Source code for aiida_fleur.workflows.relax

# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
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    In this module you find the workflow 'FleurRelaxWorkChain' for geometry optimization.
import copy
import numpy as np

from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext, while_, if_
from aiida.engine import calcfunction as cf
from aiida.orm import StructureData, Dict
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent

from aiida_fleur.workflows.scf import FleurScfWorkChain
from aiida_fleur.workflows.base_fleur import FleurBaseWorkChain
from import FleurinpData
from import inpxml_changes
from import break_symmetry_wf

[docs]class FleurRelaxWorkChain(WorkChain): """ This workflow performs structure optimization. """ _workflowversion = '0.5.0' _default_wf_para = { 'relax_iter': 5, # Stop if not converged after so many relaxation steps 'film_distance_relaxation': False, # Do not relax the z coordinates 'force_criterion': 0.001, # Converge the force until lower this value in atomic units 'run_final_scf': False, # Run a final scf on the final relaxed structure 'break_symmetry': False, # Break the symmetry for the relaxation each atom own type 'change_mixing_criterion': 0.025, # After the force is smaller switch mixing scheme 'atoms_off': [], # Species to be switched off, '49999' is reserved 'relaxation_type': 'atoms' # others include None and maybe in the future volume # None would run an scf only } _default_options = FleurScfWorkChain._default_options
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super().define(spec) spec.expose_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf') spec.expose_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='final_scf', exclude=('structure', 'fleur', 'fleurinp', 'remote_data'), namespace_options={ 'required': False, }) spec.input('wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.outline( cls.start, if_(cls.should_relax)(cls.converge_scf, cls.check_failure, while_(cls.condition)( cls.generate_new_fleurinp, cls.converge_scf, cls.check_failure, )), cls.get_results_relax, if_(cls.should_run_final_scf)(cls.run_final_scf, cls.get_results_final_scf), cls.return_results, ) spec.output('output_relax_wc_para', valid_type=Dict) spec.output('optimized_structure', valid_type=StructureData) spec.expose_outputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='last_scf') # exit codes spec.exit_code(230, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM', message='Invalid workchain parameters.') spec.exit_code(231, 'ERROR_INPGEN_MISSING', message='If you want to run a final scf inpgen has to be there.') spec.exit_code(350, 'ERROR_DID_NOT_RELAX', message='Optimization cycle did not lead to convergence of forces.') spec.exit_code(351, 'ERROR_SCF_FAILED', message='SCF Workchains failed for some reason.') spec.exit_code(352, 'ERROR_NO_RELAX_OUTPUT', message='Found no relaxed structure info in the output of SCF') spec.exit_code(353, 'ERROR_NO_SCF_OUTPUT', message='Found no SCF output') spec.exit_code(354, 'ERROR_SWITCH_BFGS', message='Force is small, switch to BFGS') spec.exit_code(311, 'ERROR_VACUUM_SPILL_RELAX', message='FLEUR calculation failed because an atom spilled to the' 'vacuum during relaxation') spec.exit_code(313, 'ERROR_MT_RADII_RELAX', message='Overlapping MT-spheres during relaxation.')
