Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
# For further information please visit or                 #
#                               #
In this module you find the worklfow 'fleur_delta_wc' which is a turnkey solution to calculate a delta for a given code with AiiDA.
#TODO: calculation of delta value from the files
# submit everything if subworkchaining works in Aiida
# parameter node finding is not optimal.

# TODO several eos starts wich only 20 structures to limit jobs throughput
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import six
from string import digits
#from pprint import pprint

from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.orm import Code, Group
from aiida.orm import RemoteData, StructureData, Dict, SinglefileData
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext  #, while_
#from import ProcessRegistry
from aiida.engine import calcfunction as cf
from aiida.engine import submit
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent

from aiida_fleur.workflows.eos import FleurEosWorkChain
from import FleurinpData

[docs]class fleur_delta_wc(WorkChain): """ This workflow calculates a equation of states and from a given group of structures in the database using a group of given parameter nodes in the database """ _workflowversion = '0.3.2' _wf_default = {} @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(fleur_delta_wc, cls).define(spec) spec.input( 'wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=Dict( dict={ 'struc_group': 'delta', 'para_group': 'delta', 'add_extra': { 'type': 'delta run' }, #'group_label' : 'delta_eos', 'joblimit': 100, 'part': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'points': 7, 'step': 0.02 })) spec.input('options', valid_type=Dict, required=False, default=Dict( dict={ 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1 }, 'walltime_sec': 60 * 60, 'queue_name': '', 'custom_scheduler_commands': '', 'import_sys_environment': False, 'environment_variables': {} })) spec.input('inpgen', valid_type=Code, required=True) spec.input('fleur', valid_type=Code, required=True) spec.outline( cls.start_up, #while_(cls.calculations_left_torun)( cls.run_eos, #), cls.extract_results_eos, cls.calculate_delta, cls.return_results, ) #spec.dynamic_output()
[docs] def start_up(self): """ init context and some parameters """ #print('started delta workflow version {}'.format(self._workflowversion)) #print("Workchain node identifiers: {}".format(ProcessRegistry().current_calc_node)) #identifier = 0#ProcessRegistry().current_calc_node #self.ctx.own_uuid = identifier.uuid #self.ctx.own_pk ='started delta workflow version {} with identifier: ' #{}' ''.format(self._workflowversion)) #, identifier)) # init self.ctx.calcs_to_run = [] # input check # check if right codes wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() options_dict = self.inputs.get('options', Dict(dict={ 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1 }, 'walltime_sec': int(5.5 * 3600) })) self.ctx.inputs_eos = { 'fleur': self.inputs.fleur, 'inpgen': self.inputs.inpgen, 'wf_parameters': { 'points': wf_dict.get('points', 7), 'step': wf_dict.get('step', 0.02), 'guess': 1.0 }, 'options': options_dict } self.ctx.wc_eos_para = Dict(dict=self.ctx.inputs_eos.get('wf_parameters')) self.ctx.ncalc = 1 # init self.get_calcs_from_groups() self.ctx.successful = True self.ctx.warnings = [] self.ctx.labels = [] #self.ctx.calcs_to_run = calcs self.ctx.ncalcs = len(self.ctx.calcs_to_run) print((self.ctx.ncalcs)) print((self.ctx.ncalc)) estimated_jobs = self.ctx.ncalc * wf_dict.get('points', 5) joblimit = wf_dict.get('joblimit', 90) self.ctx.eos_run_steps = 1 self.ctx.eos_steps_done = 0 self.ctx.minindex = 0 self.ctx.maxindex = self.ctx.ncalc - 1 self.ctx.eos_max_perstep = 10000 # init if estimated_jobs >= joblimit: self.ctx.eos_run_steps = estimated_jobs / joblimit + 1 self.ctx.eos_max_perstep = joblimit / wf_dict.get('points', 5) # TODO be carefull if is not a divisor... of joblimit self.ctx.maxindex = 0 # will be set later self.ctx.eos_max_perstep'{} {}'.format(self.ctx.ncalc, self.ctx.eos_max_perstep))'Estimated fleur scfs to run {}, running in {} steps.' ''.format(estimated_jobs, self.ctx.eos_run_steps))
