Source code for aiida_fleur.workflows.orbcontrol

# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the AiiDA-FLEUR package.                               #
#                                                                             #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at    #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file            #
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    In this module you find the workflow 'FleurOrbControlWorkChain' for finding the groundstate
    in a DFT+U calculation.
from aiida import orm
from aiida.engine import WorkChain, ToContext, if_, ExitCode
from aiida.engine import calcfunction as cf
from aiida.orm import Dict, Code, StructureData, RemoteData
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent

from import test_and_get_codenode
from import get_inputs_fleur, get_inputs_inpgen

from aiida_fleur.calculation.fleur import FleurCalculation
from aiida_fleur.workflows.scf import FleurScfWorkChain
from aiida_fleur.workflows.base_fleur import FleurBaseWorkChain
from import FleurinpModifier, inpxml_changes
from import FleurinpData, get_fleurinp_from_remote_data

import numpy as np
from lxml import etree
import re

[docs]def generate_density_matrix_configurations(occupations=None, configurations=None): """ Generate all the necessary density matrix configurations from either the occupations or the explicitly given configurations for each species/orbital Both arguments are expected as dictionaries in the form ``d[species][orbital]``, with the orbital key holding the specification for the current LDA+U procedure :param occupations: specifying the occupations for each procedure :param configurations: specifying a explicit list of configurations that should be calculated :returns: list of dictionaries with all the possible starting configurations for the whole system """ from more_itertools import distinct_permutations from itertools import product if occupations is not None and configurations is not None: raise ValueError('Please provide either occupations or configurations not both') config_dict = {} #This dictionary will contain all distinct permutations for each #species/orbital. They are recombined after if occupations is not None: #The initial occupations were given for species, occ_species in occupations.items(): for orbital, fixed_occ in occ_species.items(): ind = f'{species}-{orbital}' l = int(orbital) config_dict[ind] = [] if not isinstance(fixed_occ, list): spin_occupation = fixed_occ // 2 if fixed_occ % 2 == 0: fixed_occ = [spin_occupation, spin_occupation] else: fixed_occ = [spin_occupation + 1, spin_occupation] #not ideal but for fine for now if any(x > 2 * l + 1 for x in fixed_occ): raise ValueError(f'Invalid occupation {species} {orbital}: {fixed_occ}') for occ in fixed_occ: spin_configs = [] start = [0 for _ in range(2 * l + 1)] #Fill up the occupations until it matches the wanted one i = 0 while sum(start) < occ: start[i] = 1 i += 1 for config in distinct_permutations(start): spin_configs.append(config) if len(config_dict[ind]) != 0: spin_configs = product(config_dict[ind], spin_configs) combined_config = [] for config in spin_configs: combined_config.append(config) config_dict[ind] = combined_config elif configurations is not None: #The configurations were given explicitely for species, configs_species in configurations.items(): for orbital, configs in configs_species.items(): ind = f'{species}-{orbital}' if not isinstance(configs[0], list): configs = [configs] config_dict[ind] = configs #Now combine them all_atom_configs = [] for configs in product(*config_dict.values()): current_config = {} for index, key in enumerate(config_dict.keys()): current_config[key] = configs[index] all_atom_configs.append(current_config) return all_atom_configs