[docs] def start(self): """ Retrieve and initialize paramters of the WorkChain, validate inputs """'INFO: Started structure relaxation workflow version {self._workflowversion}\n') = [] # Collects Hints self.ctx.warnings = [] # Collects Warnings self.ctx.errors = [] # Collects Errors # Pre-initialization of some variables self.ctx.loop_count = 0 # Counts relax restarts self.ctx.forces = [] # Collects forces self.ctx.final_cell = None # The relaxed Bravais matrix self.ctx.final_atom_positions = None # Relaxed atom positions self.ctx.pbc = None # Boundary conditions self.ctx.reached_relax = False # Bool if is relaxed self.ctx.switch_bfgs = False # Bool if BFGS should be switched on self.ctx.scf_res = None # Last scf results self.ctx.final_structure = None # The optimized structure self.ctx.total_magnetic_moment = None # initialize the dictionary using defaults if no wf paramters are given wf_default = copy.deepcopy(self._default_wf_para) if 'wf_parameters' in self.inputs: wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() else: wf_dict = wf_default extra_keys = [] for key in wf_dict.keys(): if key not in wf_default.keys(): extra_keys.append(key) if extra_keys: error = f'ERROR: input wf_parameters for Relax contains extra keys: {extra_keys}' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM # extend wf parameters given by user using defaults for key, val in wf_default.items(): wf_dict[key] = wf_dict.get(key, val) self.ctx.wf_dict = wf_dict if '49999' in wf_dict['atoms_off']: error = '"49999" label for atoms_off is reserved for internal use' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM # Check if final scf can be run run_final = wf_dict.get('run_final_scf', False) if run_final: # We need inpgen to be there input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf')) # policy, reuse as much as possible from scf namespace input_final_scf = input_scf if 'remote_data' in input_final_scf: del input_final_scf.remote_data if 'structure' in input_final_scf: del input_final_scf.structure if 'fleurinp' in input_final_scf: del input_final_scf.fleurinp if 'wf_parameters' in input_final_scf: del input_final_scf.wf_parameters if 'final_scf' in self.inputs: # Will defaults of namespace override other given options? input_final_scf_given = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='final_scf')) for key, val in input_final_scf_given.items(): input_final_scf[key] = val self.ctx.input_final_scf = input_final_scf if 'inpgen' not in input_scf and 'inpgen' not in input_final_scf:'Error: Wrong input: inpgen missing for final scf.') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INPGEN_MISSING # initialize contents to avoid access failures self.ctx.total_energy_last = None #total_energy self.ctx.total_energy_units = None #total_energy_units self.ctx.final_cell = None self.ctx.final_atom_positions = None #atom_positions self.ctx.atomtype_info = None
[docs] def should_relax(self): """ Should we run a relaxation or only a final scf This allows to call the workchain to run an scf only and makes logic of other higher workflows a lot easier """ relaxtype = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('relaxation_type', 'atoms') if relaxtype is None: self.ctx.reached_relax = True return False return True
[docs] def converge_scf(self): """ Submits :class:`aiida_fleur.workflows.scf.FleurScfWorkChain`. """ inputs = {} if self.ctx.loop_count: inputs = self.get_inputs_scf() else: inputs = self.get_inputs_first_scf() res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, **inputs) return ToContext(scf_res=res)