[docs] def get_calcs_from_groups(self): """ Extract the crystal structures and parameter data nodes from the given groups and create calculation 'pairs' (stru, para). """ wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() #get all delta structure str_gr = wf_dict.get('struc_group', 'delta') try: group_pk = int(str_gr) except ValueError: group_pk = None group_name = str_gr if group_pk is not None: try: str_group = Group(label=group_pk) except NotExistent: str_group = None message = ('You have to provide a valid pk for a Group of' 'structures or a Group name. Wf_para key: "struc_group".' 'given pk= {} is not a valid group' '(or is your group name integer?)'.format(group_pk)) #print(message) self.abort_nowait('I abort, because I have no structures to calculate ...') else: try: str_group = Group.get_from_string(group_name) except NotExistent: str_group = None message = ('You have to provide a valid pk for a Group of' 'structures or a Group name. Wf_para key: "struc_group".' 'given group name= {} is not a valid group' '(or is your group name integer?)'.format(group_name)) #print(message) self.abort_nowait('I abort, because I have no structures to calculate ...') #get all delta parameters para_gr = wf_dict.get('para_group', 'delta') if not para_gr: #waring use defauls message = 'COMMENT: I did recieve "para_group=None" as input. I will use inpgen defaults' try: group_pk = int(para_gr) except ValueError: group_pk = None group_name = para_gr if group_pk is not None: try: para_group = Group(label=group_pk) except NotExistent: para_group = None message = ('ERROR: You have to provide a valid pk for a Group of' 'parameters or a Group name (or use None for inpgen defaults). Wf_para key: "para_group".' 'given pk= {} is not a valid group' '(or is your group name integer?)'.format(group_pk)) #print(message) self.abort_nowait('ERROR: I abort, because I have no paremeters to calculate and ' 'I guess you did not want to use the inpgen default...') else: try: para_group = Group.get_from_string(group_name) except NotExistent: para_group = None message = ('ERROR: You have to provide a valid pk for a Group of' 'parameters or a Group name (or use None for inpgen defaults). Wf_para key: "struc_group".' 'given group name= {} is not a valid group' '(or is your group name integer?)'.format(group_name)) #print(message) self.abort_nowait('ERROR: I abort, because I have no paremeters to calculate and ' 'I guess you did not want to use the inpgen default...') # creating calculation pairs (structure, parameters) para_nodesi = para_group.nodes para_nodes = [] for para in para_nodesi: para_nodes.append(para) #print para_nodes n_para = len(para_nodes) stru_nodes = str_group.nodes n_stru = len(stru_nodes) if n_para != n_stru: message = ('COMMENT: You did not provide the same number of parameter' 'nodes as structure nodes. Is this wanted? npara={} nstru={}'.format(n_para, n_stru)) calcs = [] for struc in stru_nodes: para = get_paranode(struc, para_nodes) #if para: calcs.append((struc, para)) #else: # calcs.append((struc)) #pprint(calcs[:20]) self.ctx.calcs_to_run = calcs self.ctx.ncalc = len(calcs)
#def calculations_left_torun(self): # """ # Checks if there are still some equations of states to run # """ # calculations_left = True # self.ctx.last_step = False # # if self.ctx.eos_steps_done == self.ctx.eos_run_steps: # calculations_left = False # if (self.ctx.eos_steps_done + 1) == self.ctx.eos_run_steps: # self.ctx.last_step = True # # return calculations_left
[docs] def run_eos(self): """ Run the equation of states for all delta structures with their parameters """ #if self.ctx.last_step: # self.ctx.maxindex = None #else: # self.ctx.maxindex = self.ctx.maxindex + self.ctx.eos_max_perstep'Submitting eqaution of states part {} out of {}, from {} to {}' # ''.format(self.ctx.eos_steps_done, self.ctx.eos_run_steps, # self.ctx.minindex, self.ctx.maxindex)) eos_results = {} inputs = self.get_inputs_eos() #print(self.ctx.minindex) #print(self.ctx.maxindex) for struc, para in self.ctx.calcs_to_run: #[:4]self.ctx.minindex:self.ctx.maxindex]:#0:0]:# #print para formula = struc.get_formula() label = '|delta_wc|eos|{}'.format(formula) description = '|delta| fleur_eos_wc on {}'.format(formula) if para: eos_future = submit(FleurEosWorkChain, wf_parameters=inputs['wc_eos_para'], structure=struc, options=inputs['options'], calc_parameters=para, inpgen=inputs['inpgen'], fleur=inputs['fleur'], label=label, description=description) else: # TODO: run eos_wc_simple eos_future = submit(FleurEosWorkChain, wf_parameters=inputs['wc_eos_para'], structure=struc, options=inputs['options'], inpgen=inputs['inpgen'], fleur=inputs['fleur'], label=label, description=description)'launching