[docs]class FleurOrbControlWorkChain(WorkChain): """ Workchain for determining the groundstate density matrix in an DFT+U calculation. This is done in 2 or 3 steps: 1. Converge the system without DFT+U (a converged calculation can be provided to skip this step) 2. A fixed number of iterations is run with fixed density matrices either generated as all distinct permutations for the given occupations or the explicitly given configurations 3. The system and density matrix is relaxed :param wf_parameters: (Dict), Workchain Specifications :param scf_no_ldau: (Dict), Inputs to a FleurScfWorkChain providing the initial system either converged or staring from a structure :param scf_with_ldau: (Dict), Inputs to a FleurScfWorkChain. Only the wf_parameters are valid :param fleurinp: (FleurinpData) FleurinpData to start from if no SCF should be done :param remote: (RemoteData) RemoteData to start from if no SCF should be done :param structure: (StructureData) Structure to start from if no SCF should be done :param calc_parameters: (Dict), Inpgen Parameters :param settings: (Dict), additional settings for e.g retrieving files :param options: (Dict), Options for the submission of the jobs :param inpgen: (Code) :param fleur: (Code) """ _workflowversion = '0.6.0' _default_options = { 'resources': { 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1 }, 'max_wallclock_seconds': 2 * 60 * 60, 'queue_name': '', 'custom_scheduler_commands': '', 'import_sys_environment': False, 'environment_variables': {} } _wf_default = { 'iterations_fixed': 30, 'distance_cutoff_relaxed': 5, 'ldau_dict': None, 'use_orbital_occupation': False, 'fixed_occupations': None, 'fixed_configurations': None, 'inpxml_changes': [], 'add_comp_para': { 'only_even_MPI': False, 'max_queue_nodes': 20, 'max_queue_wallclock_sec': 86400 }, }
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super().define(spec) spec.expose_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace_options={ 'required': False, 'populate_defaults': False, 'help': 'Inputs for SCF Workchain before adding LDA+U' }, namespace='scf_no_ldau') spec.input('remote', valid_type=RemoteData, required=False) spec.input('fleurinp', valid_type=FleurinpData, required=False) spec.input('structure', valid_type=StructureData, required=False) spec.input('calc_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.expose_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace_options={ 'required': False, 'populate_defaults': False, 'help': 'Inputs for SCF Workchain after the LDA+U matrix was fixed' }, exclude=('structure', 'fleurinp', 'remote_data'), namespace='scf_with_ldau') spec.input('fleur', valid_type=Code, required=True) spec.input('inpgen', valid_type=Code, required=False) spec.input('wf_parameters', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input('options', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input('options_inpgen', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input('settings', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input('settings_inpgen', valid_type=Dict, required=False) spec.input_namespace('fixed_remotes', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, dynamic=True, required=False) spec.input_namespace('relaxed_remotes', valid_type=orm.RemoteData, dynamic=True, required=False) spec.outline(cls.start, cls.validate_input, if_(cls.scf_no_ldau_needed)(cls.converge_scf_no_ldau).elif_(cls.inpgen_needed)(cls.run_inpgen), cls.create_configurations, if_(cls.run_fixed_calculations)(cls.run_fleur_fixed), cls.converge_scf, cls.return_results) spec.output('output_orbcontrol_wc_para', valid_type=Dict) spec.output('groundstate_denmat', valid_type=orm.SinglefileData, required=False) spec.expose_outputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='groundstate_scf') spec.exit_code(230, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM', message='Invalid workchain parameters.') spec.exit_code(231, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG', message='Invalid input configuration.') spec.exit_code(233, 'ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PROVIDED', message='Input codes do not correspond to fleur or inpgen respectively.') spec.exit_code(235, 'ERROR_CHANGING_FLEURINPUT_FAILED', message='Input file modification failed.') spec.exit_code(236, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE', message="Input file was corrupted after user's modifications.") spec.exit_code(342, 'ERROR_SOME_CONFIGS_FAILED', message='Convergence LDA+U calculation failed for some Initial configurations.') spec.exit_code(343, 'ERROR_ALL_CONFIGS_FAILED', message='Convergence LDA+U calculation failed for all Initial configurations.') spec.exit_code(360, 'ERROR_INPGEN_CALCULATION_FAILED', message='Inpgen calculation failed.') spec.exit_code(450, 'ERROR_SCF_NOLDAU_FAILED', message='Convergence workflow without LDA+U failed.')