[docs] def get_inputs_first_scf(self): """ Initialize inputs for the first iteration. """ input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf')) input_scf.metadata.label = 'SCF_forces' input_scf.metadata.description = 'The SCF workchain converging forces, part of the Relax' if self.ctx.wf_dict['break_symmetry']: calc_para = None if 'calc_parameters' in input_scf: calc_para = input_scf.calc_parameters # currently we always break the full symmetry break_dict = Dict({'atoms': ['all']}) # for provenance broken_sys = break_symmetry_wf(input_scf.structure, wf_para=break_dict, parameterdata=calc_para) input_scf.structure = broken_sys['new_structure'] input_scf.calc_parameters = broken_sys['new_parameters'] if 'wf_parameters' not in input_scf: scf_wf_dict = {} else: scf_wf_dict = input_scf.wf_parameters.get_dict() scf_wf_dict['mode'] = 'force' with inpxml_changes(scf_wf_dict) as fm: if self.ctx.wf_dict['film_distance_relaxation']: fm.set_atomgroup({'force': {'relaxXYZ': 'FFT'}}, species='all') for specie_off in self.ctx.wf_dict['atoms_off']: fm.set_atomgroup_label(specie_off, {'force': {'relaxXYZ': 'FFF'}}) fm.set_atomgroup_label('49999', {'force': {'relaxXYZ': 'FFF'}}) input_scf.wf_parameters = Dict(scf_wf_dict) return input_scf
[docs] def get_inputs_scf(self): """ Initializes inputs for further iterations. """ input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf')) if 'structure' in input_scf: del input_scf.structure if 'inpgen' in input_scf: del input_scf.inpgen if 'calc_parameters' in input_scf: del input_scf.calc_parameters if 'wf_parameters' not in input_scf: scf_wf_dict = {} else: scf_wf_dict = input_scf.wf_parameters.get_dict() if 'inpxml_changes' in scf_wf_dict: old_changes = scf_wf_dict['inpxml_changes'] new_changes = [] for change in old_changes: if 'shift_value' not in change[0]: new_changes.append(change) scf_wf_dict['inpxml_changes'] = new_changes scf_wf_dict['mode'] = 'force' input_scf.wf_parameters = Dict(scf_wf_dict) scf_wc = self.ctx.scf_res input_scf.remote_data = scf_wc.outputs.last_calc.remote_folder if self.ctx.new_fleurinp: input_scf.fleurinp = self.ctx.new_fleurinp return input_scf
[docs] def check_failure(self): """ Throws an exit code if scf failed """ try: scf_wc = self.ctx.scf_res except AttributeError: message = 'ERROR: Something went wrong I do not have new atom positions calculation' self.control_end_wc(message) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_SCF_OUTPUT if not scf_wc.is_finished_ok: exit_statuses = FleurScfWorkChain.get_exit_statuses(['ERROR_FLEUR_CALCULATION_FAILED']) if scf_wc.exit_status == exit_statuses[0]: fleur_calc = scf_wc.outputs.last_calc.remote_folder.creator if fleur_calc.exit_status == FleurBaseWorkChain.get_exit_statuses(['ERROR_VACUUM_SPILL_RELAX'])[0]: self.control_end_wc('ERROR: Failed due to atom and vacuum overlap') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_VACUUM_SPILL_RELAX if fleur_calc.exit_status == FleurBaseWorkChain.get_exit_statuses(['ERROR_MT_RADII_RELAX'])[0]: self.control_end_wc('ERROR: Failed due to MT overlap') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_MT_RADII_RELAX return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SCF_FAILED
[docs] def condition(self): """ Checks if relaxation criteria is achieved. :return: True if structure is optimized and False otherwise """ scf_wc = self.ctx.scf_res try: relax_data = scf_wc.outputs.last_calc.relax_parameters except (NotExistent, AttributeError): # TODO: throw exit code # message = 'ERROR: Did not manage to read the largest force' # self.control_end_wc(message) # return self.exit_codes.ERROR_RELAX_FAILED return False else: forces_data = relax_data.get_dict()['posforces'][-1] all_forces = [] for force in forces_data: all_forces.extend(force[-3:]) all_forces = [abs(x) for x in all_forces] self.ctx.forces.append(max(all_forces)) largest_now = self.ctx.forces[-1] # get force mixing (straight or BFGS) setting # defaults to stright mixing if not set in scf.wf_parameters if 'wf_parameters' in self.inputs.scf: force_dict = self.inputs.scf.wf_parameters.get_dict().get('force_dict', {}) force_strmix = force_dict.get('forcemix', 'straight') == 'straight' else: force_strmix = True if largest_now < self.ctx.wf_dict['force_criterion']:'INFO: Structure is converged to the largest force {self.ctx.forces[-1]}') self.ctx.reached_relax = True return False if largest_now < self.ctx.wf_dict['change_mixing_criterion'] and force_strmix:'INFO: Seems it is safe to switch to BFGS. Current largest force: {self.ctx.forces[-1]}') self.ctx.switch_bfgs = True return False self.ctx.loop_count = self.ctx.loop_count + 1 if self.ctx.loop_count == self.ctx.wf_dict['relax_iter']:'INFO: Reached optimization iteration number {}. Largest force is {}, ' 'force criterion is {}'.format(self.ctx.loop_count + 1, largest_now, self.ctx.wf_dict['force_criterion'])) return False'INFO: submit optimization iteration number {}. Largest force is {}, ' 'force criterion is {}'.format(self.ctx.loop_count + 1, largest_now, self.ctx.wf_dict['force_criterion'])) return True
