Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
# For further information please visit or                 #
#                               #
This is the worklfow 'band' for the Fleur code, which calculates a
electron bandstructure.
# TODO alow certain kpoint path, or kpoint node, so far auto
# TODO alternative parse a structure and run scf
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path
import copy
import six

from aiida.plugins import DataFactory
from aiida.orm import Code, StructureData, Dict, RemoteData
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext, if_
from aiida.engine import calcfunction as cf
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent
from aiida.common import AttributeDict

from aiida_fleur.workflows.scf import FleurScfWorkChain
from aiida_fleur.workflows.base_fleur import FleurBaseWorkChain
from import FleurinpModifier
from import get_inputs_fleur
from import test_and_get_codenode, is_code
from import FleurinpData

[docs]class FleurBandWorkChain(WorkChain): ''' This workflow calculated a bandstructure from a Fleur calculation :Params: a Fleurcalculation node :returns: Success, last result node, list with convergence behavior ''' # wf_parameters: { 'tria', 'nkpts', 'sigma', 'emin', 'emax'} # defaults : tria = True, nkpts = 800, sigma=0.005, emin= , emax = _workflowversion = '0.3.4' _default_options = { 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1 }, 'max_wallclock_seconds': 60 * 60, 'queue_name': '', 'custom_scheduler_commands': '', 'import_sys_environment': False, 'environment_variables': {} } _wf_default = { 'fleur_runmax': 4, 'kpath': 'auto', # 'nkpts' : 800, 'sigma': 0.005, 'emin': -0.50, 'emax': 0.90 } @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(FleurBandWorkChain, cls).define(spec) # spec.expose_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf') spec.input('wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input('fleur', valid_type=Code, required=True) spec.input('remote', valid_type=RemoteData, required=False) spec.input('fleurinp', valid_type=FleurinpData, required=False) spec.input('options', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.outline( cls.start, if_(cls.scf_needed)( cls.converge_scf, cls.create_new_fleurinp, cls.run_fleur, ).else_( cls.create_new_fleurinp, cls.run_fleur, ), cls.return_results) spec.output('output_band_wc_para', valid_type=Dict) spec.exit_code(233, 'ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PROVIDED', message='Invalid code node specified, check inpgen and fleur code nodes.') spec.exit_code(231, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG', message='Invalid input configuration.')
[docs] def start(self): ''' check parameters, what condictions? complete? check input nodes ''' ### input check ### ? or done automaticly, how optional? # check if fleuinp corresponds to fleur_calc'started bands workflow version {}'.format(self._workflowversion)) #print("Workchain node identifiers: ")#'{}' #"".format(ProcessRegistry().current_calc_node)) self.ctx.fleurinp_band = '' self.ctx.last_calc = None self.ctx.successful = False = [] self.ctx.warnings = [] self.ctx.errors = [] self.ctx.calcs = [] inputs = self.inputs wf_default = copy.deepcopy(self._wf_default) if 'wf_parameters' in inputs: wf_dict = inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() else: wf_dict = wf_default for key, val in six.iteritems(wf_default): wf_dict[key] = wf_dict.get(key, val) self.ctx.wf_dict = wf_dict # if MPI in code name, execute parallel self.ctx.serial = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('serial', False) defaultoptions = self._default_options if 'options' in inputs: options = inputs.options.get_dict() else: options = defaultoptions # extend options given by user using defaults for key, val in six.iteritems(defaultoptions): options[key] = options.get(key, val) self.ctx.options = options # set values, or defaults self.ctx.max_number_runs = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('fleur_runmax', 4) # Check if user gave valid fleur executable # if 'fleur' in inputs.scf: # try: # test_and_get_codenode(inputs.scf.fleur, 'fleur.fleur', use_exceptions=True) # except ValueError: # error = ("The code you provided for FLEUR does not use the plugin fleur.fleur") # self.control_end_wc(error) # return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PROVIDED if 'scf' in inputs: self.ctx.scf_needed = True if 'remote' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + remote for the FT' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG elif 'remote' not in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave neither SCF input nor remote for the FT' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG else: self.ctx.scf_needed = False
[docs] def create_new_fleurinp(self): """ create a new fleurinp from the old with certain parameters """ # TODO allow change of kpoint mesh?, tria? wf_dict = self.ctx.wf_dict # nkpts = wf_dict.get('nkpts', 500) # how can the user say he want to use the given kpoint mesh, ZZ nkpts : False/0 sigma = wf_dict.get('sigma', 0.005) emin = wf_dict.get('emin', -0.30) emax = wf_dict.get('emax', 0.80) fleurmode = FleurinpModifier(self.inputs.fleurinp) change_dict = {'band': True, 'ndir': 0, 'minEnergy': emin, 'maxEnergy': emax, 'sigma': sigma} #'ndir' : 1, fleurmode.set_inpchanges(change_dict) # if nkpts: # fleurmode.set_nkpts(count=nkpts) #fleurinp_new.replace_tag(), display=False) # needed? fleurinp_new = fleurmode.freeze() self.ctx.fleurinp_band = fleurinp_new