[docs] @classmethod def get_builder_continue_fixed(cls, node): """ Get a Builder prepared with inputs to continue from the charge densities of a already finished MagRotateWorkChain :param node: Instance, from which the calculation should be continued """ builder = node.get_builder_restart() scf_nodes = node.get_outgoing(node_class=FleurBaseWorkChain).all() for link in scf_nodes: if not link.node.is_finished_ok: continue if not re.fullmatch(r'Fixed\_[0-9]+', link.link_label): continue builder.fixed_remotes[link.link_label] = link.node.outputs.remote_folder return builder
[docs] @classmethod def get_builder_continue_relaxed(cls, node, allow_nonconverged=True): """ Get a Builder prepared with inputs to continue from the charge densities of a already finished MagRotateWorkChain :param node: Instance, from which the calculation should be continued """ builder = node.get_builder_restart() scf_nodes = node.get_outgoing(node_class=FleurScfWorkChain).all() for link in scf_nodes: if not link.node.is_finished_ok: if allow_nonconverged: if link.node.exit_status not in FleurScfWorkChain.get_exit_statuses(['ERROR_DID_NOT_CONVERGE']): continue else: continue if not re.fullmatch(r'Relaxed\_[0-9]+', link.link_label): continue builder.relaxed_remotes[link.link_label] = link.node.outputs.remote_folder return builder
[docs] def start(self): """ init context and some parameters """'INFO: started orbital occupation control workflow version {self._workflowversion}') ####### init ####### # internal para /control para self.ctx.scf_no_ldau = None self.ctx.scf_no_ldau_needed = False self.ctx.skip_fixed_calculations = False self.ctx.inpgen_needed = False self.ctx.fixed_configurations = [] self.ctx.successful = True = [] self.ctx.warnings = [] self.ctx.errors = [] self.ctx.description_wf = self.inputs.get('description', '') + '|fleur_orbcontrol_wc|' self.ctx.label_wf = self.inputs.get('label', 'fleur_orbcontrol_wc') wf_default = self._wf_default if 'wf_parameters' in self.inputs: wf_dict = self.inputs.wf_parameters.get_dict() else: wf_dict = wf_default for key, val in wf_default.items(): wf_dict[key] = wf_dict.get(key, val) self.ctx.wf_dict = wf_dict # initialize the dictionary using defaults if no options are given defaultoptions = self._default_options if 'options' in self.inputs: options = self.inputs.options.get_dict() else: options = defaultoptions # extend options given by user using defaults for key, val in defaultoptions.items(): options[key] = options.get(key, val) self.ctx.options = options
[docs] def validate_input(self): """ validate input """ extra_keys = [] for key in self.ctx.wf_dict: if key not in self._wf_default: extra_keys.append(key) if extra_keys: error = f'ERROR: input wf_parameters for Orbcontrol contains extra keys: {extra_keys}' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM ldau_dict = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('ldau_dict') ldau_keys_required = ['l', 'U', 'J', 'l_amf'] if ldau_dict is not None: missing = [] for species, current in ldau_dict.items(): for key in ldau_keys_required: if key not in current: missing.append(key) if missing: error = 'ERROR: Missing input: The following required keys are missing from ldau_dict' \ f' for species {species}: {missing}' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM else: error = 'ERROR: Missing input: ldau_dict was not speciified' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM max_iters = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('iterations_fixed') if max_iters <= 1: error = "ERROR: 'iterations_fixed' should be equal at least 2" return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM occupations_dict = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('fixed_occupations') configurations_dict = self.ctx.wf_dict.get('fixed_configurations') #TODO:check occupations or configurations if occupations_dict is not None: if configurations_dict is not None: error = 'ERROR: Invalid input: Only provide one of fixed_occupations and fixed_configurations' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM for species, occ_species in occupations_dict.items(): for orbital, occ in occ_species.items(): if species not in ldau_dict: error = f'ERROR: Invalid input: {species} defined in fixed_occupations but not in ldau_dict' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM missing = False if isinstance(ldau_dict[species], dict): if int(orbital) != ldau_dict[species]['l']: missing = True else: for index, current_dict in enumerate(ldau_dict[species]): if int(orbital) == current_dict['l']: break if index == len(ldau_dict) - 1: missing = True if missing: error = f'ERROR: Invalid input: Orbital {orbital} is given in fixed_occupations for {species}, ' \ ' but it is not defined in ldau_dict' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM if not isinstance(occ, list): error = f'ERROR: Invalid input: {species} defined