fleur_eos_wc<{}> on structure {} with parameter {}' ''.format(,, label = formula self.ctx.labels.append(label) eos_results[label] = eos_future #self.ctx.eos_steps_done = self.ctx.eos_steps_done + 1 #self.ctx.minindex = self.ctx.maxindex ''' # with run eos_results = {} inputs = self.get_inputs_eos() for struc, para in self.ctx.calcs_to_run[:]: print para formula = struc.get_formula() if para: #print('here') eos_future = wf_parameters=inputs['wc_eos_para'], structure=struc, calc_parameters=para, inpgen=inputs['inpgen'], fleur=inputs['fleur']) else:'INFO: default parameters for structure {}'.format(formula)) eos_future = wf_parameters=inputs['wc_eos_para'], structure=struc, inpgen=inputs['inpgen'], fleur=inputs['fleur'])'launching fleur_eos_wc<{}> on structure {} with parameter {}' # ''.format(,, label = formula self.ctx.labels.append(label) eos_results[label] = eos_future return ToContext(**eos_results) ''' return ToContext(**eos_results)
# To limit the troughput of 100 jobs, we create several run eos steps
[docs] def get_inputs_eos(self): """ get the inputs for a scf-cycle """ inputs = {} # produce the inputs for a eos worklfow (collect here...) inputs['wc_eos_para'] = self.ctx.wc_eos_para #inputs['calc_parameters'] = self.inputs.calc_parameters inputs['inpgen'] = self.ctx.inputs_eos.get('inpgen') inputs['fleur'] = self.ctx.inputs_eos.get('fleur') inputs['options'] = self.ctx.inputs_eos.get('options') return inputs
[docs] def extract_results_eos(self): """ extract information out of the result nodes of the the eos workchains ran in the step before """ self.ctx.all_results = {} self.ctx.all_succ = {} self.ctx.eos_uuids = {} outstr = ('''\ Delta calculation FLEUR {} (AiiDA wc). Crystal \t V0 \t \t B0 \t \t BP [A^3/at] \t [GPa] \t \t [--] \n '''.format(self.ctx.inputs_eos.get('fleur'))) filename = 'delta_wc_{}.out'.format(self.ctx.own_pk) outfile = open(filename, 'w') outfile.write(outstr) outfile.close() outstr = '' for label in self.ctx.labels: eos_res = self.ctx[label] #print(calc) outpara1 = eos_res.get_outputs_dict() #print outpara1 try: outpara = outpara1['output_eos_wc_para'].get_dict() except KeyError:'ERROR: Eos wc for element: {} failed. I retrieved {} ' 'I skip the results retrieval for that element.'.format(label, eos_res)) continue eos_succ = outpara.get('successful', False) if not eos_succ: #maybe do something else here (exclude point and write a warning or so, or error treatment) self.ctx.successful = False natoms = outpara.get('natoms', None) gs_vol = outpara.get('volume_gs', None) bm = outpara.get('bulk_modulus', None) #bm_u = outpara.get('bulk_modulus_units', 'GPa') dbm = outpara.get('bulk_deriv', None) if natoms: gs_vol_pera = gs_vol / natoms else: gs_vol_pera = gs_vol element = label.translate(None, digits) # remove all numbers from string self.ctx.all_results[element] = [gs_vol_pera, bm, dbm] self.ctx.all_succ[element] = eos_succ self.ctx.eos_uuids[element] = eos_res.get_inputs()[0].uuid outstr = outstr + '{} \t {:.5f} \t {:.5f} \t {:.5f} \n'.format(element, gs_vol_pera, bm, dbm) #write inside the loop to have at least partially results... #outfile = open('delta_wc.out', 'a') #outstr = '{} \t {:.5f} \t {:.5f} \t {:.5f} \n'.format(element, gs_vol_pera, bm, dbm) #outfile.write(outstr) #outfile.close() # produce a single file # maybe put in try(or write in a certain place where is sure that you have the permissions) #outfile = open('delta_wc.out', 'w') outfile = open(filename, 'a') # for testing purposes outfile.write(outstr) outfile.close() self.ctx.outfilepath = os.path.abspath(
[docs] def calculate_delta(self): """ Execute here the script to calculate a delta factor """ pass