[docs] def scf_needed(self): """ Returns True if SCF WC is needed. """ return self.ctx.scf_needed
[docs] def converge_scf(self): """ Converge charge density. """ return 0
[docs] def run_fleur(self): """ run a FLEUR calculation """'INFO: run FLEUR') # inputs = self.get_inputs_scf() fleurin = self.ctx.fleurinp_band remote = self.inputs.remote code = self.inputs.fleur options = self.ctx.options.copy() label = 'bansdtructure_calculation' description = 'Bandstructure is calculated for the given structure' inputs = get_inputs_fleur(code, remote, fleurin, options, label, description, serial=self.ctx.serial) future = self.submit(FleurBaseWorkChain, **inputs) self.ctx.calcs.append(future) return ToContext(last_calc=future)
[docs] def get_inputs_scf(self): """ Initialize inputs for scf workflow: wf_param, options, calculation parameters, codes, structure """ input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf')) input_scf.fleurinp = self.ctx.fleurinp_band return input_scf
[docs] def return_results(self): ''' return the results of the calculations ''' # TODO more here'Band workflow Done')'A bandstructure was calculated for fleurinpdata {} and is found under pk={}, ' 'calculation {}'.format(self.inputs.fleurinp,, self.ctx.last_calc)) from import find_last_submitted_calcjob if self.ctx.last_calc: try: last_calc_uuid = find_last_submitted_calcjob(self.ctx.last_calc) except NotExistent: last_calc_uuid = None else: last_calc_uuid = None try: # if something failed, we still might be able to retrieve something last_calc_out = self.ctx.last_calc.outputs.output_parameters retrieved = self.ctx.last_calc.outputs.retrieved last_calc_out_dict = last_calc_out.get_dict() except (NotExistent, AttributeError): last_calc_out = None last_calc_out_dict = {} retrieved = None #check if band file exists: if not succesful = False #TODO be careful with general bands.X # bandfilename = 'bands.1' # ['bands.1', 'bands.2', ...] # last_calc_retrieved = self.ctx.last_calc.get_outputs_dict()['retrieved'].folder.get_subfolder('path').get_abs_path('') # bandfilepath = self.ctx.last_calc.get_outputs_dict()['retrieved'].folder.get_subfolder('path').get_abs_path(bandfilename) # print(bandfilepath) # #bandfilepath = "path to bandfile" # Array? # if os.path.isfile(bandfilepath): # self.ctx.successful = True # else: # bandfilepath = None #'!NO bandstructure file was found, something went wrong!') # #TODO corret efermi: # # get efermi from last calculation scf_results = self.inputs.remote_data.get_incoming().all()[-1].node.res efermi_scf = scf_results.fermi_energy bandgap_scf = scf_results.bandgap # efermi_band = last_calc_out_dict['fermi_energy'] # bandgap_band = last_calc_out_dict['bandgap'] # diff_efermi = efermi_scf - efermi_band # diff_bandgap = bandgap_scf - bandgap_band outputnode_dict = {} outputnode_dict['workflow_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ outputnode_dict['Warnings'] = self.ctx.warnings outputnode_dict['successful'] = self.ctx.successful # outputnode_dict['last_calc_uuid'] = last_calc_uuid # outputnode_dict['last_calc_pk'] = # outputnode_dict['remote_dir'] = self.ctx.last_calc.get_remote_workdir() # outputnode_dict['fermi_energy_band'] = efermi_band # outputnode_dict['bandgap_band'] = bandgap_band outputnode_dict['fermi_energy_scf'] = efermi_scf outputnode_dict['bandgap_scf'] = bandgap_scf # outputnode_dict['diff_efermi'] = diff_efermi # outputnode_dict['diff_bandgap'] = diff_bandgap # outputnode_dict['diff_efermi'] = diff_efermi # outputnode_dict['bandfile'] = bandfilepath outputnode_t = Dict(dict=outputnode_dict) if last_calc_out: outdict = create_band_result_node(outpara=outputnode_t, last_calc_out=last_calc_out, last_calc_retrieved=retrieved) else: outdict = create_band_result_node(outpara=outputnode_t) #TODO parse Bandstructure for link_name, node in six.iteritems(outdict): self.out(link_name, node)
[docs] def control_end_wc(self, errormsg): """ Controlled way to shutdown the workchain. will initialize the output nodes The shutdown of the workchain will has to be done afterwards """ # because return_results still fails somewhen self.ctx.errors.append(errormsg) self.return_results()
[docs]@cf def create_band_result_node(**kwargs): """ This is a pseudo wf, to create the right graph structure of AiiDA. This wokfunction will create the output node in the database. It also connects the output_node to all nodes the information commes from. So far it is just also parsed in as argument, because so far we are to lazy to put most of the code overworked from return_results in here. """ for key, val in six.iteritems(kwargs): if key == 'outpara': # should be always there outpara = val outdict = {} outputnode = outpara.clone() outputnode.label = 'output_band_wc_para' outputnode.description = ('Contains band calculation results') outdict['output_band_wc_para'] = outputnode return outdict