in fixed_occupations invalid type' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM else: if configurations_dict is not None: for species, occ_species in occupations_dict.items(): for orbital, occ in occ_species.items(): if species not in ldau_dict: error = f'ERROR: Invalid input: {species} defined in fixed_configurations but not in ldau_dict' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM missing = False if isinstance(ldau_dict[species], dict): if int(orbital) != ldau_dict[species]['l']: missing = True else: for index, current_dict in enumerate(ldau_dict[species]): if int(orbital) == current_dict['l']: break if index == len(ldau_dict) - 1: missing = True if missing: error = f'ERROR: Invalid input: Orbital {orbital} is given in fixed_configurations for {species}, ' \ ' but it is not defined in ldau_dict' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM if not isinstance(occ, list): error = f'ERROR: Invalid input: {species} defined in fixed_configurations invalid type' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM else: error = 'ERROR: Missing input: Provide one of fixed_occupations or fixed_configurations' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM inputs = self.inputs if 'fleur' in inputs: try: test_and_get_codenode(inputs.fleur, 'fleur.fleur') except ValueError: error = 'The code you provided for FLEUR does not use the plugin fleur.fleur' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PROVIDED if 'inpgen' in inputs: try: test_and_get_codenode(inputs.inpgen, 'fleur.inpgen') except ValueError: error = 'The code you provided for INPGEN does not use the plugin fleur.inpgen' return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_CODE_PROVIDED fleurinp = None remote = None if 'scf_no_ldau' in inputs: input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf_no_ldau')) self.ctx.scf_no_ldau_needed = True if 'fleurinp' in input_scf: fleurinp = input_scf.fleurinp if 'remote_data' in input_scf: remote = input_scf.remote_data if 'remote' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + remote for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'fleurinp' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + fleurinp for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'structure' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + structure for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'calc_parameters' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + calc_parameters for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'inpgen' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + inpgen for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'relaxed_remotes' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave SCF input + Charge densities for relaxation to start from' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG elif 'structure' in inputs: self.ctx.inpgen_needed = True if 'inpgen' not in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave structure input but no inpgen code Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'relaxed_remotes' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave structure input + Charge densities for relaxation to start from' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG elif 'remote' not in inputs and 'fleurinp' not in inputs and 'relaxed_remotes' not in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave neither SCF input nor remote or fleurinp' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG else: if 'calc_parameters' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave remote(s)/fleurinp input + calc_parameters for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'structure' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave remote(s)/fleurinp input + structure for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'inpgen' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave remote(s)/fleurinp input + inpgen for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'relaxed_remotes' in inputs: if 'fixed_remotes' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave fixed and relaxed remotes for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'remote' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave relaxed remotes + remote for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG if 'fleurinp' in inputs: error = 'ERROR: you gave relaxed remotes + fleurinp for the Orbcontrol calculation' self.control_end_wc(error) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_CONFIG self.ctx.skip_fixed_calculations = True if 'remote' in inputs: remote = inputs.remote if 'fleurinp' in inputs: fleurinp = inputs.fleurinp if fleurinp is not None: modes = fleurinp.get_fleur_modes() if modes['ldau']: error = f"ERROR: Wrong input: fleurinp {'in scf_no_ldau' if 'scf_no_ldau' in inputs else ''} already contains LDA+U" return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM if remote is not None: retrieved_filenames = remote.creator.outputs.retrieved.list_object_names() if FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_FILE_NAME in retrieved_filenames or \ FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_HDF5_FILE_NAME in retrieved_filenames: error = f"ERROR: Wrong input: remote_data {'in scf_no_ldau' if 'scf_no_ldau' in inputs else ''} already contains LDA+U" return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PARAM