[docs] def return_results(self): """ return the results of the calculations """ # log some stuff in report # a text file should be written and stored as single file data and #parameter data node in the database #produce a single file data with all the numbers all_res = self.ctx.all_results'all_res : {}'.format(all_res)) #print all_res bm_dic = {} bmd_dic = {} vol_dic = {} for elem, val in six.iteritems(all_res): #print elem vol_dic[elem] = val[0] bm_dic[elem] = val[1] bmd_dic[elem] = val[2] outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['warnings'] = self.ctx.warnings outputnode_dict['successful'] = self.ctx.successful outputnode_dict['eos_uuids'] = self.ctx.eos_uuids outputnode_dict['eos_success'] = self.ctx.all_succ outputnode_dict['bulk_modulus'] = bm_dic outputnode_dict['bulk_modulus_units'] = 'GPa' outputnode_dict['bulk_modulus_dev'] = bmd_dic outputnode_dict['volumes'] = vol_dic outputnode_dict['volumes_units'] = 'A^3/per atom' outputnode_dict['delta_factor'] = {'Wien2K': '', 'Fleur_026': ''} #outputnode = Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) if self.ctx.successful:'INFO: Done, delta worklfow complete') #print 'Done, delta worklfow complete' else:'INFO: Done, but something went wrong.... Properly some ' 'individual eos workchain failed. Check the log.') #print('Done, but something went wrong.... Properly some ' # 'individual eos workchain failed. Check the log.') delta_file = SinglefileData.filename = self.ctx.outfilepath print(delta_file) # output must be aiida Data types. outnodedict = {} outnode = Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) outnodedict['results_node'] = outnode for label in self.ctx.labels: eos_res = self.ctx[label] #print(calc) outpara1 = eos_res.get_outputs_dict() #print outpara1 try: outpara = outpara1['output_eos_wc_para'] except KeyError:'ERROR: Eos wc for element: {} failed. I retrieved {} ' # 'I skip the results retrieval for that element.'.format(label, eos_res)) continue outnodedict[label] = outpara outputnode = create_delta_result_node(**outnodedict) outdict = {} outdict['output_delta_wc_para'] = outputnode.get('output_delta_wc_para') #outdict['delta_file'] = delta_file #print outdict for link_name, node in six.iteritems(outdict): self.out(link_name, node)
''' if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SCF with FLEUR. workflow to' ' converge the chargedensity and optional the total energy.') parser.add_argument('--wf_para', type=Dict, dest='wf_parameters', help='The pseudopotential family', required=False) parser.add_argument('--structure', type=StructureData, dest='structure', help='The crystal structure node', required=False) parser.add_argument('--calc_para', type=Dict, dest='calc_parameters', help='Parameters for the FLEUR calculation', required=False) parser.add_argument('--fleurinp', type=FleurinpData, dest='fleurinp', help='FleurinpData from which to run the FLEUR calculation', required=False) parser.add_argument('--remote', type=RemoteData, dest='remote_data', help=('Remote Data of older FLEUR calculation, ' 'from which files will be copied (mixing_history ...)'), required=False) parser.add_argument('--inpgen', type=Code, dest='inpgen', help='The inpgen code node to use', required=False) parser.add_argument('--fleur', type=Code, dest='fleur', help='The FLEUR code node to use', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() res =, structure=args.structure, calc_parameters=args.calc_parameters, fleurinp=args.fleurinp, remote_data=args.remote_data, inpgen = args.inpgen, fleur=args.fleur) '''
[docs]@cf def create_delta_result_node(**kwargs): #*args): """ This is a pseudo wf, to create the rigth graph structure of AiiDA. This wokfunction will create the output node in the database. It also connects the output_node to all nodes the information commes from. So far it is just also parsed in as argument, because so far we are to lazy to put most of the code overworked from return_results in here. """ outdict = {} outpara = kwargs.get('results_node', {}) outdict['output_delta_wc_para'] = outpara.clone() # copy, because we rather produce the same node twice then have a circle in the database for now... #output_para = args[0] #return {'output_eos_wc_para'} return outdict
[docs]def get_paranode(struc, para_nodes): """ find out if a parameter node for a structure is in para_nodes (currently very creedy, but lists are small (100x100) but maybe reduce database accesses) """ suuid = struc.uuid formula = struc.get_formula() element = formula.translate(None, digits) #print para_nodes for para in para_nodes: struc_uuid = para.get_extra('struc_uuid', None) para_form = para.get_extra('formula', None) para_ele = para.get_extra('element', None) if suuid == struc_uuid: return para elif formula == para_form: return para elif element == para_ele: return para elif element == para_form: return para else: pass #Do something else (test if parameters for a certain element are there) #.... # we found no parameter node for the given structure therefore return none return None
def write_delta_file(result_dict): pass