasks)) raise try: validate_nmmpmat(workingtree, workingnmmp) except ValueError: print('changes were not valid (n_mmp_mat file is not compatible): {}'.format(modification_tasks)) raise return workingtree, workingnmmp
[docs] def get_avail_actions(self): """ Returns the allowed functions from FleurinpModifier """ outside_actions = { 'xml_set_attribv_occ': self.xml_set_attribv_occ, 'xml_set_first_attribv': self.xml_set_first_attribv, 'xml_set_all_attribv': self.xml_set_all_attribv, 'xml_set_text': self.xml_set_text, 'xml_set_text_occ': self.xml_set_text_occ, 'xml_set_all_text': self.xml_set_all_text, 'create_tag': self.create_tag, 'replace_tag': self.replace_tag, 'delete_tag': self.delete_tag, 'delete_att': self.delete_att, 'set_species': self.set_species, 'set_species_label': self.set_species_label, 'set_atomgr_att': self.set_atomgr_att, 'set_atomgr_att_label': self.set_atomgr_att_label, 'set_inpchanges': self.set_inpchanges, 'shift_value': self.shift_value, 'shift_value_species_label': self.shift_value_species_label, 'set_nkpts': self.set_nkpts, 'add_num_to_att': self.add_num_to_att, 'set_nmmpmat': self.set_nmmpmat, } return outside_actions
[docs] def xml_set_attribv_occ(self, xpathn, attributename, attribv, occ=None, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute :param attributename: an attribute name :param attribv: an attribute value which will be set :param occ: a list of integers specifying number of occurrence to be set :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it """ if occ is None: occ = [0] self._tasks.append(('xml_set_attribv_occ', xpathn, attributename, attribv, occ, create))
[docs] def xml_set_first_attribv(self, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute :param attributename: an attribute name :param attribv: an attribute value which will be set :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('xml_set_first_attribv', xpathn, attributename, attribv, create))
[docs] def xml_set_all_attribv(self, xpathn, attributename, attribv, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute :param attributename: an attribute name :param attribv: an attribute value which will be set :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('xml_set_all_attribv', xpathn, attributename, attribv, create))
[docs] def xml_set_text(self, xpathn, text, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute :param text: text to be set :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('xml_set_text', xpathn, text, create))
[docs] def xml_set_text_occ(self, xpathn, text, create=False, occ=0): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute :param text: text to be set :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it :param occ: an integer specifying number of occurrence to be set """ self._tasks.append(('xml_set_text_occ', xpathn, text, create, occ))
[docs] def xml_set_all_text(self, xpathn, text, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute :param text: text to be set :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('xml_set_all_text', xpathn, text, create))
[docs] def create_tag(self, xpath, newelement, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path where to place a new tag :param newelement: a tag name to be created :param create: if True and there is no given xpath in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('create_tag', xpath, newelement, create))
[docs] def delete_att(self, xpath, attrib): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the attribute to be deleted :param attrib: the name of an attribute """ self._tasks.append(('delete_att', xpath, attrib))
[docs] def delete_tag(self, xpath): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the tag to be deleted """ self._tasks.append(('delete_tag', xpath))
[docs] def replace_tag(self, xpath, newelement): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: a path to the tag to be replaced :param newelement: a new tag """ self._tasks.append(('replace_tag', xpath, newelement))
[docs] def set_species(self, species_name, attributedict, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param species_name: a path to the tag to be replaced :param attributedict: attribute dictionary to be set into the specie :param create: if True and there is no given specie in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('set_species', species_name, attributedict, create))
[docs] def set_species_label(self, at_label, attributedict, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param at_label: Atom label which specie will be set :param attributedict: attribute dictionary to be set into the specie :param create: if True and there is no given specie in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('set_species_label', at_label, attributedict, create))
[docs] def set_atomgr_att(self, attributedict, position=None, species=None, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param species_name: a path to the tag to be replaced :param attributedict: attribute dictionary to be set into the atom group :param create: if True and there is no given atom group in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('set_atomgr_att', attributedict, position, species, create))
[docs] def set_atomgr_att_label(self, attributedict, atom_label, create=False): """ Appends a :func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param attributedict: a new tag :param atom_label: Atom label which atom group will be set :param create: if True and there is no given atom group in the FleurinpData, creates it """ self._tasks.append(('set_atomgr_att_label', attributedict, atom_label, create))
[docs] def set_inpchanges(self, change_dict): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param change_dict: a dictionary with changes An example of change_dict:: change_dict = {'itmax' : 1, 'l_noco': True, 'ctail': False, 'l_ss': True} """ self._tasks.append(('set_inpchanges', change_dict))
[docs] def shift_value(self, change_dict, mode='abs'): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param change_dict: a dictionary with changes :param mode: 'abs' if change given is absolute, 'rel' if relative An example of change_dict:: change_dict = {'itmax' : 1, dVac = -2} """ self._tasks.append(('shift_value', change_dict, mode))