[docs] def scf_no_ldau_needed(self): """ Returns whether to run an additional scf workchain before adding LDA+U """ return self.ctx.scf_no_ldau_needed
[docs] def run_fixed_calculations(self): """ Returns whether to run frozen density matrix calculations """ return not self.ctx.skip_fixed_calculations
[docs] def converge_scf_no_ldau(self): """ Launch fleur.scf for the system without LDA+U """ inputs = self.get_inputs_scf_no_ldau()'Info: Run SCF without LDA+U') future = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, **inputs) future.label = 'scf_no_ldau' future.description = 'SCF Calculation for orbital occupation control before adding DFT+U' return ToContext(scf_no_ldau=future)
[docs] def get_inputs_scf_no_ldau(self): """ Get the inputs for the scf workchain without LDA+U """ input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf_no_ldau')) if 'fleur' not in input_scf: input_scf.fleur = self.inputs.fleur if 'options' not in input_scf: input_scf.options = self.inputs.options input_scf.metadata.call_link_label = 'scf_no_ldau' return input_scf
[docs] def inpgen_needed(self): """ Returns whether the inpgen should be run directly by this workchain """ return self.ctx.inpgen_needed
[docs] def run_inpgen(self): """ Run the input generator """ ## prepare inputs for inpgen structure = self.inputs.structure self.ctx.formula = structure.get_formula() label = 'scf: inpgen' description = f'{self.ctx.description_wf} inpgen on {self.ctx.formula}' inpgencode = self.inputs.inpgen if 'calc_parameters' in self.inputs: params = self.inputs.calc_parameters else: params = None if 'settings_inpgen' in self.inputs: settings = self.inputs.settings_inpgen else: settings = None if 'options_inpgen' in self.inputs: options = self.inputs.options_inpgen else: #Only take the parts that could be relevant (resources is overwritten anyway) options = {'queue_name': self.inputs.options.get_dict().get('queue_name', '')} if 'max_wallclock_seconds' in options: options['max_wallclock_seconds'] = int(self.inputs.options['max_wallclock_seconds']) inputs_build = get_inputs_inpgen(structure, inpgencode, options, label, description, settings=settings, params=params) inputs_build.metadata.call_link_label = 'inpgen' # Launch inpgen'INFO: run inpgen') future = self.submit(inputs_build) future.label = 'inpgen' future.description = 'Inpgen calculation for Orbital occupation control workflow' return ToContext(inpgen=future)
[docs] def create_configurations(self): """ Creates the configurations for the initial density matrices If fixed_occupations was provided the density matrices are constructed as having the given occupations and constructing all distinct permutations If fixed_configurations was provided only the given configurations are taken """ all_atom_configs = generate_density_matrix_configurations( occupations=self.ctx.wf_dict['fixed_occupations'], configurations=self.ctx.wf_dict['fixed_configurations'])'INFO: Generated {len(all_atom_configs)} distinct fixed starting configurations') self.ctx.fixed_configurations = all_atom_configs
[docs] def run_fleur_fixed(self): """ Launches fleur.base with l_linMix=T and mixParam=0.0, i.e. with a fixed density matrix for all configurations. """ if self.ctx.scf_no_ldau_needed: if not self.ctx.scf_no_ldau.is_finished_ok: error = ('ERROR: SCF workflow without LDA+U was not successful') return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SCF_NOLDAU_FAILED try: self.ctx.scf_no_ldau.outputs.output_scf_wc_para except NotExistent: message = ('ERROR: SCF workflow without LDA+U failed, no scf output node') self.ctx.errors.append(message) return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SCF_NOLDAU_FAILED'INFO: Run fixed density matrix calculations') for index, config in enumerate(self.ctx.fixed_configurations): inputs, status = self.get_inputs_fixed_configurations(index, config) if status: return status label = f'Fixed_{index}' inputs.setdefault('metadata', {})['call_link_label'] = label res = self.submit(FleurBaseWorkChain, **inputs) res.label = label res.description = f'DFT+U calculation with fixed configuration number {index}' self.to_context(**{label: res})