[docs] def generate_new_fleurinp(self): """ This function fetches relax.xml from the previous iteration and calls :meth:`~aiida_fleur.workflows.relax.FleurRelaxWorkChain.analyse_relax()`. New FleurinpData is stored in the context. """ # TODO do we loose provenance here, which we like to keep? scf_wc = self.ctx.scf_res try: relax_parsed = scf_wc.outputs.last_calc.relax_parameters except NotExistent: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_SCF_OUTPUT new_fleurinp = self.analyse_relax(relax_parsed) self.ctx.new_fleurinp = new_fleurinp
[docs] @staticmethod def analyse_relax(relax_dict): """ This function generates a new fleurinp analysing parsed relax.xml from the previous calculation. **NOT IMPLEMENTED YET** :param relax_dict: parsed relax.xml from the previous calculation :return new_fleurinp: new FleurinpData object that will be used for next relax iteration """ # TODO: implement this function, now always use relax.xml generated in FLEUR should_relax = False if should_relax: return 1 return None
[docs] def should_run_final_scf(self): """ Check if a final scf should be run on the optimized structure """ # Since we run the final scf on the relaxed structure return all([self.ctx.wf_dict.get('run_final_scf', False), self.ctx.reached_relax])
[docs] def get_inputs_final_scf(self): """ Initializes inputs for final scf on relaxed structure. """ input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf')) input_final_scf = self.ctx.input_final_scf if 'wf_parameters' not in input_final_scf: # use parameters wf para of relax or defaults if 'wf_parameters' not in input_scf: scf_wf_dict = {} else: scf_wf_dict = input_scf.wf_parameters.get_dict() if 'inpxml_changes' in scf_wf_dict: old_changes = scf_wf_dict['inpxml_changes'] new_changes = [] for change in old_changes: if 'shift_value' not in change[0]: new_changes.append(change) scf_wf_dict['inpxml_changes'] = new_changes scf_wf_dict['mode'] = 'density' input_final_scf.wf_parameters = Dict(scf_wf_dict) structure = self.ctx.final_structure formula = structure.get_formula() input_final_scf.structure = structure input_final_scf.fleur = input_scf.fleur input_final_scf.metadata.label = f'SCF_final_{formula}' input_final_scf.metadata.description = ('Final SCF workchain running on optimized structure {}, ' 'part of relax workchain'.format(formula)) return input_final_scf
[docs] def run_final_scf(self): """ Run a final scf for charge convergence on the optimized structure """'INFO: Running final SCF after relaxation.') inputs = {} inputs = self.get_inputs_final_scf() res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, **inputs) return ToContext(scf_final_res=res)
[docs] def get_results_relax(self): """ Generates results of the workchain. Creates a new structure data node which is an optimized structure. """ if self.ctx.wf_dict.get('relaxation_type', 'atoms') is None: input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf')) if 'structure' in input_scf: structure = input_scf.structure elif 'fleurinp' in input_scf: structure = input_scf.fleurinp.get_structuredata_ncf() else: pass self.ctx.final_structure = structure self.ctx.final_cell = structure.cell # The others are already put to None return try: relax_out = self.ctx.scf_res.outputs.last_calc.output_parameters retrieved_node = self.ctx.scf_res.outputs.last_calc.retrieved except NotExistent: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_SCF_OUTPUT relax_out = relax_out.get_dict() try: total_energy = relax_out['energy'] total_energy_units = relax_out['energy_units'] atomtype_info = relax_out['relax_atomtype_info'] except KeyError: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_RELAX_OUTPUT self.ctx.total_energy_last = total_energy self.ctx.total_energy_units = total_energy_units self.ctx.atomtype_info = atomtype_info fleurinp = FleurinpData(files=['inp.xml', 'relax.xml'], node=retrieved_node) structure = fleurinp.get_structuredata_ncf() self.ctx.final_structure = structure
