Source code for

This module defines XML modifying functions, that require an aiida node as input
from __future__ import annotations

from masci_tools.util.typing import XMLLike
from import InputSchemaDict
from aiida import orm

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal  #type: ignore[assignment]

[docs]def set_kpointsdata_f(xmltree: XMLLike, schema_dict: InputSchemaDict, kpointsdata_uuid: orm.KpointsData | int | str, name: str | None = None, switch: bool = False, kpoint_type: Literal['path', 'mesh', 'tria', 'tria-bulk', 'spex-mesh'] = 'path') -> XMLLike: """This function creates a kpoint list in the inp.xml from a :py:class:`~aiida.orm.KpointsData` Node If no weights are given the weight is distibuted equally along the kpoints :param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml :param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input :param kpointsdata_uuid: node identifier or :class:`~aiida.orm.KpointsData` node to be written into ``inp.xml`` :param name: str name to give the newly entered kpoint list (only MaX5 or later) :param switch: bool if True the entered kpoint list will be used directly (only Max5 or later) :param kpoint_type: str of the type of kpoint list given (mesh, path, etc.) only Max5 or later :return: xmltree with entered kpoint list """ # TODO: check on weights, import numpy as np from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names import set_kpointlist if not isinstance(kpointsdata_uuid, orm.KpointsData): KpointsDataNode = orm.load_node(kpointsdata_uuid) else: KpointsDataNode = kpointsdata_uuid if not isinstance(KpointsDataNode, orm.KpointsData): raise InputValidationError('The node given is not a valid KpointsData node.') try: kpoints, weights = KpointsDataNode.get_kpoints(also_weights=True, cartesian=False) except AttributeError: kpoints = KpointsDataNode.get_kpoints(cartesian=False) weights = np.ones(len(kpoints)) / len(kpoints) labels = KpointsDataNode.labels labels_dict = None if labels is not None: labels_dict = dict(labels) # try: # KpointsDataNode.get_kpoints_mesh() # kpoint_type = 'mesh' # except AttributeError: # kpoint_type = 'path' if schema_dict.inp_version <= (0, 31): xmltree = set_kpointlist(xmltree, schema_dict, kpoints, weights) else: xmltree = set_kpointlist(xmltree, schema_dict, kpoints, weights, special_labels=labels_dict, kpoint_type=kpoint_type, name=name, switch=switch) return xmltree