[docs] def get_inputs_fixed_configurations(self, index, config): """ Sets up the input for the fixed density matrix calculation. """ remote_data = None if self.ctx.scf_no_ldau_needed: try: fleurinp = self.ctx.scf_no_ldau.outputs.fleurinp remote_data = self.ctx.scf_no_ldau.outputs.last_calc.remote_folder except NotExistent: error = 'Fleurinp generated in the SCF calculation is not found.' self.control_end_wc(error) return {}, self.exit_codes.ERROR_SCF_NOLDAU_FAILED elif self.ctx.inpgen_needed: if not self.ctx.inpgen.is_finished_ok: error = 'Inpgen calculation failed' self.control_end_wc(error) return {}, self.exit_codes.ERROR_INPGEN_CALCULATION_FAILED try: fleurinp = self.ctx.inpgen.outputs.fleurinp except (AttributeError, NotExistent): return {}, self.exit_codes.ERROR_INPGEN_CALCULATION_FAILED else: if 'remote' in self.inputs: remote_data = self.inputs.remote if 'fixed_remotes' in self.inputs and \ f'Fixed_{index}' in self.inputs.fixed_remotes:'INFO: overwriting remote folder with given fixed remote for configuration {index}') remote_data = self.inputs.fixed_remotes[f'Fixed_{index}'] if 'fleurinp' not in self.inputs: fleurinp = get_fleurinp_from_remote_data(remote_data, store=True) f'INFO: generated FleurinpData from {fleurinp.files} from remote folder pk={}') else: fleurinp = self.inputs.fleurinp inputs = self.inputs label = f'Fixed_{index}' description = f'LDA+U with fixed nmmpmat for config {index}' settings = {} if 'settings' in inputs: settings = inputs.settings.get_dict() settings.setdefault('remove_from_remotecopy_list', []).append('mixing_history*')'INFO: create fleurinp for config {index}') fm = FleurinpModifier(fleurinp) modes = fleurinp.get_fleur_modes() fm.set_inpchanges({'itmax': self.ctx.wf_dict['iterations_fixed'], 'l_linMix': True, 'mixParam': 0.0}) fchanges = self.ctx.wf_dict['inpxml_changes'] if fchanges: try: fm.add_task_list(fchanges) except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: error = ('ERROR: Changing the inp.xml file failed. Tried to apply inpxml_changes' f', which failed with {exc}. I abort, good luck next time!') self.control_end_wc(error) return {}, self.exit_codes.ERROR_CHANGING_FLEURINPUT_FAILED for atom_species, ldau_dict in self.ctx.wf_dict['ldau_dict'].items(): fm.set_species(atom_species, {'ldaU': ldau_dict}) for config_index, config_species in config.items(): orbital = config_index.split('-')[-1] atom_species = '-'.join(config_index.split('-')[:-1]) if len(config_species) == 2 and modes['jspin'] == 1:'Configuration for species {atom_species} is given spin-polarized, ' 'but the calculation is non-spinpolarized. Summing up configurations.') config_species = [sum(np.array(config) for config in config_species).tolist()] for spin, config_spin in enumerate(config_species): if self.ctx.wf_dict['use_orbital_occupation']: fm.set_nmmpmat(species_name=atom_species, orbital=int(orbital), spin=spin + 1, orbital_occupations=config_spin) else: fm.set_nmmpmat(species_name=atom_species, orbital=int(orbital), spin=spin + 1, state_occupations=config_spin) try:, validate=True) except etree.DocumentInvalid: self.control_end_wc('ERROR: input, inp.xml changes did not validate') return {}, self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_FILE except ValueError as exc: error = ('ERROR: input, inp.xml changes could not be applied.' f'The following error was raised {exc}') self.control_end_wc(error) return {}, self.exit_codes.ERROR_CHANGING_FLEURINPUT_FAILED fleurinp_fixed = fm.freeze() input_fixed = get_inputs_fleur(inputs.fleur, remote_data, fleurinp_fixed, self.ctx.options, label, description, settings=settings, add_comp_para=self.ctx.wf_dict['add_comp_para']) return input_fixed, None
[docs] def converge_scf(self): """ Launch fleur.scf after the fixed density matrix calculations to relax the density matrix """'INFO: Relax density matrices') for index, config in enumerate(self.ctx.fixed_configurations): inputs = self.get_inputs_scf() if self.ctx.skip_fixed_calculations: if f'Relaxed_{index}' not in self.inputs.relaxed_remotes:'INFO: Skipping configuration {index}') continue inputs.remote_data = self.inputs.relaxed_remotes[f'Relaxed_{index}'] else: fixed_calc = self.ctx[f'Fixed_{index}'] if not fixed_calc.is_finished_ok: message = f'One Base workflow (fixed nmmpmat) failed: {index}' self.ctx.warnings.append(message) continue try: fixed_calc.outputs.output_parameters except NotExistent: message = f'One Base workflow (fixed nmmpmat) failed, no output node: {index}. I skip this one.' self.ctx.errors.append(message) continue inputs.fleurinp = fixed_calc.inputs.fleurinp inputs.remote_data = fixed_calc.outputs.remote_folder label = f'Relaxed_{index}' inputs.setdefault('metadata', {})['call_link_label'] = label res = self.submit(FleurScfWorkChain, **inputs) res.label = label res.description = f'DFT+U calculation for configuration number {index} converging the density matrix' self.to_context(**{label: res})