[docs] def shift_value_species_label(self, label, att_name, value, mode='abs'): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param label: a label of an atom :param att_name: attrubute name of a specie :param value: value to set :param mode: 'abs' if change given is absolute, 'rel' if relative """ self._tasks.append(('shift_value_species_label', label, att_name, value, mode))
[docs] def set_nkpts(self, count, gamma='F'): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. """ self._tasks.append(('set_nkpts', count, gamma))
[docs] def set_kpath(self, kpath, count, gamma='F'): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. """ self._tasks.append(('set_kpath', kpath, count, gamma))
[docs] def add_num_to_att(self, xpathn, attributename, set_val, mode='abs', occ=None): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param xpathn: an xml path to the attribute to change :param attributename: a name of the attribute to change :param set_val: a value to be added/multiplied to the previous value :param mode: 'abs' if to add set_val, 'rel' if multiply :param occ: a list of integers specifying number of occurrence to be set """ if occ is None: occ = [0] self._tasks.append(('add_num_to_att', xpathn, attributename, set_val, mode, occ))
[docs] def set_nmmpmat(self, species_name, orbital, spin, occStates=None, denmat=None, phi=None, theta=None): """ Appends a :py:func:`` to the list of tasks that will be done on the FleurinpData. :param species_name: species on which the density matrix should be set :param orbital: orbital on which the density matrix should be set :param occStates: list which specifies the diagonal elements of the density matrix :param denmat: matrix, which specifies the density matrix :param phi: optional angle to rotate density matrix :param theta: optional angle to rotate density matrix """ self._tasks.append(('set_nmmpmat', species_name, orbital, spin, occStates, denmat, phi, theta))
[docs] def validate(self): """ Extracts the schema-file. Makes a test if all the changes lead to an inp.xml file that is validated against the schema. :return: a lxml tree representing inp.xml with applied changes """ with'inp.xml') as inpxmlfile: tree = etree.parse(inpxmlfile) try: with'n_mmp_mat', mode='r') as n_mmp_file: nmmplines ='\n') except FileNotFoundError: nmmplines = None try: # could be not found or on another computer... xmlschema_tree = etree.parse(self._original._schema_file_path) with_schema = True except BaseException: with_schema = False print('No schema file found') return if with_schema: tree, nmmp = self.apply_modifications(tree, nmmplines, self._tasks, schema_tree=xmlschema_tree) return tree
[docs] def show(self, display=True, validate=False): """ Applies the modifications and displays/prints the resulting ``inp.xml`` file. Does not generate a new :class:`` object. :param display: a boolean that is True if resulting ``inp.xml`` has to be printed out :param validate: a boolean that is True if changes have to be validated :return: a lxml tree representing inp.xml with applied changes """ if validate: tree = self.validate() else: with'inp.xml') as inpxmlfile: tree = etree.parse(inpxmlfile) tree, temp_nmmp = self.apply_modifications(tree, None, self._tasks) if display: xmltreestring = etree.tostring(tree, xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) print(xmltreestring) return tree
[docs] def changes(self): """ Prints out all changes given in a :class:`` instance. """ from pprint import pprint pprint(self._tasks) return self._tasks
[docs] def freeze(self): """ This method applies all the modifications to the input and returns a new stored fleurinpData object. :return: stored :class:`` with applied changes """ modifications = DataFactory('dict')(dict={'tasks': self._tasks}) modifications.description = 'Fleurinpmodifier Tasks and inputs of these.' modifications.label = 'Fleurinpdata modifications' # This runs in a inline calculation to keep provenance out = modify_fleurinpdata(original=self._original, modifications=modifications, metadata={ 'label': 'fleurinp modifier', 'description': 'This calcfunction modified an Fleurinpdataobject' }) return out
[docs] def undo(self, revert_all=False): """ Cancels the last change or all of them :param revert_all: set True if need to cancel all the changes, False if the last one. """ if revert_all: self._tasks = [] else: if self._tasks: self._tasks.pop() #del self._tasks[-1] return self._tasks
[docs]@cf def modify_fleurinpdata(original, modifications): """ A CalcFunction that performs the modification of the given FleurinpData and stores the result in a database. :param original: a FleurinpData to be modified :param modifications: a python dictionary of modifications in the form of {'task': ...} :returns new_fleurinp: a modified FleurinpData that is stored in a database """ # copy # get schema # read in inp.xml # add modifications # validate # save inp.xml # store new fleurinp (copy) from import clear_xml new_fleurinp = original.clone() modification_tasks = modifications.get_dict()['tasks'] xmlschema_doc = etree.parse(new_fleurinp._schema_file_path) xmlschema = etree.XMLSchema(xmlschema_doc) parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, remove_blank_text=True) with'inp.xml', mode='r') as inpxmlfile: tree = etree.parse(inpxmlfile, parser) try: xmlschema.assertValid(clear_xml(tree)) except etree.DocumentInvalid: print('Input file is not validated against the schema') raise try: with'n_mmp_mat', mode='r') as n_mmp_file: nmmplines ='\n') except FileNotFoundError: nmmplines = None new_fleurtree, new_nmmplines = FleurinpModifier.apply_modifications(fleurinp_tree_copy=tree,\ nmmp_lines_copy=nmmplines,\ modification_tasks=modification_tasks) # To include object store storage this prob has to be done differently inpxmlfile_new ='inp.xml', 'temp_inp.xml') inpxmlfile.close() new_fleurtree.write(inpxmlfile_new, pretty_print=True) new_fleurinp.del_file('inp.xml') new_fleurinp._add_path(str(inpxmlfile_new), 'inp.xml') os.remove(inpxmlfile_new) if new_nmmplines: new_nmmp = bytes('\n'.join(new_nmmplines), 'utf-8') new_fleurinp._add_path(io.BytesIO(new_nmmp), 'n_mmp_mat') # default label and description new_fleurinp.label = 'mod_fleurinp' new_fleurinp.description = 'Fleurinpdata with modifications (see inputs of modify_fleurinpdata)' return new_fleurinp