[docs] def get_results_final_scf(self): """ Parser some results of final scf """ try: scf_out = self.ctx.scf_final_res.outputs.last_calc.output_parameters except NotExistent: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_SCF_OUTPUT scf_out_d = scf_out.get_dict() try: total_energy = scf_out_d['energy'] total_energy_units = scf_out_d['energy_units'] except KeyError:'ERROR: Could not parse total energy of final scf run') #return self.exit_codes.ERROR_NO_RELAX_OUTPUT self.ctx.total_energy_last = total_energy self.ctx.total_energy_units = total_energy_units if self.ctx.wf_dict.get('relaxation_type', 'atoms') is None: # we need this for run through self.ctx.scf_res = self.ctx.scf_final_res #if jspin ==2 try: total_mag = scf_out_d['total_magnetic_moment_cell'] self.ctx.total_magnetic_moment = total_mag except KeyError:'ERROR: Could not parse total magnetic moment cell of final scf run')
[docs] def return_results(self): """ This function stores results of the workchain into the output nodes. """ #TODO maybe we want to have a more detailed array output node with the force and # position history of all atoms? out = { 'workflow_name': self.__class__.__name__, 'workflow_version': self._workflowversion, 'energy': self.ctx.total_energy_last, 'energy_units': self.ctx.total_energy_units, 'info':, 'warnings': self.ctx.warnings, 'errors': self.ctx.errors, 'force': self.ctx.forces, 'force_iter_done': self.ctx.loop_count, 'total_magnetic_moment_cell': self.ctx.total_magnetic_moment, 'total_magnetic_moment_cell_units': 'muBohr' } outnode = Dict(out) con_nodes = {} try: relax_out = self.ctx.scf_res.outputs.last_calc.output_parameters except NotExistent: relax_out = None if relax_out is not None: con_nodes['last_fleur_calc_output'] = relax_out if all([self.ctx.wf_dict.get('run_final_scf', False), self.ctx.reached_relax]): try: scf_out = self.ctx.scf_final_res.outputs.last_calc.output_parameters except NotExistent: scf_out = None if relax_out is not None: con_nodes['last_scf__output'] = scf_out # TODO: for a trajectory output node all corresponding nodes have to go into # con_nodes if self.ctx.final_structure is not None: outdict = create_relax_result_node(output_relax_wc_para=outnode, optimized_structure=self.ctx.final_structure, **con_nodes) else: outdict = create_relax_result_node(output_relax_wc_para=outnode, **con_nodes) #Expose the outputs of the last scf calculation self.out_many(self.exposed_outputs(self.ctx.scf_res, FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='last_scf')) # return output nodes for link_name, node in outdict.items(): self.out(link_name, node) if self.ctx.switch_bfgs: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SWITCH_BFGS if not self.ctx.reached_relax: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_DID_NOT_RELAX
[docs] def control_end_wc(self, errormsg): """ Controlled way to shutdown the workchain. It will initialize the output nodes The shutdown of the workchain will has to be done afterwards. """ self.ctx.errors.append(errormsg) self.return_results()
[docs]@cf def create_relax_result_node(**kwargs): """ This calcfunction assures the right provenance (additional links) for ALL result nodes it takes any nodes as input and return a special set of nodes. All other inputs will be connected in the DB to these ourput nodes """ outdict = {} for key, val in kwargs.items(): if key == 'output_relax_wc_para': # should always be present outnode = val.clone() # dublicate node instead of circle (keep DAG) outnode.label = 'output_relax_wc_para' outnode.description = ('Contains results and information of an FleurRelaxWorkChain run.') outdict['output_relax_wc_para'] = outnode if key == 'optimized_structure': structure = val.clone() # dublicate node instead of circle (keep DAG) structure.label = 'optimized_structure' structure.description = ('Relaxed structure result of an FleurRelaxWorkChain run.') outdict['optimized_structure'] = structure return outdict