[docs] def get_inputs_scf(self): """ Get the input for the scf workchain after the fixed density matrix calculations to relax the density matrix """ if 'scf_with_ldau' in self.inputs: input_scf = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='scf_with_ldau')) else: input_scf = AttributeDict({}) if 'fleur' not in input_scf: input_scf.fleur = self.inputs.fleur if 'options' not in input_scf: input_scf.options = self.inputs.options if 'settings' not in input_scf: settings = {} else: settings = input_scf.settings.get_dict() settings.setdefault('remove_from_remotecopy_list', []).append('mixing_history*') input_scf.settings = Dict(settings) scf_wf_parameters = {} if 'wf_parameters' in input_scf: scf_wf_parameters = input_scf.wf_parameters.get_dict() scf_wf_parameters['stop_if_last_distance_exceeds'] = self.ctx.wf_dict['distance_cutoff_relaxed'] with inpxml_changes(scf_wf_parameters) as fm: fm.set_inpchanges({'l_linmix': False}) input_scf.wf_parameters = Dict(scf_wf_parameters) input_scf.settings = Dict(settings) return input_scf
[docs] def return_results(self): """ return the results of the relaxed DFT+U calculations (scf workchains) """ distancelist = [] t_energylist = [] failed_configs = [] skipped_configs = [] non_converged_configs = [] configs_list = [] outnodedict = {} e_u = 'htr' dis_u = 'me/bohr^3' for index, config in enumerate(self.ctx.fixed_configurations): if f'Relaxed_{index}' in self.ctx: calc = self.ctx[f'Relaxed_{index}'] elif not self.ctx.skip_fixed_calculations: message = (f'One SCF workflow was not run because the fixed calculation failed: Relaxed_{index}') self.ctx.warnings.append(message) self.ctx.successful = False failed_configs.append(index) t_energylist.append(None) distancelist.append(None) continue elif f'Relaxed_{index}' in self.inputs.relaxed_remotes: message = (f'One SCF workflow was not run for unknown reasons: Relaxed_{index}') self.ctx.warnings.append(message) self.ctx.successful = False failed_configs.append(index) t_energylist.append(None) distancelist.append(None) continue else: skipped_configs.append(index) t_energylist.append(None) distancelist.append(None) continue if not calc.is_finished_ok: message = f'One SCF workflow was not successful: Relaxed_{index}' self.ctx.warnings.append(message) self.ctx.successful = False #We dont skip simply non-converged calculations #because we want to try to exctract the total_energy if calc.exit_status not in FleurScfWorkChain.get_exit_statuses(['ERROR_DID_NOT_CONVERGE']): failed_configs.append(index) t_energylist.append(None) distancelist.append(None) continue non_converged_configs.append(index) try: outputnode_scf = calc.outputs.output_scf_wc_para except NotExistent: message = f'One SCF workflow failed, no scf output node: Relaxed_{index}. I skip this one.' self.ctx.errors.append(message) self.ctx.successful = False failed_configs.append(index) t_energylist.append(None) distancelist.append(None) continue try: fleurinp_scf = calc.outputs.fleurinp except NotExistent: message = f'One SCF workflow failed, no fleurinp output node: Relaxed_{index}. I skip this one.' self.ctx.errors.append(message) self.ctx.successful = False failed_configs.append(index) t_energylist.append(None) distancelist.append(None) continue # we loose the connection of the failed scf here. # link labels cannot contain '.' link_label = f'configuration_{index}' fleurinp_label = f'fleurinp_{index}' outnodedict[link_label] = outputnode_scf outnodedict[fleurinp_label] = fleurinp_scf outpara = outputnode_scf.get_dict() t_e = outpara.get('total_energy', None) e_u = outpara.get('total_energy_units', 'htr') dis = outpara.get('distance_charge', None) dis_u = outpara.get('distance_charge_units', 'me/bohr^3') t_energylist.append(t_e) distancelist.append(dis) configs_list.append(index) converged_configs = [index for index in configs_list if index not in non_converged_configs] out = { 'workflow_name': self.__class__.__name__, 'workflow_version': self._workflowversion, 'configurations': self.ctx.fixed_configurations, 'total_energy': t_energylist, 'total_energy_units': e_u, 'distance_charge': distancelist, 'distance_charge_units': dis_u, 'successful_configs': configs_list, 'converged_configs': converged_configs, 'non_converged_configs': non_converged_configs, 'failed_configs': failed_configs, 'skipped_configs': skipped_configs, 'groundstate_configuration': None, 'info':, 'warnings': self.ctx.warnings, 'errors': self.ctx.errors } if self.ctx.successful:'Done, Orbital occupation control calculation complete') elif any(e is not None for e in t_energylist):'Done, but something went wrong.... Probably some individual calculation failed or' ' a scf-cycle did not reach the desired distance.') else:'Done, but something went wrong.... All Calculations failed. Probably something is' ' wrong in your setup') #Find the minimal total energy in the list if any(e is not None for e in t_energylist): energy = np.array(t_energylist, dtype=float) converged_mask = np.ones(energy.size, dtype=bool) converged_mask[non_converged_configs] = False converged_mask[failed_configs] = False converged_mask[skipped_configs] = False non_converged_mask = np.ones(energy.size, dtype=bool) non_converged_mask[converged_configs] = False non_converged_mask[failed_configs] = False non_converged_mask[skipped_configs] = False if len(energy[converged_mask]) != 0: converged_minimum_energy = np.nanmin(energy[converged_mask]) if len(energy[non_converged_mask]) != 0: if np.nanmin(energy[non_converged_mask]) < converged_minimum_energy: lower_non_converged = np.array(non_converged_configs)[energy[non_converged_mask] < converged_minimum_energy] out['warnings'].extend(f"Configuration 'Relaxed_{index}' did not converge " 'but is lower in energy than the lowest converged configuration' for index in lower_non_converged) #Replace the non-converged calculations with NaN #If we were to simply do np.nanargmin(energy[converged_mask]) #The index will no longer match up with the complete list energy[~converged_mask] = np.nan groundstate_index = np.nanargmin(energy) out['groundstate_configuration'] = groundstate_index if f'Relaxed_{groundstate_index}' in self.ctx: groundstate_scf = self.ctx[f'Relaxed_{groundstate_index}'] self.out_many(self.exposed_outputs(groundstate_scf, FleurScfWorkChain, namespace='groundstate_scf')) #Retrieve the nmmpmat file and provide it as an singlefiledata output retrieved = groundstate_scf.outputs.last_calc.retrieved nmmp_node = extract_nmmp_file(retrieved) if not isinstance(nmmp_node, ExitCode): self.out('groundstate_denmat', nmmp_node) else: 'Something went wrong. The groundstate SCF calculation contains no density matrix file') outnode = Dict(out) outnodedict['results_node'] = outnode # create links between all these nodes... outputnode_dict = create_orbcontrol_result_node(**outnodedict) outputnode = outputnode_dict.get('output_orbcontrol_wc_para') outputnode.label = 'output_orbcontrol_wc_para' outputnode.description = ( 'Contains orbital occupation control results and information of an FleurOrbControlWorkChain run.') self.out('output_orbcontrol_wc_para', outputnode) outputscf = outputnode_dict.get('output_orbcontrol_wc_gs_scf', None) if outputscf: outputscf.label = 'output_orbcontrol_wc_gs_scf' outputscf.description = ('SCF output from the run with the lowest total ' 'energy extracted from FleurOrbControlWorkChain') if all(e is None for e in t_energylist) or out.get('groundstate_configuration') is None: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_ALL_CONFIGS_FAILED if not self.ctx.successful: return self.exit_codes.ERROR_SOME_CONFIGS_FAILED
[docs] def control_end_wc(self, errormsg): """ Controlled way to shutdown the workchain. It will initialize the output nodes The shutdown of the workchain will has to be done afterwards """ self.ctx.successful = False self.ctx.errors.append(errormsg) self.return_results()
[docs]@cf def create_orbcontrol_result_node(**kwargs): """ This is a pseudo cf, to create the right graph structure of AiiDA. This calcfunction will create the output nodes in the database. It also connects the output_nodes to all nodes the information comes from. This includes the output_parameter node for the orbcontrol, connections to run scfs, and returning of the gs_calculation (best initial density matrix) So far it is just parsed in as kwargs argument, because we are to lazy to put most of the code overworked from return_results in here. """ outdict = {} outpara = kwargs.get('results_node', {}) outdict['output_orbcontrol_wc_para'] = outpara.clone() # copy, because we rather produce the same node twice # then have a circle in the database for now... outputdict = outpara.get_dict() groundstate_index = outputdict.get('groundstate_configuration') if groundstate_index is None: return outdict if f'configuration_{groundstate_index}' in kwargs: outdict['output_orbcontrol_wc_gs_scf'] = kwargs[f'configuration_{groundstate_index}'].clone() if f'fleurinp_{groundstate_index}' in kwargs: outdict['output_orbcontrol_wc_gs_fleurinp'] = kwargs[f'fleurinp_{groundstate_index}'].clone() return outdict
[docs]@cf def extract_nmmp_file(folder): """ Extract the density matrix file from the given folder data :raises: ExitCode 300, No density matrix file found """ filenames = folder.list_object_names() nmmp_filename = None if FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_FILE_NAME in filenames: nmmp_filename = FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_FILE_NAME elif FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_HDF5_FILE_NAME in filenames: nmmp_filename = FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_HDF5_FILE_NAME if nmmp_filename is None: return ExitCode(300, message='FolderData has no density matrix file') with, 'rb') as nmmp_file: nmmp_node = orm.SinglefileData(nmmp_file, filename=FleurCalculation._NMMPMAT_FILE_NAME) nmmp_node.label = 'groundstate_denmat' nmmp_node.description = 'Converged density matrix file calculated in the orbcontrol workchain' return nmmp_node